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Great work! / Website update

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Saw the additions. What a careful job of editing you have done!


If we want to add/edit stuff there, can we? Also, I notice an error that

was in my original posting. Could you change one or two words for me so

that the sentence makes sense?


Great job -- do many people read these confessors pages?





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> Saw the additions. What a careful job of editing you have done!


> If we want to add/edit stuff there, can we? Also, I notice an error that

> was in my original posting. Could you change one or two words for me so

> that the sentence makes sense?


> Great job -- do many people read these confessors pages?


> Love,


> --Greg


Thanks, Greg. Just let me know what you want you changed or added. I 'm glad

to do as you request. The 'nondual people' page gets 20 or 30 hits a day,

since I recently put a counter there.


For the website, I gather information in two contexts. One is demographic in

which I

collect the names and some of the works of people deemed 'nondual'. (Please,

no letters on that one, folks.) That includes the 'famous', the not so famous,

and the beginning confessors/realizers. It even includes dolphins, cats (soon

to come!), fictional characters, so we have some fun with it, too.


The other context is encyclopedic, in which nonduality is identified within

fields of knowledge. That's a surface whose scratches can be seen here. We'll

be featuring some exciting ones such as architecture and aikido. Christian

Palocz, a graduate student under Robert Thurman, is setting up Nonduality and

Western Philosophy, and perhaps I can con you, Greg, into contributing some

material. Of course others are more than welcome to contribute.


At this point it's up to someone else to 'do something' with the information

on nondual people I'm gathering. There might be a very good research project

waiting for someone who wants to delve into the demographics of nonduality.

For example, we find that most of us are around the same age: 50. It seems

that many of us have had some kind of strong childhood experience with

spiritual 'force'. There seems to be a common inner drive to pursue nondual

understanding; it is not something one enters into for primarily social

reasons or for any reason other than 'having to'. Such are a few thoughts.


I'm always open to suggestions and commentary.


A third major portion of the website is the Nonduality FAQ, which is an

on-going work in progress.


I can't do it 'all', nor am I qualified to. However, there are people who

contribute to certain portions of the website, and I'm grateful.



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<excerpt>Jerry writes:


For the website, I gather information in two contexts. One is demographic

in which I


collect the names and some of the works of people deemed 'nondual'.



....small snip...



The other context is encyclopedic, in which nonduality is identified

within fields of knowledge. That's a surface whose scratches can be seen

here. We'll be featuring some exciting ones such as architecture and

aikido. Christian Palocz, a graduate student under Robert Thurman, is

setting up Nonduality and Western Philosophy, and perhaps I can con you,

Greg, into contributing some material. Of course others are more than

welcome to contribute.






Sure, love to. There are several Westerners who either write on

non-duality, or at least provide excellent ramp-ups to the non-dual

perspective. Perhaps you can give me Christian Palocz's e-mail address

or vice-versa.




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You wrote:


>Great job -- do many people read these confessors pages?


I do, all the time! I spend very little time at websites, but Jerry's

is a marvelous resource. My stepdaughter recently had an awakening and

I was so grateful to have the address to give her. Holly

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Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:

> >Great job -- do many people read these confessors pages?


> I do, all the time! I spend very little time at websites, but Jerry's

> is a marvelous resource. My stepdaughter recently had an awakening and

> I was so grateful to have the address to give her. Holly


Thank you for that, Holly. And thanks to the people who

suggest names for the list. Most of the names are

recommended to me. My job is to see that the list is

open-minded, rich, edgy, and always incomplete.



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