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The Nonduality Website has been updated. Nonduality and

Ahimsa, and Nonduality and Transpersonal Psychology have

been added to the Encyclopedia of Nonduality page at




The page on Ahimsa, for some reason (I take the blame), is

lacking in quotes from Harsha. It was not my intention to

leave out Harsha's words, but for some reason I have filed

the relevant posts away somewhere and cannot locate them.

Imagine a desk with piles and piles of papers and not a few

pizza crusts and pop cans and you'll know what my computer

file system is like. Anyway, I'll add Harsha's writing when

I come upon it!


For that matter there are probably other important posts on

Ahimsa I've left out. But what is there is superb. Check it

out. Here's a quote from the under-represented Harsha:


Ahimsa is Stillness. It is Stillness in Movement. It cannot


captured and owned and defined, although it might be useful


do it at many levels. TG put her finger on it. Ahimsa can be


felt as Peace. Peace with one's nature. It can

be felt as Clarity. Clarity with one's own purity.





The page on Transpersonal Psychology is also excellent. It

features article that appears in the Winter '99 version of

Nuomenon: Newsletter for the Nondual Perspective, to which I

. The article gives definitions of modernism and

post-modernism which are actually comprehensible! And here's

a quote from the article:


"A transpersonal view points to authentic helping which is

nondualistic, selfless, and oriented to process not outcome.

‘Inauthentic’ service, on the other hand, might be based on

conditional love or be aimed at promoting some kind of

idealised self-image. Transpersonal service is a natural

reflexive response springing from awareness, love, openness,

and understanding. Psychotherapy is sacred activism and, in

professional counsellors, we expect love and activism to be

informed by skilful means and elegant mind."


Thanks for your time. Have a happy Fourth!



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Hi Jerry,

Powerful homesite, thank you for sending it. I will go into it as soon

as I have a moment. So many people come to my homepage now that I will also

share the info as it comes to me. Gloria

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