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The Nonduality Website has been update with the following

additions. Most of these names came as recommendations,

which are always invited.


Thaddeus Golas. "There is not point in worry or wonder about

worse or better spiritual

conditions, although that game is available. You will not be

able to rise

above your present vibration level to stay until you love

the way you are



Kay. "Is this all there is?"


Swami Shuddhanada. ""At this moment we are concentrating on

taking care of the people so that they can be on their own.

This is the need of the hour. There is no

education, no proper means to earn money. The deprivation at


physical level is so deep. I would love them to get strength

in their

bodies first. There are villages that have started temples

on their own.

I have never told any one of them to have temples. They have

come and

told me, "Babaji, we want to have a temple. Our village is


It has become such a holy place. So we want to have

temples." But mind

you, we never went there to teach or preach religion. We

went there only

with our heart open to give love and give them the

understanding that

they have the same self-respect and self-dignity as anybody

else has in

this world. And once they have that, spirituality will

blossom out of

their hearts."


Bob Bays. "The essence of 'Ultimate Reality' is unknown

and indeed unknowable

therefore it may as well be called the 'X'.

Although the 'X' cannot be known

as the object of awareness, perception or cognition

it can be Realized

as changeless Being-without-attributes

infinite Consciousness-without-an-object

and the absolute, unmanifest Source of All"


Frank Maiello. "The only thing the mind is capable of

realizing is that it hasn't the ability to realize

[Reality]. Enquiry is the means for the Mind to discover

this. Once it's discovered, the Mind can no longer hold its

jiva captive and victimized/manipulated [as a leaf at the

mercy of the wind]. And since the Mind is no longer the

commander-in-chief attempting to dictate Reality, the Self

(Paramatman) automatically surfaces. In the strictest

sense, there is nothing (no entity) that realizes anything

else (another entity). Rather the Self shines unimpeded. The

fogbank of avarana (veil of ignorant distortion) is isolated

in the beam of atmavichara and eventually burned way by the

sun of the Self. The Self was always there, only the

mysterious fog seems to block it. Yet such fog isn't in the

least substantial. Here lies the paradox that would be

better left forgotton, for indeed *there is no paradox* upon

honest enquiry! It simply all crumbles itself into a dream

of perfect void."


Erik Asmussen. "Polarity: This implies that differences are

not merely oppositions, but that differences are

distinctions that are a nondual part of a larger whole.

Asmussen articulates and intensifies polarities. In the

dormitory Ormen Lange, which means long snake, the railing

of the second-floor exterior walkway consists of wooden

members that spring from the supporting columns like the

branches of a tree. The columns and railings rise

and fall rhythmically as they march across the face of the

building, imaging the forest against which the building is

sited and giving artistic expression to the rhythmical

movement of students as they walk along this very public

concourse. This same polarity of rising and falling can be

seen in the design of the chimneylike bathroom vents that

break the ridgeline of Ormen Lange. A vent that is shaped

with an expanded, upward-rising top is followed by one with

the opposite gesture."


Robert Rabbin. "Whether we see it nor not, the light of the

invisible Source shines within us. If we would just sit

quietly by the open window of our heart for a few minutes

each day, soon that light would be evident to us, and soon

that awakened light would heal,

inspire, and enlighten us. We would enter reality,

knowingly, and become lovers and

servants of this reality."


Greg Goode. "There are several popular teachers such as

Nisargadatta and Byron Katie,

who often speak from the Absolute (e.g., 'In my world

nothing goes wrong,'

or 'Honey, I am appearing as you!'), and who have given rise

to a whole new

style of 'advaita talk' that is taken up by advaitic



"One of the disciples of Papaji of Lucknow, India, now

himself a teacher,

told me this: to avoid the appearance of identification with

the ego, some

of Papaji's disciples go into linguistic contortions to

avoid using the

first person pronoun. It has become known as the 'Lucknow

Disease.' You

can't even discuss a movie without the disease striking.

This happened

recently: Some of us in our weekly satsang were discussing


Someone said, 'THE 13TH FLOOR was great.' I said 'I really

loved THREE

SEASONS.' A friend said, 'WHO loved it?' His girlfriend (not

a Papaji

follower) kicked him, saying 'Honey!!' I asked him, 'Who

wants to know?'"

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