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Watchful and Awake

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What we can do is to be awake and watchful.


Mathew 24:42-44


"Watch therefore: for ye

know now what hour your Lord

doth come.

But know this, that if the

goodman of the house had known

in what watch the thief would

come, he would have watched, and

would not have suffered his house

to be broken up.

Therefore be ye also ready:

for in such an hour as ye think

not the Son of man cometh."


Interesting as I typed that I "saw" it in a new way.

Breaking up of the house is fragmentation. So if

the goodman had been awake when the thief

came his house would not have been fragmented.

But this doesn't mean the thief fragmented it.

If he had been awake when the thief came it

would not have been fragmented. The goodman

and the thief would have kept it whole.


I wonder...."You have made of my house of

prayer a den of thieves." What should have

been given freely has to be stolen.

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