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What Undermines Self Acceptance?

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What undermines acceptance of our own natural state? A good question, but what

is our "natural" state? I think we have not yet attained it as a group but are

rather, a work in progress. We are in the adolecence of our own evolution.


If, for instance, in the concept of "The Garden Of Eden", Eve is an Ape who has

evolved to the stage of having a creative energy center (Kundalini)and this

serpent drives her and her mate from the garden of animals to embark upon a

separate evolutionary path, perhaps from then until now, we are simply in the

midst of Kundalini evolving as it strengthens and expands our energy centers

(Chakras)-- and gradually maps out the path to connection with divine creative



I do believe we are still children (as a group), and that some sages are born at

a higher stage and then push the boundaries of their own evolutionary state

unleashing kundalini and attaining crown chakra connection with the divine

energy. Unfortunately, the average human can only make religions of hero

worship out of the road maps presented by such actualized individuals.


And that wouldn't be such a bad thing if they didn't have to fight over whose

hero is bigger and more right on!!!


I don't think humans as a whole are ready physically and mental/emotionaly for

the full force of kundalini. Reading what others say and in my own experience,

Kundalini is an overwhelming

force. Sometimes I feel as though my entire being is going to blow apart. The

estacy can go far beyond the bounds of pleasure, and I believe this is because

we are not fully developed enough to house the full force of this energy.


Perhaps this is why we (who have unleashed kundalini) can get lost in the idea

of self as divine-- I think we are evolving to a point where Fully Awakened

Kundalini is the natural state for all. Until then, I think we are pulled

forcfully in that direction by this profound force and therefore cannot accept

self while we know (both conciously and unconciously) that self is not fully

realized. Human Adolecence! Look around and tell me it isn't so.


Slill Here, Jody

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Thanks for sharing Jody. You make some excellent points that go to the heart

of the spiritual path and what it is all about. It is hard to know all the

mysteries of Shakti as Her expressions are infinite and varied. Visionary

and other experiences are bestowed by the Goddess, known by different names

in different traditions and religions. Hatha Yoga Pradipika says that Shakti

binds a fool and gives freedom to the Sage. That is also a point of view,

that has to be respected. We are bound in a way by our concepts, I believe.

Whether it is the concept of our being adolescence in evolution or whether

it is a concept of perfection, self-realization etc. Perhaps the point that

you are making is that if we look at the world around us (and look within

our own body and mind), we will see human misery, suffering, and anguish.

Perhaps Jody you are asking that given all this, how can anyone lay a claim

to self-realization, or knowledge of the truth, etc. I do not know anything

about that. It seems to me that despite all our suffering, we can clearly

see that we are aware and that we exist. To some, this is a trivial fact.

But sages see that as the Only Fact that one should hold on to under all

circumstances until the truth of the Self is Recognized spontaneously.

Shakti manifesting through Vijnanamaya Kosha (the subtle intellect),

pulsates as the force of "I AM." When the I AM holds on to the I AM in

awareness, that is the true spiritual practice. Beyond that what can really

be said. That is my considered opinion based on my experience and the

teaching of great sages. Thanks again Jody for writing. Enjoyed reading it.





robinrbj [robinrbj]

Monday, July 26, 1999 8:11 AM

What Undermines Self Acceptance?




What undermines acceptance of our own natural state? A good question, but

what is our "natural" state? I think we have not yet attained it as a group

but are rather, a work in progress. We are in the adolecence of our own



If, for instance, in the concept of "The Garden Of Eden", Eve is an Ape who

has evolved to the stage of having a creative energy center (Kundalini)and

this serpent drives her and her mate from the garden of animals to embark

upon a separate evolutionary path, perhaps from then until now, we are

simply in the midst of Kundalini evolving as it strengthens and expands our

energy centers (Chakras)-- and gradually maps out the path to connection

with divine creative energy.


I do believe we are still children (as a group), and that some sages are

born at a higher stage and then push the boundaries of their own

evolutionary state unleashing kundalini and attaining crown chakra

connection with the divine energy. Unfortunately, the average human can

only make religions of hero worship out of the road maps presented by such

actualized individuals.


And that wouldn't be such a bad thing if they didn't have to fight over

whose hero is bigger and more right on!!!


I don't think humans as a whole are ready physically and mental/emotionaly

for the full force of kundalini. Reading what others say and in my own

experience, Kundalini is an overwhelming

force. Sometimes I feel as though my entire being is going to blow apart.

The estacy can go far beyond the bounds of pleasure, and I believe this is

because we are not fully developed enough to house the full force of this



Perhaps this is why we (who have unleashed kundalini) can get lost in the

idea of self as divine-- I think we are evolving to a point where Fully

Awakened Kundalini is the natural state for all. Until then, I think we are

pulled forcfully in that direction by this profound force and therefore

cannot accept self while we know (both conciously and unconciously) that

self is not fully realized. Human Adolecence! Look around and tell me it

isn't so.


Slill Here, Jody





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>Jody: What undermines acceptance of our own natural state? A good

question, but >what is our "natural" state? I think we have not yet

attained it as a group but >are rather, a work in progress. We are in the

adolecence of our own evolution.


My understanding of our "natural state" is that these words imply "that

which is already here," already the case". How can we evolve to, or attain

what is already the case? For me, this concept is a pointing to

nonevolution, nonbecoming awareneness as "such". Unborn and Uncreated.

Or, said another way, awareness that is so much, so fully "becoming and

being" that it "burns up" the being-becoming each instant, is simply

omnipresent and total at every instant.

I'm saying this because I think that as consciousness directs its evolution

in time (which is our ability), it is easy for consciousness to miss its

Source as self-nature, which is beyond anything that it will ever evolve into.

> <snip> Human Adolecence! Look around and tell me it isn't so.


An optimistic way of viewing the situation!







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