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A plain Man's Irreverent Guide to God and Spirituality

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Hello Everybody ...


I've been lurking here for some time, and I feel I would like to enter the

debate at this point in time ....


" .... one day ' me ' found out that ' me ' didn't need a personal history

... so ' I ' dropped it ....... "


and so, what does all of this mean ....


This may come as a little bit of a surprise to those who are into the sanctity

of religion and spirituality ... but it comes from working with a few people who

have had to face a crunch ... the illusion of lies surrounding spirituality,

religion, and what we are told to believe.


It is written in good ole Aussie vernacular ...

with no apologies for the words ....


No 'bullshit' ... no platitudes ...

(and the meat's at the bottom of the page ...)


No repeating the words of other teachers who may have said them ...

but did they really ... ?

because how many of the really great teachers

actually said anything ... ?


Let's face it ... all of the religions are someone's interpretation

of what somebody thought someone said ...

and we get a translation from someone who,

probably hasn't got a flaming clue

as to what the words mean in the first place ...


A friend of mine (once a Taoist priest ... but I won't hold that against him)

suggested that all of the world's religions

were merely cults ...


and I would add ...

designed to create power for the few over the masses

by preying on their vulnerability ....


Let's face it ... in religion now ...

how many people are following what they are told to do ...

believing what they are told to believe ...

and the geek after which the religion was named (or formed) is long dead ...

let's face it, our lives are being ruled by a bunch of stiffs ...


J.C. did not invent Christianity, Budda did not invent Buddhism,

Mohamed did not invent Muslim ... etc


and none of them say 'God' as this thing outside of self to be 'worshiped'


And now we have the so called 'new psychology', 'the new philosophy' ...

'the new age' ...

(which is only the old stuff revamped, rehashed and revisited anyway ...)


which is what some air headed ego re-invented

to make himself look and sound good ...


in order to explain to the world his own psychosis ...

in such a way as to confuse the 'shrinks' into thinking he

was more than sane ....


So you see ... you don't have to justify anything ...

to me, this list ... to anyone ...


Over the last few years, I've been going through a lot of the stuff you're

talking about ... won't say bin dere dun dat ...


I did stick my head up my own backside

and had a good look at all my own shit ....


some 'new fandanglo' told me I should do that

in order to get 'enlightenment' ...


I didn't take on some 'spiritual name' ...

or false identity at the behest of some 'Guru' ...


but ...


there came a time when for me, there was no past, no history ...

just like I wrote about ...

and that's real scary at times ...

for the 'identity sense' suddenly has nothing ...

no foundation on which to base itself ...

that's when this 'living in the moment' thing comes in ...


and from my experience ... living in the moment is something

the body reactions ain't real good at coping with ...

let's face it ...


for most of our history, the images we

get of that state are of some geezer sitting on a rubbish tip smelling of roses,

staring into space with a vacant look on his face ... maybe going 'OM' ...


either that or the other religions tell us

that the only way you'll get to that space is when you're dead ...


so that's what came up out of my body ...

all the rubbish ... all the foul smells ...

the fear of waking up and finding that I'm dead ...

let's face it, my good Catholic genes tell me

that the only way I can be "Christed" or "Sainted"

is to crucify myself ...


or at least to get someone else to crucify me ....


and that's what the genetic belief of the body was for me ...


What's all this living in the moment stuff anyway ...

what's freedom ... what's bliss ....


Hey ... you can't understand the Consciousness of Budda or Christ or whoever by

reading books about what they were supposed to have said ..


But ... you can know that these geezers have been there before ... and they

survived ... well, so we are told ...


but then there's been a few others who people thought knew how it was ...


you reads the books ... but what I did ... was to say 'stuff the words' ...

what's this guy really saying underneath the words that mean nothing ...


Can I tell you what I found??


Well ...


Once I chucked out the past, and the smells and the rotting garbage ...

there weren't any roses ...


but there was today ...


and I thought ... "How am I going to do today"


well, I could, as I have in the past, let 'today do me" ...

and that was yesterday's joke on me ...


but stuff that for a joke ...


I had a look at what I had learned ...

and discovered that everything was really OK ...


did it really matter if 'Joe' or 'Josephine' had a problem

with who they thought I was

or was not ...


did I need to take on their lack of understanding of me

and go out searching for some 'Go(o)d(n)ess' ... ??


You see, over the last 50 odd years ...

I'd learned some rules ... like readin', writin', 'rithmatic ...


so I could go and read a book ...

write this stuff on the computer ...

and work out if the local was ripping me off

when I went to buy a beer ...


and it didn't matter any more ... I didn't have to prove anything to anybody ...


all I had to be was absolutely honest to myself ...

and treat everybody else

with the same respect ...


Hey ... the bible talks about that ... the first two commandments ...

(by the way, the other 8 only got written

because people couldn't understand the first 2)


and what about what I was feelin? ....


well, when I went to the supermarket to buy some food

I had heaps of money in my pocket ...

but I kept taking stuff off the shelf, putting it in the trolley,

saying to myself I can't afford that ...

taking it out of the trolley and

putting it back on the shelf ...


until I discovered the two little old lady pensioners behind me

who were counting their pennies and

adding up what they bought and trying to make both ends meet

.... I had 'tuned into' their 'poor me' poverty consciousness ...

and taken it on for myself ....


so I learned from that ...


That if I look outside my self for approval, recognition and acceptance ...

then I'm going to pick up a whole lot of outside shit as well ...


and let's face it ... that's what religion and spirituality is all about ...


looking outside yourself for a saviour, heaven, God, Mother ...

just to have 'you're not good enough' ....

'you're never going to make it' ...

'you've got to do it tough' ....


dumped on you by some priest or priestess who thought he/she

knew what someone else thought some one said ...

but altered because it felt better when it reinforced martyr ...


I'm OK, I'm through this process ...

and underneath the mask, so are each of you ...


but you gotta remember ... if you're going to go swimming,

you've got to wear bathers, and not carry a baseball bat .....


(with which you are beating yourself up)


Not having to carry the baseball bat ....

is freedom ....

is bliss .....


and 'God' dwells inside me as me ...


and 'guru' spells 'gee, you are you ...'



That's what life's all about .....



With respect


With respect ...

Christopher Wynter, Hobart, Tasmania ... wynter



'anunda list' Public Archive:



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