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The sun and the moon

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At 10:38 AM 7/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>Marcia Paul <jacpa


>Dan Berkow, PhD wrote:




>> If one sees things one way

>> and another sees things another way --

>> dialogue can occur.


>> To me, the question is, can we

>> respect each other as "solitary ones"

>> while we have this give and take?

>> That seems the big challenge here.




>Looking at the conditioned in the light of the unconditioned.


>I see it as a circle. We are all both in the circle and outside

>the circle. Inside the circle is the conditioned, outside the




I was seeing things just now in a

rather new way for me. Though I have

already recognized that often the words

I'm saying when I speak to someone else

are well suited for my "own" ears..no

doubt more so than others,


I'm seeing people as generally talking

to themselves, *about* themselves, and

using others' images as something to

bounce ideas off of. I don't mean this

in a personal or indifferent way, but

more as a dance, that we all participate

in. I seeing how there's always a glove

to fit one's hand...always a jig to a bob,

a partner for every waltz. And it's always

a solitary waltz, yet we need people to

dance with, in order for it to be played out.


So, though it's solitary, it needs to be

danced in a room full of solitary dancers.



With this thought, I begin seeing myself as

either reflecting as moon, or radiating as sun.


The dual perspective:


As moon, I am in a reflect-ory state...

it's a space of 'projecting' images. As

moon, I am separate from the source of Being.

I am reflectING. I am A reflection.



Nondual perspective:


As sun, I am in a radiating state..

No projecting, no mirroring, but pure

radiant expression. As sun, I AM.



The moon and the sun are always present.

The sun is always shining, the moon is

always reflecting.


Yet at different times we experience

Life one way, and then another.


(I haven't sat with this long, or

refined this thought. I'm serving

it up 'raw' here. :-). )



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> (I haven't sat with this long, or

> refined this thought. I'm serving

> it up 'raw' here. :-). )


> Melody


It's just beautiful to my moon wonderful sun.



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Hello Melody:


It's good to speak with you again. I've been in silent mode for a while and

have limited my participation on lists.


You speaking of the sun and the moon in such eloquent terms brings to mind

that we are quickly approaching eclipse points - a lunar eclipse on 7/28 and

a solar on 8/11. What is presented below is a bit of information based on

yoga and vedic astrology which might be of interest to some especially with

regard to meditation.


Eclipses can be helpful to meditation and practices geared towards

spirituality and non-dualism. As all is energy all is affected by what

happens in the planetary patterns. The moon is associated with prana which

is the Sanskrit word for the life-force energy. It means before (pra) breath

(ana). Prana is neutral, it is pure energy without any qualities. In Vedic

Astrology eclipses are considered important points of energy transformation

and important transitional periods. These points bring energy into the

central nadi of the spine(sushumna) this is the channel that kundalini

travels as it moves up to the crown chakra


The times of eclipses are more geared towards inner rather than outer

activities. The lunar eclipse is helpful in purification and negation of the

mind while the solar eclipse is good for self-knowledge and transcendence of

the ego.




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Melody wrote:

> With this thought, I begin seeing myself as

> either reflecting as moon, or radiating as sun.


> The dual perspective:


> As moon, I am in a reflect-ory state...

> it's a space of 'projecting' images. As

> moon, I am separate from the source of Being.

> I am reflectING. I am A reflection.


> Nondual perspective:


> As sun, I am in a radiating state..

> No projecting, no mirroring, but pure

> radiant expression. As sun, I AM.



> The moon and the sun are always present.

> The sun is always shining, the moon is

> always reflecting.


> Yet at different times we experience

> Life one way, and then another.


> (I haven't sat with this long, or

> refined this thought. I'm serving

> it up 'raw' here. :-). )


> Melody


Hi Melody,


The sun-moon symbolism is actually old and mentioned by many 'masters'.

Personally, I see it like this:


The moon 'is' the Body

The reflected sunlight is the Mind

Sunlight per se is Spirit.


Just as the moon is a dark, non-light giving body, the Body is


Just as the moon seems to give light, the Body seems to be sentient.

Just as 'moonlight' is only reflected sunlight, the body's sentiency is

only reflected Spirit.


There is only one moon, there are many bodies

Because bodies differ, their reflected light differs

But all reflections are from the same Source.


Moonlight IS Sunlight.

Atman IS Brahman.

'I' and 'the Father' are one.




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Nice one Jelke. Helped me, thanks,



> Jelke Wispelwey <wispj

> Hi Melody,


> The sun-moon symbolism is actually old and mentioned by many 'masters'.

> Personally, I see it like this:


> The moon 'is' the Body

> The reflected sunlight is the Mind

> Sunlight per se is Spirit.


> Just as the moon is a dark, non-light giving body, the Body is

> insentient.

> Just as the moon seems to give light, the Body seems to be sentient.

> Just as 'moonlight' is only reflected sunlight, the body's sentiency is

> only reflected Spirit.


> There is only one moon, there are many bodies

> Because bodies differ, their reflected light differs

> But all reflections are from the same Source.


> Moonlight IS Sunlight.

> Atman IS Brahman.

> 'I' and 'the Father' are one.


> Regards,

> Jelke.


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Dear Linda,


At 09:00 PM 7/10/99 -0400, Linda Callanan wrote:

>Eclipses can be helpful to meditation and practices geared towards

>spirituality and non-dualism.

In Vedic

>Astrology eclipses are considered important points of energy transformation

>and important transitional periods. These points bring energy into the

>central nadi of the spine(sushumna) this is the channel that kundalini

>travels as it moves up to the crown chakra


Do the eclipses tend to increase kundalini activity? If so, do you know of

any methods for keeping this activity from becoming too overwhelming during

these periods?





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