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sun and the moon & body & brain

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David Bozzi wrote:

> Is there a lunar correlation?


> David

> (closet wolf)



Well I will share what I have been told.


Apparently the full moon stimulates secretion of soma (celestial

biochemical) .. and the moon and other planets directly effect different

parts of the brain .. and DNA .. and phsyiology .. as above so below .. as

is the marcrocosm so is the microcosm .. so we are intimately connected and

effected and even where these planets are at moment of birth is imprinted on

us and is involved too, in how we experience in this realm of duality self.


It is very interesting because Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Science, now

includes information on which branches of the Veda actually correspond to

which parts of the anatomy. For instance the Upanishad corresponds to the

ascending tracts of the nervous system, so they say! And its function is

Transcending and Self referral.


The Sushrut Samhita e.g. comprises the separating quality in the nature of

intelligence or consciousness. In the physiology it corresponds to the

endodermal tissues and organs, like the lungs, thyroid, intestines etc. etc



Jyotish (branch of Veda) shows which grahas or planets relate to the

different parts of the basal ganglia,, thalamus, & hypothalamus. etc etc etc

.. e.g. Chandra (the moon) relates to and influences most the hypothalamus.

Surya (the sun) influences the thalamus.


They are even saying that optimum brain firing happens when we face east, so

entrances of our homes should be either eastern, or northern for best life

harmony as according to Sthpatya Veda, the structues we live in effect our

structure! Etc etc etc.


The moon .. as it stimulates the secretion of soma .. more at full moon time

... also may mean extra purifying. It effects everyone. which is why some who

don't meditate get edgey and 'moon mad' round this time.


Anyway just sharing some ideas here,



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Colette T wrote:

> Well I will share what I have been told.


> Apparently the full moon stimulates secretion of soma (celestial

> biochemical) .. and the moon and other planets directly effect different

> parts of the brain .. and DNA .. and phsyiology .. as above so below .. as

> is the marcrocosm so is the microcosm .. so we are intimately connected and

> effected and even where these planets are at moment of birth is imprinted on

> us and is involved too, in how we experience in this realm of duality self.


Very interesting and I would contribute that there's some good studies that on

average, seeds planted on the full moon grow better. Wonder if being born

(or conception perhaps?) on the full moon makes for a better life?


(snipped really interesting stuff)

> The moon .. as it stimulates the secretion of soma .. more at full moon time

> .. also may mean extra purifying. It effects everyone. which is why some who

> don't meditate get edgey and 'moon mad' round this time.


I've integrated meditation into my entire life but I still get 'moon mad'.

> Anyway just sharing some ideas here,


Thanks, here's some.

Today the more advanced hospitals (though very few) know that the

anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy depends on the time of day given.

Hospitals not using this info are in the dark ages. Even the outcome

of surgery is tied to temporal rhythms. For instance, women who have surgery

during days 7-20 of their cycle fair much better than otherwise.

(twice as better for breast cancer)


Healthy and youthful levels of testosterone for both men and women

are associated with motivation, love for life, positive emotions and vitality.


That in mind, it's interesting to note an annual testosterone cycle has been



Men living in the Northern Hemisphere experience lowest levels in Jan & April,

& both men & women experience highest levels July thru Oct. (peaking around



Considering that our brain/nervous/hormonal system is the biochemical expression

of what we think and feel, these cycles (moon/sun) and possibly other planets


important pieces of a developing puzzle.


Thank-you &

take care,


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>Very interesting and I would contribute that there's some good studies that


>average, seeds planted on the full moon grow better. Wonder if being born

>(or conception perhaps?) on the full moon makes for a better life?


Actually, in Vedic Astrology a full moon birth is considered most fortunate

unless the sun and moon are in their signs of debilitation. The new moon or

waning moon is considered less fortunate though of course, the whole chart

needs to be taken into consideration.


(snipped really interesting stuff)

> The moon .. as it stimulates the secretion of soma .. more at full moon


> .. also may mean extra purifying. It effects everyone. which is why some


> don't meditate get edgey and 'moon mad' round this time.


<I've integrated meditation into my entire life but I still get 'moon mad'.


The moon is considered the single most important placement for many reasons.

It is interesting to note that not only is the moon responsible for the

tides but is actually responsible for keeping the earth from being covered

entirely by water through it's gravitational pull. The same stability that

the moon gives to our planet it gives to a chart a strong, balanced moon

gives a strong, balanced mind and emotional outlook.


The moon stimulates soma and the seed mantra for the moon is Som we can

chant Om Som Om at the time of the full and new moons to intergrate the

energy properly. The moon is also directly related to the pranic levels

especially as it relates to moving up and down the spinal column. At the

time of the full moon pranic levels are very high and at the time of the new

moon they are at their lowest. There is an entire system of relating the 16

kalas or parts of the waxing and waning cycles to planning monthly

activities which is a wonderfully efficient system of working with outer and

inner time periods each month. For instance tomorrow is the new moon and not

necessarily a day for pushing external activities it is better suited to

internal work and if possible to keep activity at a low.


> Anyway just sharing some ideas here,

>Thanks, here's some.

>Today the more advanced hospitals (though very few) know that the

>anti-cancer effects of chemotherapy depends on the time of day given.

>Hospitals not using this info are in the dark ages. Even the outcome

>of surgery is tied to temporal rhythms. For instance, women who have


>during days 7-20 of their cycle fair much better than otherwise.

>(twice as better for breast cancer)


It is always amazing to me how slowly hospitals catch on there have been

studies that show how bleeding after surgery is related to the phases of the

moon. Ask any police station, mental hospital, emergency room or maternity

ward staff about the activity on the nights of both the full and new moon

and they will tell you that it is almost always busier. Years ago, my

father who eventually turned into a full blown alcoholic walked into his

neighborhood bar and the bartender commented that it must be a new moon

because that was the one night he knew he would see my father. Obviously,

from the very beginning there was a cycle of pain involved in his drinking.

>Healthy and youthful levels of testosterone for both men and women

>are associated with motivation, love for life, positive emotions and


>That in mind, it's interesting to note an annual testosterone cycle has

been documented.

>Men living in the Northern Hemisphere experience lowest levels in Jan &


>& both men & women experience highest levels July thru Oct. (peaking around


>Considering that our brain/nervous/hormonal system is the biochemical


>of what we think and feel, these cycles (moon/sun) and possibly other

planets are

>important pieces of a developing puzzle.


Most definitely and while the sun and moon are the most important on many

levels each planet represents a map of one's finer, subtle bodies and can

give information for the self-knowledge that is necessary for spiritual





Thank-you &

take care,








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Linda Callanan wrote:

> Actually, in Vedic Astrology a full moon birth is considered most fortunate

> unless the sun and moon are in their signs of debilitation. The new moon or

> waning moon is considered less fortunate though of course, the whole chart

> needs to be taken into consideration.


Gives 'planned parenthood' an entirely new meaning.

> <I've integrated meditation into my entire life but I still get 'moon mad'.


> The moon is considered the single most important placement for many reasons.

> It is interesting to note that not only is the moon responsible for the

> tides but is actually responsible for keeping the earth from being covered

> entirely by water through it's gravitational pull. The same stability that

> the moon gives to our planet it gives to a chart a strong, balanced moon

> gives a strong, balanced mind and emotional outlook.


Just struck me that the moon and water are archetypes for emotion.

> The moon stimulates soma and the seed mantra for the moon is Som we can

> chant Om Som Om at the time of the full and new moons to intergrate the

> energy properly. The moon is also directly related to the pranic levels

> especially as it relates to moving up and down the spinal column. At the

> time of the full moon pranic levels are very high and at the time of the new

> moon they are at their lowest. There is an entire system of relating the 16

> kalas or parts of the waxing and waning cycles to planning monthly

> activities which is a wonderfully efficient system of working with outer and

> inner time periods each month.


Can you or anyone else recommend a good site on this

that's practical and easy to understand?

> For instance tomorrow is the new moon and not

> necessarily a day for pushing external activities it is better suited to

> internal work and if possible to keep activity at a low.


This is a good 'hint' at just the right time. : )

> Most definitely and while the sun and moon are the most important on many

> levels each planet represents a map of one's finer, subtle bodies


Put in that perspective it's easier for me understand how the planets could

affect us.

One link I'm seeing is when we move to subtler levels of consciousness

the aspect of commonality expands. As you go out further into larger orbits the


cover a greater number of people.

> and can give information for the self-knowledge that is necessary for


> realization.


It is a fascinating system/art when presented by an artist.



(out of the closet wolf)

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David wrote:


>Gives 'planned parenthood' an entirely new meaning.


There was a group in Yugoslavia I believe that had a system for birth

control in place before the Communist takeover. Research was stopped, I

don't know if they have resumed. Their system claimed that there were two

fertile cycles one being that eggs were fertile at the 10-14 day mark from

the beginning of the menstrual cycle (the old Catholic 'rhythm' method).

Supposedly, when in the lunar cycle the sun and moon were the same number of

degrees apart as in the woman's natal chart conception would occur. The

belief was that this was the missing link to the accepted rhythm method. It

was also stated that if the moon was at the time of conception in a female

sign the child would be a girl and if in a male sign a boy. I happen to

know my daughter's conception date and the moon was in a female sign. What

is of greater interest now that I look at it was that the moon was just past

new therefore in a difficult placement. Her natal chart has a waning and

difficult moon and she has had a difficult time with life. Of course, I'm

glad she is here and the older she gets the more tuned into she becomes to

an inner richness that she is slowing beginning to allow to guide her. I

remember when she was a child that there was a 'park' friend that had the

same birthday as my daughter and this child had learning and speech

impediments. But it certainly leads to speculation about 'planned



> The moon stimulates soma and the seed mantra for the moon is Som we can

> chant Om Som Om at the time of the full and new moons to intergrate the

> energy properly. The moon is also directly related to the pranic levels

> especially as it relates to moving up and down the spinal column. At the

> time of the full moon pranic levels are very high and at the time of the


> moon they are at their lowest. There is an entire system of relating the


> kalas or parts of the waxing and waning cycles to planning monthly

> activities which is a wonderfully efficient system of working with outer


> inner time periods each month.

>Can you or anyone else recommend a good site on this

>that's practical and easy to understand?


David Frawley's web page is: http:// www.vedanet.com and he has some

interesting articles and links. There is none on the kalas I taught a

workshop on this and will look to see if the information is still in my

computer if so I can transfer the information if that would be of interest.





>It is a fascinating system/art when presented by an artist.


That is a good point because it is an intuitive art as well as a science.

Because of the numbers and measurements involved astrology has always been

open to hostile debate by the scientifically minded. Except for this

Satsangh list I generally would not even discuss a subject like this on the

'net' :). But is many ways trying to make it just numbers and formulas is

like trying to limit art to a formula based on facts such as yellow and blue

make green.


Thanks for the conversation.



(out of the closet wolf)










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