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NAV/here it is...

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Re: NAV/Here it is...


Hi NAV, you asked, and I reply;

>Sun, 4 Jul 1999


Re: Digest: July 2, 1999

>I came here wanting answers to my legitimate questions. The lady medidation

teacher from Australia, whom many respect, recommended this List. Thus far i

do not have the FOGGIEST idea what you guys are TALKING ABOUT!!!! cAN SOMEONE



This is what to say:


Free of the obfuscation of mind, free of the prison of the body, free of

individual human opinion, is eternal, verifyable truth; that which hangs as

plainly as the sky overhead, free of confusion, free of compulsion, clear,

understandable, universally acknowledged by the wise, and ignored by fools.


It is what empowers the productive, it is what grants permission to heroic

explorers, it is what emboldens the fearful; it is what is commonly traded

between the captains of industry, it is the icon of the brave, it is the

stamp of success.


It is all of this and more; it is the consensus of us all, that great body

of nodding heads and smiling, approving faces, it is all of the voices of

history, pointing to a better future for everyone; it is the stalwart

idealism of the mover and the shaker, the pioneer, the ones who strive to

rise above the common crowd of sleepwalking, dependant, almost-aware human



It is the embodyment of expediency, it is the getting going when the going

gets tough, it is the clear recognition of the ignorance which is otherwise

veiled by the plethora of words of the hopelessly hopeful; it is the

cutting-through of the fantasy of helplessness with the blade of

intelligence, it is the one who is not the quitter, it is the one who gets

back on after being thrown.


Further, it is that which is the certain, as opposed to the uncertain; it

is the clear landmark, the legible signpost, the comprehensive, unambiguous

roadmap, enerring in accuracy; it is the findings of those who have become

the famous leaders of humanity, who stand tall and point the way to our

destiny, it is the proud flags of all conquoring nations, snapping in the

brisk wind of taking care of business.


It is the absolute, no-nonsense, here-and-now suchness of the isness of

Being itself, presented in human form, transcendent of doubt, fear,

uncertainty, standing naked and unafraid on the advantageous mountaintop of

the present, overlooking the glorious future which it creates by its very

and doubtless faith in itself. It is the rays of the dawning of the sun the

morning of confidence, of having found what it is, and of walking boldly

into this new day of overcoming the demons of ignorance and pretend-wisdom,

to confront the waiting reward which is the goal of all good and

right-thinking people now, and forever...


It is the virtue of morality, the shield of righteousness, and the buckler

of clear conscience, it is the sword of discernment, it is the helm of

wisdom, the armor of one prepared to battle the eternal opposition of the

sluggish forces of the darkness of unreason... it is that good fight, it is

the mopping-up of the blood of heartbreak of failure, it is the

breaking-through into the light of cleanliness of universally-approved and

accepted words and deeds; it is what is always discovered by the mature,

and ignored by the perpetual population of petulant peckerwoods, who

monkeylike, mimic what they can never become...


In other words, it is the knowing that you are right.


==Gene Poole==


"Identity is the point of attachment to the world-dream"

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