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Antoine's Amazing Adventures!

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I love this Antoine! My one question .. Didya give the Prime Minister some

Shakti??? That was why YOU were sent .. to give him a taste of







Antoine wrote:

> Antoine <carrea


> > Thanks Antoine for sharing that funny, beautiful and moving story. You

> > installed the cable for this lady and she had the chance to watch her stocks

> > lose 50,000 dollars. She cried, and you held her warmly but firmly without

> > saying a word. Then comes the call from the prime minister who wants to


> > CNN in his office and you give a flying kiss to the lady and hop right back

> > on your cable truck. All in a day's work, I guess. Antoine, you should send

> > this to Reader's Digest (they offer cash prizes for these kind of stories).

> > It's no wonder you love your job. We love these anecdotes. More please. And

> > don't skip the details. :--). Thanks.

> >

> > Harsha


> Boy are you refreshing Harsha :). That was only two calls in one day, i

> make usually from 7 to 12. The Company sends me on special problem,

> either technical or of human relations. Not all days generate such

> stories. But getting to be in the home of so many peoples does bring

> intimate relations.


> Lucien Bouchard, our prime minister, a strong man he is in person. I

> respect him deeply. He his one of the few who was affected by the

> epidemic, don't remember the name of the sickness, it append about 6

> years ago over the world. About 100 people died. It was horrible because

> people would die from it in a day or two, and it eaten the flesh, like

> fire. Very few survived it, he did, but lost a leg to it. All that in a

> matter of hours.


> So i arrived at the 20 story building, with this decoder box and my tool

> belt, trying not to forget about my tai chi flow :) Had to sign papers

> downstairs and pass a metal detector. Of course i bused with my tools.

> Then up the elevator to the 12. To find three man's waiting for me with

> guns. Checking double checking my identity. Then passing a series of

> doors that can only be open from the inside. Of course i am escorted.

> The chief of security, a 6'2" guy, takes over. And brings me to the room

> where the prime minister is alone, doing some work. The secretary is

> there to let us in at the right time, like in a ballet dance.


> People wanting to become Presidents or prime minister have not seen this

> crystal prison with their eyes.


> To smooth things, seeing the chief of security wondering what could be

> in my two boxes. I ask him if he knows Andre Boiclair, a cabinet

> minister of my age. He says yes of course. Then i tell him, we went 7

> years to school in the same classroom, at the College Jean de Brebeuf. I

> made a lie, telling him that we plaid basket ball together, when Andre

> Boiclair was in fact the water boy of our basket ball team. He soften.

> He ask: you plaid basket ball?, where are you from?, etc...until the

> eternal question following why do you do this job. My eternal answer,

> because i love it :)


> So we go in the office, me and him, the Prime minister reading a paper

> and the secretary dancing from her phones to him. His wife was not there

> :) To bad Lol.


> That installation was like making a tea ceremony for someone watching,

> the chief of security. Taking my knife to open the box. My cutter to cut

> wires, etc., draw all his deep attention. In now time it was done. I

> handle the remote control to the prime minister, first contact, for him

> to see if all was ok.


> He took the time to get up for me before i left and give me a hand

> shake. He asked me if he could do something for me. I said yes, when you

> have time please say hello to Andre Boiclair for me. "And what is your

> name" he said. Just tell him the tall one from school tells him hi, he

> will know who i am. And we all laughed, since the security guard seems

> short near me.


> And so i left, to stop at a near by cafe on a terrace to take a drink on

> this wonderful afternoon. And then drive to my next job. A woman alone

> in few million dollar house with 16 tv not working. And then after an

> old lady that got scared, because her vcr started the autoprogram of

> channels alone after a power failure. Each moment is unique.


> But those are other stories.


> Antoine

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