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Jesus had a powerful personality.


The overturning of the money tables is a trite example.


Here's a more convincing one...

the rounding up of followers and traveling from town to town preaching.


Need I say more?

(huge ego).


The notion that a large ego is bad is simplistic.


Those with large egos are different from the average

in the sense that they have the capacity either for greater harm

or greater healing than the average.


Our choice,






I guess it depends on your definition of ego, but it sounds to me that you

are equating power and powerful acts with ego power, the desire to prove



In my definition motivation is the key. Is the person doing a powerful act

to verify and maintain a separate identity, or in the pure state of Self do

powerful acts sometimes happen?


Is there an assumption that if one is teaching and gathering followers it is

to verify limited identity, or is it possible this is

an act of compassion to awaken sleeping minds?


I don't see that descriptions of someone's behavior reveal the actual moving

force - mind or Self.



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An individual walking around after enlightenment?

I think so, but individual what? An individual body and mind, no ego,

The wheel has to spin out even though it is turned off. In other words

the mind is as individual and as real as the realised body! There is

only observation, no attachment that's all, until the body drops. A



Love Tony.



Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.



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Tony O'Clery wrote:

> An individual walking around after enlightenment?

> I think so, but individual what? An individual body and mind, no ego,


Body and mind are of ego.

If when we say 'enlightened' we think we are referring to spiritually advanced


I'd note that the people we usually think of as enlightened have larger egos

than average.


Jesus Christ/ Charles Manson.


Both very large egos.


How ego is used?

To wound or heal?


There's a practical issue.

> There is

> only observation, no attachment that's all, until the body drops.


If a body drops in a world where there's no one around to hear it,

does it make a sound?



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Xanma wrote:

> << Jesus Christ. very large ego. >>

> ---

> Where'd you get that idea?


Jesus had a powerful personality.


The overturning of the money tables is a trite example.


Here's a more convincing one...

the rounding up of followers and traveling from town to town preaching.


Need I say more?

(huge ego).


The notion that a large ego is bad is simplistic.


Those with large egos are different from the average

in the sense that they have the capacity either for greater harm

or greater healing than the average.


Our choice,



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Xanma wrote:

> I guess it depends on your definition of ego, but it sounds to me that you

> are equating power and powerful acts with ego power, the desire to prove

> oneself.



To kill someone for thrill of killing requires an immense ego

as does being a powerful healer.


Ego is a manifestation of power.

Only when we think we know what it is

comes trouble.

> In my definition motivation is the key.


Yes, intent.

We all have this ego.

*How* shall it be used?


We are not so far apart.



St Mountain


I carry a concrete cross

on my back

in a field of gravity

that attracts like a red sun.


Personality is magnetic,

like love, like sin,

sucks everything in

to the core of it's spinning gravity.


Roses come with thorns,

rainbows with rain,

and lovers, they bring pain.


Where ever I travel, it follows

like a charismatic moon,

my shadow at night.


Do I nail it to a tree?

....or wipe it out like a race.


It dwarfs like a mountain.

Do I climb it?


I sacrificed it all to be a king

that rules a kingdom

of missing persons

where nobody's home

and absenteeism's at an all-time high.


Now it's just me,

that weathers

under seething sun rays

in a relentless wind


so gradually


to sand,


to ashes,


to dust...


...like an ego eroding.



St. Mountain.


(I am)

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At 11:04 PM 7/8/99 -0400, you wrote:

>David Bozzi <david.bozzi


>Xanma wrote:


>> << Jesus Christ. very large ego. >>

>> ---

>> Where'd you get that idea?


>Jesus had a powerful personality.


Another example of the confusion of "personality" with "ego." Never have

there been two terms less understood, or more widely abused.


Hari OM,






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David Bozzi wrote:


> > << Jesus Christ. very large ego. >>

> > ---

> > Where'd you get that idea?


> The overturning of the money tables is a trite example.


> Here's a more convincing one...

> the rounding up of followers and traveling from town to town preaching.


> Need I say more?

> (huge ego).

* * *


I have trouble seeing the outburst in the Temple as ego. I always saw

it as righteous indignation. The Temple was a holy place that was being

used for all sorts of unholy activities. There are even borderlines

around this list concerning foul lanuage and flaming others.Certain

behaviours are not acceptable .

+ Maureen

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David Bozzi wrote:

> To walk into a discussion whether it's 'right' or wrong' is to walk on


> (wonder if Jesus could do that?)

* * *

Well, thanks a lot for the warning. I don't write very often.

As to if Jesus would do that, quess you seem to know.

> People that kill abortion doctors feel just as justified."

* * *

Sorry David but this much I do recall from reading about that Temple

happening. Jesus didn't kill anybody. Apples and oranges to me but what

do I know.

+ Maureen

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On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Maureen Heffernan wrote:

> Hello,

> I have trouble seeing the outburst in the Temple as ego. I always saw

> it as righteous indignation. The Temple was a holy place that was being

> used for all sorts of unholy activities. There are even borderlines

> around this list concerning foul lanuage and flaming others.Certain

> behaviours are not acceptable .

> + Maureen



Ever seen those depiction of some Buddhist deities in flames? these are

the good guys mind you, but sometimes its true that compassion manifests

in a wrathful form.


Some beings need that.



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Tim Gerchmez wrote:

> Another example of the confusion of "personality" with "ego." Never have

> there been two terms less understood, or more widely abused.


Personality is an aspect of ego.

Much like a branch is an aspect of a tree.

> Hari OM,


BTW, what's an 'OM' and have you tried Nair?

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Hi Maureen,


Maureen Heffernan wrote:

> Hello,

> I have trouble seeing the outburst in the Temple as ego. I always saw

> it as righteous indignation.


'Righteous indignation' certainly requires ego.

> The Temple was a holy place that was being

> used for all sorts of unholy activities. There are even borderlines

> around this list concerning foul lanuage and flaming others.Certain

> behaviours are not acceptable .


Fine. But you're justifying an action.

To walk into a discussion whether it's 'right' or wrong' is to walk on


(wonder if Jesus could do that?)


People that kill abortion doctors feel just as justified.


To engage in outbursts (regardless of the reason) and to bomb an abortion clinic

both require a powerful ego...

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<< Personality is an aspect of ego.

Much like a branch is an aspect of a tree.




I see it the other way around.

Everything alive here has personality -

animals and even sometimes plants.

There is a unique personal nature with

its own flavor and combination of qualities.


Ego is the tendency to hold on to the

personality as if it were the real self,

and to defend and project it.


Thought of this way, people who are

purely Self-realized have their unique

personalities, but they are not in

projection or defense of the small






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Maureen Heffernan wrote:

> David Bozzi wrote:


> > To walk into a discussion whether it's 'right' or wrong' is to walk on


> > (wonder if Jesus could do that?)

> * * *

> Well, thanks a lot for the warning. I don't write very often.

> As to if Jesus would do that, quess you seem to know.


Why do you see that?


> > People that kill abortion doctors feel just as justified."

> * * *

> Sorry David but this much I do recall from reading about that Temple

> happening. Jesus didn't kill anybody.


Regardless, it requires an ego to be outrageous as it does to kill.

> Apples and oranges to me but what do I know.


Well you know the difference between apples and oranges...

...and that requires ego.



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Xanma wrote:

> Xanma


> david.bozzi


> << Personality is an aspect of ego.

> Much like a branch is an aspect of a tree.

> >>

> ---


> I see it the other way around.

> Everything alive here has personality -

> animals and even sometimes plants.

> There is a unique personal nature with

> its own flavor and combination of qualities.


> Ego is the tendency to hold on to the

> personality as if it were the real self,

> and to defend and project it.


> Thought of this way, people who are

> purely Self-realized have their unique

> personalities, but they are not in

> projection or defense of the small

> self-identity.


Yes, we are using a word differently.

This is fine.

Ever look at clouds?



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