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when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of reality

and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

people who love to read their own words on line.


Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found him??

HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

only IMAGINE God??


Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,



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In a message dated 7/16/99 1:07:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

INSprofess writes:

> Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom


> the almighty with me. Does God exist??


I'm not sure what you mean.

Do you mean God as a Wizard of Oz type person,

or God as ... everything

or whaaaat??

>And if so, have any of you found him??


I didn't know he was lost.

> HOW did you do it???


I had to go insane to find sanity.

And what is sanity

but peace.

And what is peace

but God.

And what is God

but Love.

And what is Love

but laughter

And what is laughter

but looking at a (not funny)

situation and seeing it differently.


Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

> only IMAGINE God??


Imagine for a moment he isn't the Wizard.

Imagine for a moment that everything is God.

Imagine for a moment that you can choose

in any given moment

to look upon any person,

any situation,

any problem,

any way you want to.

You can see it good or bad.

(since it is neutral, and all is God).


And where do you find this neutrality,

this light that is God in each and every

thing in this 3D world?


In your own willingness

and determination to see.


(well, this is how I see the Wiz so far)




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Nav writes:



when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of


and meaning of life >>



Dear Nav


I wouldn't recommend this group for what you want. You've caught a bunch of

people in the middle of something, whether for learning or entertainment,

who's to say.


I suggest other sites to explore your questions:

awakening.com - livingessence.com - gangaji.org


There you will find more links.



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>when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of


>and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

>people who love to read their own words on line.


>Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

>the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found


>HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

>only IMAGINE God??


>Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,






Hi Nav,


I recognize the thirst in your question as

similar to my own.


I can only share from my own experience, but

I offer this with love.


Yes, God does exist. But I did not find

God anywhere 'out there'. I found God in the

most surprising of places - within my own



I use the analogy of a lantern. Inside a lantern

is a bright radiant light. That light radiates

so that it fills the lamp, and shines beyond it...

such that when one looks from a distance at it,

they do not see a lantern shining light, they only

see a Light.


The trick to simply *Being* Light (being One with

God/Self/Oneness) for me was to clean the lantern.


My lamp had gotten so muddy, so grimy, and wrapped

in so many layers of coats (identities)... and feeling

rather dirty from all the experiences of my days....

that the light did not shine thru. When one looked

at my lantern, they would not see the Light (as in the above example) -

they only say a dusty, dirty lantern

wrapped in layers and layers of 'stuff'.


To find God .... to find the eternal light

radiating from within us...Which never left,

incidentally!....we need only clean our lanterns.


For me it began with a process of healing, one

that began allowing all the thoughts and feelings

that I refused the "light of day".


Once done, and realizing that "I" was not those

feelings, those experiences, not what I had judged

myself to be for so many years, I began unwrapping

myself from all the identities that I wore to help

'define' me.


To shorten this somewhat (sorry for going so long )

the more of the outer layering of identity, fear,

judgment, doubt, I let go of.....the more I clear

my heart of past sorrows, the more the Light can

be experienced as it shines thru me.


God is where God has always been. I just have to

let go of a lot of 'garbage' and 'conditionings'

and 'fears' to allow it.




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Possibly I am one whom you've described as giving you mumbo jumbo while

loving to read my own words. If that's me, I imagine I am someone in love

with myself who mistakes nonsense for reality. I'm not sure whether

someone like that would have anything to contribute that would be

worthwhile for you. Nonetheless, I'll make an offering and you can make of

it what you wish. If my words assist in any way, I am glad. If not, I

suppose that can't be helped.


Suppose there is a connection between the God you seek and the people you

encounter here and everywhere. You say you imagine God, do you imagine God

as connected with life and people? After all, this is how Jesus talked

about God, and certainly similar ideas are found in Mahayana Buddhism.

Perhaps as you consider this, you might consider what would be the most

likely attitude to guide your approach? Would God reveal Reality to one

because that one demands that Reality be produced in a way that he expects

it to be? Perhaps the best God could do would be to say, "looking that way

won't help." When Job demanded answers, none were provided, even though he

was described as extremely righteous and intelligent. Do your judgments

against others help you get closer to the God you seek? I'm not sure how

this would help, and there are warnings against such judgment in scriptures.


So the first recommendation from my perspective is to encourage yourself to

open your heart, mind, and spirit to what you find presented to you. Be

this a person, animal, tree, or sky. See what is there for you - really

look, really see. Put aside your assumptions about what should be there

and what you should find. Let the ideas you've built in your mind about a

God or divine energy be considered as images within your mind and be

willing to let these go. What is present? How might what is present be an

expression of the One you seek? You yourself are present. In what way are

you other than That which you seek? What divides the seeker from That

which is sought? How divided are you from the present moment of your



To me, this is the inquiry which is productive.


You ask what I have found. My initial reaction is a hesitance to say. If

I speak about this, how will it help you? You will have someone external

to you speaking about their experiences which are different than your own.

How will this help with the openness toward your own experience, the

openness from which you will learn?


I will say that I have found enough to confirm for me that this is the

direction which is fruitful for me. I have found that when I speak about

this, someone whom has had similar experiences to me will relate and find

meaning in my words. Someone who does not share my experience will view my

words as gobbledy gook. I don't see any way around this.


Perhaps an open attitude toward experience and "what is" will help you in

ways that aren't clear right now. I don't see any "how to do this."

Perhaps that is why Harsha's statement was confusing to you. To me, the

statement points to "this." It is here. You are here. If you try to get

somewhere, the only thing for sure is that the place you are trying to get

will be other than here. It will be something you imagine, something you

project. Something that is other than you, other than where you are, and

different from here/now.


I regret the limitations of words and communications that make discussion

of This difficult. I wish you well and hope you find the peace and the One

you seek.




At 01:06 PM 7/16/99 -0400, you wrote:




>when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of


>and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

>people who love to read their own words on line.

>Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

>the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found


>HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

>only IMAGINE God??


>Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,




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INSprofess wrote:

> when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of reality

> and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

> people who love to read their own words on line.


> Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

> the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found him??

> HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

> only IMAGINE God??


> Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,





No one can tell you that Nav. If they can they are lying.

Besides that God finds you. All you can do is make

preparations and if God is willing you get found.

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Does it matter if god exists or not?


If she does, she does, if she does, not, its still not a problem or

anything. Just be a good person, be kind to all other beings and tame

one's mind.


Give up desire, and the desire for even the face of god will be satisfied.



--Janpa Tsomo

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"Have you found Him?"

she asked me,

eyes aglaze

with wonder

and focused

on her inward



"i didnt know i should be

looking..." i started.


"You must find him...." she pleaded.


"He will save you."

She nodded most enthusiastically

then walked on.


Find who?


i walked the street

that buzzed

with the

rhythms of footsteps

hurried in fear,





Jabbering walls

spoke of

carpenters and

nails, Forests

and clouds.


Leaning against

a wall that


also the


in its jabbering

formation i mused


"Find WHO?"


"if i look

in anyone's eyes,


there i see

my parents,




the sunlight

dimmed as

evening rose.


Painting the sky

a darkening



Smiling, nodding


i wasnt sure if i'd

found anything at all,

because everything

was everywhere.


Oak tree




baby carraige


with the vines


on the

broken windowframes


who am i





--janpa tsomo

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INSprofess wrote:

> Does God exist??


I can honestly tell you that no peace can come from asking someone else

that question...

> And if so, have any of you found him??


I find what *isn't* him and then maybe, just perhaps...

> HOW did you do it???


I do nothing.

> Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

> only IMAGINE God??


Can you see the futility of imagining a god?

> Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,


As long as you await some else's answer it will indeed be

a desperate and anxious wait.


Sorry to not have been of any help.



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Hello Nav:


I don't believe there is a spiritual tradition that claims God can truly be

known through the human mind and certainly not through words. One of the

factors that draws people together on a list like this is the desire you

express do deeply we want to know God, we want to be God - therein lies our

bond with each other. Most of us are fully aware of how meaningless our

words can be and yet the search for the truth keeps us exploring and

sharing. Ironically, often it is a word that will lead us to ponder and

move deeper within ourselves to where the truth really lies.


Do I fully understand God? I am not fully realized or merged so there is

still mystery, there is still something beyond my comprehension. Have I

found God? I believe God allowed me to find him when I stopped the panic,

stopped the frustration and just accepted my self and my life as it is.

Many people have different ways of trying to express this knowing for my

awareness at this time it is simply a matter of love which has been with me

from as far back as I can remember. That is one quality that was not taught

to me as a child but yet it was there, it is not something that I can

manufacture or buy but it, like myself, just is. This may sound like a

cheap 'new age' pamphlet but for me it is the best my words have to offer.

I am simply not very orientated in physics or other disciplines that could

prove the existence of God on any other level than heart.


Hopefully, you will sift through the words to find the gems that can light

your inner heart and know that there is nothing that any book or teacher can

do to bring you to God - in the end that is between you and God. However,

it is nice to know that there are other beings out here who share your







>when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of


>and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo


>people who love to read their own words on line.

>Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom


>the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found


>HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

>only IMAGINE God??

>Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,



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> INSprofess



> when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the

> nature of reality

> and meaning f life.


Understandable, but there isn't something like "THE" nature of reality or

"THE" meaning of life.


Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo

> jumbo from

> people who love to read their own words on line.


That is a conclusion based on expectation and disappointment (understandable



> Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your

> wisdom about

> the almighty with me. Does God exist??


You have to find out for yourself. If not, you are a believer and belief is

like opium.


And if so, have any of you

> found him??


Technically, if one doesn't seek, there can't be finding. How to find what

never is absent?

> HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of

> us who can

> only IMAGINE God??


A bit more serious, what do you think will be "left", if you abandon the

"will to live and enjoy" completely? But that's hardly a secret - what is a

secret is that as long as one has any "hope" regarding "realization",

"worldly life", it will be a block.


> Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,


> Nav


In a certain sense desperation is a good teacher. Fulfill your duties and be

the witness for as long as it takes. Giving up the "will to live and enjoy"

is the highest type of surrender. It isn't popular although it is very




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INSprofess wrote:

> INSprofess


> when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of reality

> and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

> people who love to read their own words on line.


> Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

> the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found him??

> HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

> only IMAGINE God??


> Desperately and anxiously awaiting your asnwers I am,


> Nav



You don't know. I don't know. Not knowing is not good, not bad,

Desperately and anxiously not knowing, and still not knowing,

always. Always not knowing. Abiding in not knowing. Always.



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Hi Nav,


>when i first joined the group i wanted some insights on the nature of reality

>and meaning f life. Instead what I have gotten is a lot of mumbo jumbo from

>people who love to read their own words on line.


>Now granted you are all wise people, so i would appreciate your wisdom about

>the almighty with me. Does God exist?? And if so, have any of you found him??

>HOW did you do it??? Can you share your secrets for the rest of us who can

>only IMAGINE God??


I do not think you will believe what someone else tells you.


If you really want to know, the only way is to go and look for yourself.

If you knock hard enough on that door, it will open.




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