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One Energy Expressing ... Gloria

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Gloria Lee >

>===> I don't know if it matters if its genetic memory or current perceptions.

<<SNIP>> How and why would it matter if these preferences are from a past or

this life.. would I react any differently, whichever way I viewed this? If they

are not valid now, what is the work like you are doing to change this? <===<


It doesn't matter ... but ... Western society, by and large, are caught in a

cycle based on 'the scientific method' of research, understanding, debate ...


all this does is cause the mind to go into the cycle of analysis/denial ...


mysticism assists in the promotion of this "you will learn, and you will

believe what I tell you for your own good ..."


SYMPTOM ... looking in the sacred books for an understanding ... learning of new

concepts to make 'my psychosis more acceptable'


RESULT ... denial of inner truth and knowing ... repression of inner feelings

.... looking outside for answers ... lack of trust in self ... elevation of

status of separation ... "I know more than you ... I have read, therefore I

know" rather than "I am therefore ' I understand' " ...


SOLUTION ... mine ... a plain, no-nonsense no fancy word guide that moves beyond

the language of this separation to confront what people are feeling head on ...

and then suggest possibilities of where the feelings are coming from ...


RESULT ... Oh Sh*t ... it's that simple ... got to own 'my feelings' ... Oh ...

it's not my fault ... (removes blame and victim from self) ... " Now I

understand where the feeling is coming from it's OK to let it go ... I dont need

to hold onto something that I've been holding onto for 'x-thousand' years ... as

part of the human/socio-economic/religious condition ...


Then the energy can move without having to fight its way (your fight) through

the (yours ... but where did they come from?) perceptions of right and wrong ...

without the pain of the blockages being overcome ...


In other words, I am doing nothing but putting things in a way that you might be

understand them without the spiritual babblytegook ... therefore you are doing

the work (acceptance of self) because I have nothing to teach you ... for I am

already reminding you of what you already know (on some level) ... taking you

through the layers of remembering ...


which are conditions which separate you from "One Energy Expressing"


First you have a feeling ... and that's OK


But then the feeling has you ... and that's where the trouble starts ...


so, if I can trigger you into remembering why the feeling has you ... whether it

be past life, DNA memories or this lifetime childhood memories ... maybe ...

just maybe you can stop 'dumping victim all over yourself', recognise 'One

Energy Expressing' is releasing past denied trauma (and self judgement) ... so



You can become your own individual manifestation or aspect of that 'One Energy

Expression' ...


The trick is (for most people) accepting that you don't have to do anything ...

because underneath all of the layers, what you are looking for, you already are



By the way ... I didn't 'evoke your stuff' ... I just showed you how to 'clean

the window' ...


With Respect

Christopher Wynter, Hobart Tasmania





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2 years ago, I joined an all woman group

> which seemed to be a mix of psychology, "initiations into the

> mysteries of the Goddess", which sounded like Jungian archetypes

> to me, and also some Gangaji thrown into the mix. I went thru some

> deep ambivalence as the year progressed, and ended up paying $450

> for the last 3 day session, yet not going. I happen to be of

> Celtic (Welsh) extraction, and yes, even tho I began like major

> Kundalini activity initially,for which I was somewhat

> appreciateive) it did more and more seem like some group pressure

> I just wanted out of. The money aspects bothered me, even tho I

> could well afford it..the training was to result in something one

> would charge for, and I felt the leader was a bit too idolized as

> "most powerful one" by those who'd been thru this the past year.

> (yes, a 2nd year followed.) Ok, I may as well say, it did feel and

> have many aspects of a witches coven, and no offense to those who

> find that path helpful. Getting siddhis or powers was also

> expected, and again..I got those too, but felt uncomfortable with

> ESP type knowings. I don't know if my inner conflicts could be

> from past memories or just my current spiritual preferences..maybe

> both? I've had this lifelong ambivalence about joining any group,

> so I have always attributed this to some stubborn independence

> need. I'd like to leave the sexist issues aside for now.


> Sooo.. long story, short question. >

> Chris wrote: and there are many who have accused me of being

> sexist ... because I see the

> labelling of divinity as either male/female as being ego centred

> and a

> projection of the mind's need for control


> I would agree with the above, ( except that historical writings

> are still enjoyable, once this is understood as metaphor - women

> are reacting to 2000 yrs of patriarchy...who wouldn't?))

> furthermore I see the priest/priestess role as something we can do

> without anyway, in favor of a more egalitarian, we are all in this

> together, friend to friend model... Thanks for all you said...I

> can see how you already "evoked my stuff." :):)


> Gloria Lee


> snip

> ___________________



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