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Marcia, if I got it right, I think you're saying that some

have more ability than others in certain areas and this

may or may not be used in ways that appear constructive

in the world. To me, the key word in my statement is

"appear." Wouldn't nonduality imply that each plays his

or her part, that the Whole is perfect the Whole time,

and each constructive and destructive contribution is

part of That?



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Dan Berkow, PhD wrote:

> Marcia, if I got it right, I think you're saying that some

> have more ability than others in certain areas and this

> may or may not be used in ways that appear constructive

> in the world. To me, the key word in my statement is

> "appear." Wouldn't nonduality imply that each plays his

> or her part, that the Whole is perfect the Whole time,

> and each constructive and destructive contribution is

> part of That?




I think we are such marvelous mirrors for each other.

Not just you and all but all of us.


I have a friend who wrote a thesis on cognitive development.

She told me a small percentage of people think in circles

and that I was one of them.


Anyway I think what I was saying was much simpler than

what you have written. You have called and raised me one.

(can you do that in poker? both call and raise at the same



You mentioned supermen. Perhaps that needs to be defined.

I think that the difference between a superman and a man

who can use his powers for the benefit of mankind may be

how he takes his powers and not the powers themselves.


Abilities such as telepathy, astral travel, mind control, precognition

and so forth exist but they aren't mine. If I can avoid the

distraction of being distracted by them perhaps I can allow

myself to be used by them for a higher purpose than making

myself a superman.


I have lost touch really with what I was feeling in my original

post. :-)

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At 12:27 PM 7/9/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Marcia Paul <jacpa




>I think we are such marvelous mirrors for each other.

>Not just you and all but all of us.


Amen to that.

>Anyway I think what I was saying was much simpler than

>what you have written. You have called and raised me one.


Oops. There I go again. Well, it started out with trying

to simplify. But then to simplify, I couldn't justify

separating the constructive from the destructive aspects

of the world.

>(can you do that in poker? both call and raise at the same




>You mentioned supermen. Perhaps that needs to be defined.

>I think that the difference between a superman and a man

>who can use his powers for the benefit of mankind may be

>how he takes his powers and not the powers themselves.


>Abilities such as telepathy, astral travel, mind control, precognition

>and so forth exist but they aren't mine. If I can avoid the

>distraction of being distracted by them perhaps I can allow

>myself to be used by them for a higher purpose than making

>myself a superman.


This makes sense. It clarifies for me what you were saying

about this. My way of seeing this is that the higher purpose

is simply the purpose of "what is" when there's no one trying

to claim superman or superwoman status. :-)

>I have lost touch really with what I was feeling in my original

>post. :-)


Oops. Well, I hope you were in touch with what you wrote

here, cause it makes a lot of sense to me. Also, it seems

to fit with what you said in the first, plus be easier to

comprehend (for this one).




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Marcia Paul wrote:

> I think that the difference between a superman and a man

> who can use his powers for the benefit of mankind may be

> how he takes his powers and not the powers themselves.


How do wonderwomen fit into all this?



(wondering man)

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At 02:08 PM 7/9/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Tim Harris <harris

>> >Marcia:

>> >

>> >I think we are such marvelous mirrors for each other.

>> >Not just you and all but all of us.


>> Dan: Amen to that.



>Tim: Yes. But isn't that the trouble? We all know how the mirror works

and yet we

>all say that we are merely mirroring 'other' while the perpetual argument of

>'rightness' continues towards destruction....


In such a situation, it is best simply to observe the reflections. Like

ripples on a pond intermingling. No argument, simply reflecting.


hmmmm.... to me, it is more

>atuned to 'two' mirrors facing each other both blaming the 'other' for the

>ugliness in the 'reflection'


Ah, then best to see no blame anywhere. Is this possible? No ugliness -

just "what is" reflecting itself to itself in itself?


when in 'what is' is the reflection of 'both'

>blended enough so that the 'I' does not recognize it's 'self'


Hmmmm. I see many reflections, some blended moreso than others... Yet,

reflection upon reflection blended and not, opens into infinity -- reflections

endlessly reflecting: no-thing.


...... I am not

>pointing fingers here I am 'generally' speaking....<whistle while you



Yes, I'm following. A general indication of the way mirrors operate.

>I have a saying when it comes to replying to another's post... "If

>you do not understand, then I am not talking to you" ...


This is a good saying. It is helpful.



Peace to you - Dan

>Gentle Peace.


>Tim Harris



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"Dan Berkow, PhD" wrote:

> "Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd


> At 12:27 PM 7/9/99 -0700, you wrote:

> >Marcia Paul <jacpa

> >

> >Marcia:

> >

> >I think we are such marvelous mirrors for each other.

> >Not just you and all but all of us.


> Amen to that.



Yes. But isn't that the trouble? We all know how the mirror works and yet we

all say that we are merely mirroring 'other' while the perpetual argument of

'rightness' continues towards destruction.... hmmmm.... to me, it is more

atuned to 'two' mirrors facing each other both blaming the 'other' for the

ugliness in the 'reflection' when in 'what is' is the reflection of 'both'

blended enough so that the 'I' does not recognize it's 'self'..... I am not

pointing fingers here I am 'generally' speaking....<whistle while you

work>... I have a saying when it comes to replying to another's post... "If

you do not understand, then I am not talking to you" ...


Gentle Peace.


Tim Harris

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David Bozzi wrote:

>How do wonderwomen fit into all this?

> David

> (wondering man)




You tell me David. I am still working on that one


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"Dan Berkow, PhD" wrote:

> Ah, then best to see no blame anywhere. Is this possible? No ugliness -

> just "what is" reflecting itself to itself in itself?



If you 'fully' understand the question you are asking, then you 'already' fully

understand the answer. If you fully understand the answer you give, then you

'already' fully understand the question being asked. The question and the answer

are the same if but 'one' is understood. That is why, if you do not understand


question you are asking: "Who am I?" you can 'never' understand the answer: "I

am." What more is there? What less? The 'realization' then, is whether or not


'blame' your 'self' (other) for the 'I am' that you are. Hahahaha... that sounds

why more complicated than it is I am sure. Be who you 'are'. Who are you?

Being/Becoming... fluid... be like water.


You 'are' a drop of water 'in' an infinite ocean with 'no' ability to point to a

single wave and say "this is me".


Gentle Peace.


Tim Harris

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