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all is One Energy expressing

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Dear one 'tis a battle? I feel not threatened. I personally do not discriminate

kundalini as a gender. I cannot. It is an energy. To me all energy in its purest

state is neutral flavoured ..


These are just labels and we could just as easily say tis wrong to construct and

words and symbols even pictures in teh mind - yet that is how oneness expresses


field of duality. It is our egos which are at war with our own oneSelf. An inner

battle it is. IMO.


Thanks for sharing, this is good topic! It is true I think teh Dark Night of


may reflect one's animus or anima predominantly! I saw my brother struggling


my mother and I know I struggled with wounds from dad (mum to).


Keep sharing your insights into your own process Christopher. Your passion for


divine Self is evident and inspiring.


In another way - I may share with you in teh end, I do not think seeing it as

battle will help quell resistance to it .. if I see it as evil against goodness


doom myself to taste that battle so long as I hold those judgements of teh All



this is just how I see it now,






Christopher Wynter wrote:

> "Christopher Wynter" <wynter


> Dear Collette and others ...


> The reference and attribute of Female/Feminine to the energy we call Kundalini

> immediately separates it from the absolute as it presupposes the male/female

> split.


> If Kundalini is divine .. it cannot be god or gossess energy ... it cannot be

> called Him or Her ... for to do so is to maintain a separationalist or duality

> mentality and to infer non equality within the balance of male/female ...


> and so, the battle of the gender issues


> Christopher Wynter

> Hobart, Tasmania

> wynter

> http://www.anunda.com

> ___________________


> -

> Colette T <colette

> < >

> Friday, 23 July 1999 8:49

> Prana Purifies?


> > Colette T <colette

> >

> > A friend sent me this quote but I haven't the url for the web page it comes

> > from .. yet. Been watching the talk on kundalini and prana so thought I'd

> share

> > it.

> >

> > "Kundalini is the Divine spark within and seeks for us to know Her and

> > our own Divinity. As a result of our journey exploring individuality

> > and

> > separation we have created many impediments to our knowledge of Her and

> > our own

> > Divinity.

> > In order for us to know Her, we must be cleared of those impediments

> > that

> > prevent our seeing and experiencing Her. Kriya yoga and spontaneous

> > pranic

> > activity do this.

> >

> > Prana is the purifier that burns the dross and removes the veils that

> > separate us from Divine Kundalini. When She can finally touch us

> > without our

> > accumulated store of ego projections, we experience growth of

> > consciousness and awareness of

> > our own Divinity.

> >

> > The amount of pranic activity we experience is directly related to our

> > accumulated physical, mental and emotional "plaque". The physical

> > symptoms of

> > Kundalini are mostly pranic purification. Her presence is seen in the

> > eyes and known

> > through the shifts in understanding and awareness of Self."

> >

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > Colette

> >

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I see it not as a battle ... but there are many who hold resentment at the role

of the priest/priestess ... and within the genetic memory of the body (my own

and my group's), I have found many issues within those particularly of Celtic

extraction who have deep genetic memories of this conflict, of being used, of

being sacrifices.


This is not to say these memories are valid now ... but they are coming up from

deep within the body memory and can colour the perceptions of those who are

unsuspecting of their existance ...


and there are many who have accused me of being sexist ... because I see the

labelling of divinity as either male/female as being ego centred and a

projection of the mind's need for control


This can be seen embedded throughout the mythologies of the world ... especially

in the translations of religious works into the Englist Language ... it all

comes from the perceptual filters that we wear ...


This all comes from me taking the 'spiritual truths' and making them more than

an intellectual exercise ... making them real within the body ...


K does its work ... but has been repressed throughout the ages by priest and

priestess who lose control of a follower immediately K is realised ...


because of this, the energy of K can be used to amplify words and thoughts and

project them in an injurious manner ... or to manipulate others ...


This is why I either ask a question ... or if I make a statement, refer it back

to a point beyond duality (the void/nothing that contains everything) so there

can be no prejudice or 'teaching' expressed in my words.


Christopher Wynter

Hobart, Tasmania






Colette T <colette

< >

Friday, 23 July 1999 10:34

all is One Energy expressing


> Colette T <colette


> Dear one 'tis a battle? I feel not threatened. I personally do not


> kundalini as a gender. I cannot. It is an energy. To me all energy in its


> state is neutral flavoured ..


> These are just labels and we could just as easily say tis wrong to construct


> words and symbols even pictures in teh mind - yet that is how oneness

expresses in

> field of duality. It is our egos which are at war with our own oneSelf. An


> battle it is. IMO.


> Thanks for sharing, this is good topic! It is true I think teh Dark Night of


> may reflect one's animus or anima predominantly! I saw my brother struggling


> my mother and I know I struggled with wounds from dad (mum to).


> Keep sharing your insights into your own process Christopher. Your passion for


> divine Self is evident and inspiring.


> In another way - I may share with you in teh end, I do not think seeing it as

> battle will help quell resistance to it .. if I see it as evil against

goodness I

> doom myself to taste that battle so long as I hold those judgements of teh All

> Good.


> this is just how I see it now,


> Loving,


> Col


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Christopher enjoyed your reply. You reveal much that makes me ponder.







Christopher Wynter wrote:

> "Christopher Wynter" <wynter


> I see it not as a battle ... but there are many who hold resentment at the


> of the priest/priestess ... and within the genetic memory of the body (my own

> and my group's), I have found many issues within those particularly of Celtic

> extraction who have deep genetic memories of this conflict, of being used, of

> being sacrifices.


> This is not to say these memories are valid now ... but they are coming up


> deep within the body memory and can colour the perceptions of those who are

> unsuspecting of their existance ...


> and there are many who have accused me of being sexist ... because I see the

> labelling of divinity as either male/female as being ego centred and a

> projection of the mind's need for control


> This can be seen embedded throughout the mythologies of the world ...


> in the translations of religious works into the Englist Language ... it all

> comes from the perceptual filters that we wear ...


> This all comes from me taking the 'spiritual truths' and making them more than

> an intellectual exercise ... making them real within the body ...


> K does its work ... but has been repressed throughout the ages by priest and

> priestess who lose control of a follower immediately K is realised ...


> because of this, the energy of K can be used to amplify words and thoughts and

> project them in an injurious manner ... or to manipulate others ...


> This is why I either ask a question ... or if I make a statement, refer it


> to a point beyond duality (the void/nothing that contains everything) so there

> can be no prejudice or 'teaching' expressed in my words.


> Christopher Wynter

> Hobart, Tasmania

> wynter

> http://www.anunda.com

> ___________________


> -

> Colette T <colette

> < >

> Friday, 23 July 1999 10:34

> all is One Energy expressing


> > Colette T <colette

> >

> > Dear one 'tis a battle? I feel not threatened. I personally do not

> discriminate

> > kundalini as a gender. I cannot. It is an energy. To me all energy in its

> purest

> > state is neutral flavoured ..

> >

> > These are just labels and we could just as easily say tis wrong to construct

> and

> > words and symbols even pictures in teh mind - yet that is how oneness

> expresses in

> > field of duality. It is our egos which are at war with our own oneSelf. An

> inner

> > battle it is. IMO.

> >

> > Thanks for sharing, this is good topic! It is true I think teh Dark Night of

> Soul

> > may reflect one's animus or anima predominantly! I saw my brother struggling

> with

> > my mother and I know I struggled with wounds from dad (mum to).

> >

> > Keep sharing your insights into your own process Christopher. Your passion


> the

> > divine Self is evident and inspiring.

> >

> > In another way - I may share with you in teh end, I do not think seeing it


> > battle will help quell resistance to it .. if I see it as evil against

> goodness I

> > doom myself to taste that battle so long as I hold those judgements of teh


> > Good.

> >

> > this is just how I see it now,

> >

> > Loving,

> >

> > Col

> >


> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------


> ONElist: your connection to people who share your interests.


> ------

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Message: 4

Fri, 23 Jul 1999 22:47:04 +1000

"Christopher Wynter" <wynter

Re: all is One Energy expressing


I see it not as a battle ... but there are many who hold

resentment at the role

of the priest/priestess ... and within the genetic memory of the

body (my own

and my group's), I have found many issues within those

particularly of Celtic

extraction who have deep genetic memories of this conflict, of

being used, of

being sacrifices.


This is not to say these memories are valid now ... but they are

coming up from

deep within the body memory and can colour the perceptions of

those who are

unsuspecting of their existance ...




Your comments are always deeply appreciated here for the depth of

your insight. I don't know if it matters if its genetic memory or

current perceptions. Over 2 years ago, I joined an all woman group

which seemed to be a mix of psychology, "initiations into the

mysteries of the Goddess", which sounded like Jungian archetypes

to me, and also some Gangaji thrown into the mix. I went thru some

deep ambivalence as the year progressed, and ended up paying $450

for the last 3 day session, yet not going. I happen to be of

Celtic (Welsh) extraction, and yes, even tho I began like major

Kundalini activity initially,for which I was somewhat

appreciateive) it did more and more seem like some group pressure

I just wanted out of. The money aspects bothered me, even tho I

could well afford it..the training was to result in something one

would charge for, and I felt the leader was a bit too idolized as

"most powerful one" by those who'd been thru this the past year.

(yes, a 2nd year followed.) Ok, I may as well say, it did feel and

have many aspects of a witches coven, and no offense to those who

find that path helpful. Getting siddhis or powers was also

expected, and again..I got those too, but felt uncomfortable with

ESP type knowings. I don't know if my inner conflicts could be

from past memories or just my current spiritual preferences..maybe

both? I've had this lifelong ambivalence about joining any group,

so I have always attributed this to some stubborn independence

need. I'd like to leave the sexist issues aside for now.


Sooo.. long story, short question. How and why would it matter if

these preferences are from a past or this life.. would I react any

differently, whichever way I viewed this? If they are not valid

now, what is the work like you are doing to change this?


Chris wrote: and there are many who have accused me of being

sexist ... because I see the

labelling of divinity as either male/female as being ego centred

and a

projection of the mind's need for control


I would agree with the above, ( except that historical writings

are still enjoyable, once this is understood as metaphor - women

are reacting to 2000 yrs of patriarchy...who wouldn't?))

furthermore I see the priest/priestess role as something we can do

without anyway, in favor of a more egalitarian, we are all in this

together, friend to friend model... Thanks for all you said...I

can see how you already "evoked my stuff." :):)


Gloria Lee




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