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Kundalini, a plain man's realisations... Plain Talk

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Kundalini, a plain man's realisations... Plain Talk


In all of the writings that I have ever posted on to any list, I have owned my

words. I have not hidden behind the anonymity of a "spiritual" name or some

other "aka".


This is part of my process of me taking responsibility for me.


Many educators, researchers, professionals, therapists, religions and spiritual

pathways think that theirs is the only correct formula and will not accept the

possibility of what they are saying being written in a language different to

their own. Perhaps it is unfortunate that none of these groups have learned to

establish a common language. It is the general public, the parents and

guardians, that get lost in the confusion ... and the children who suffer the



What is written for the Teacher is identical to that written for the

Psychologist, the Philosopher, the Scientist, the Theologian, the Social worker,

the Business Person, the Mystic and the Parent. The only differences are in the

preconception and language used to describe the same consciousness ...


In writing as I write, I am crossing the boundaries and language, mysticism and

scientific belief. By using plain, common words that everybody understands, it

is natural that I will bypass the "head".


Of course there are those who will intellectually try to analyse what I am

saying .... Try to find correlation's between what I'm saying and what they have

been taught either through the mystic schools or through scientific study ...

and this is because these people (and I was one of them) have to find some why

of defending their own inner knowing, their own truth.


And this is good. Whilst the head is busy arguing, debating the meaning of

words, the words have already got into the body ... and the body has resonated



And this is why there are so many reactions. For all of our lives, most of is

have been brought up in a society whose language is "plain speak". It is this

language that the body understands .... It is the words of "plain speak" that

the body reacts to.


Yet I would like to thank all of those who have come back to me with scientific

or spiritual language around what I write. As I read those words, I allow

myself to get in touch with the essence behind the writer, and I find within the

language used, a validation for what I have expressed in "plain speak".


What I hope to do is get hold of these "scientific" and "mystical" posts and

translate them into everyday language ... to cross the barriers of language and

understanding. Each one placed on the list reminds me of some aspect that I

have not yet been able (or willing) to express in "plain speak" for myself.


What does come up from all of this is that "the energy of ONE expressing" cannot

be defined or confined into any one box or subjected to a singular label.


The truth of Kundalini is perceived by each spirituality (East and West)

according to the genetic perceptions of past religious and cultural

preconceptions, learning's, and understanding.


To say that one is right to the exclusion of any other is to absolutely deny the

integrity of "the energy of ONE expressing".


The composite picture can only be understood by combining the philosophies of

East and West, and adding to it the mythology and philosophy of the ages. We

are being assisted in the understanding of this through current scientific (in

particular genetic) research.


To create the composite picture, all of the data must be put in a common

language so that the operating system of the human bio computer can index it



Once is common language is established and understood, the individual can go

through the memory, and delete or modify those files as necessary so that

conflicts disappear.


Once I moved beneath my "need to learn in order to justify my existence", I

removed from my belief structure my own "fear of forgetting" and remembered that

everything I was looking for, was already coded into the genetic memory of my

own human bio computer (DNA)


There is only one truth, which in its fluidity, is common to all fields of human

endeavour. This is the integrity of "the one energy expressing".


With respect ...

Christopher Wynter, Hobart, Tasmania ... wynter



'anunda list' Public Archive:



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