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Dirk Haueter-Respected Leader

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We received this today from Dirk Haueter, one of our respected leaders.


Today's Full Moon day is Guru Purnima, 'Fullness of the Guru"


This is a very important Vedic Holiday, and the tradition in India is to go

and pay respect to the Guru, and to seek his blessings.


I want to share with you a story about a young man from India.


This young man searched for five long years to find a suitable Guru,

interviewing many in his own manner. Finally he reached the famous valley of

the saints, Uttarkashi, in the Himalayas, where he met Swami Krishnanand

Saraswati, a Dandi Swami, a disciple of Sringeripith, and a life celibate.

The boy surrendered at his feet and received initiation and the monastic

name Brahma Caitanya Brahmachari.


There soon developed an intimate relationship between Swamiji and his

youngest brahmachari. This is as it should be. The disciple surrenders

himself completely to his master and then becomes a worthy vessel into

which all of the Masters wisdom can pour. However, there was some

jealousy and friction between Brahma Caitanya and the other



One day a very learned pundit came to Uttarkashi. He was very well

versed in Indian philosophy and he extended invitations to everyone to

come and hear his lectures. Swamiji got an invitation, but he rarely

went out of his ashram. His disciples expressed an interest, however, so

Swamiji told them they could go to the lectures. ³But lock the gate

after you leave,² he told them.


When the time for the lecture came, the disciples all left the ashram

and locked the gate after them. Then they walked toward the place where

the lecture was to be held. As they walked along, the youngest

disciple, Brahma Caitanya, became more and more ill at ease.


³This is not right,² he thought. ³To leave Master all alone with no one

to care for his needs is not right. What can this pundit say that my

Master does not also know. How could I learn anything from him that I

could not receive from my own Master?²


Now another problem presented itself. How could he return? The gate was

locked. The other disciples already resented him. If he told them what

they were doing was wrong and he wanted to go back, the resentment would

only get worse. At last he hit upon a plan. He approached the eldest

disciple, the one with the key to the gate, and said, ³I am just a boy.

I will probably not be able to understand the pundits discourses and I

don¹t want to be in anyone's way. If you will give me the key to the gate I

will return to the ashram.²


The other disciples were pleased with the opportunity to be rid of the

young disciple. They gave him the key and he left for the ashram. As he

neared the gate he saw two Dandi Sanyassis going in the same direction,

so he hurried opened the gate for them. He gave them seats in his small

apartment and prepared something for them to eat. They told him that they

intended to visit with Guruji, but first they were going to listen to the

pundit speak.


That evening all the other disciples returned to the ashram and the two

Dandi Sanyassis returned with them. Guruji asked if they had anything

to eat and they told him they had, right here in his ashram before the



³But the gate was locked. Where exactly did you have your meal?²


The Sanyassis told him the whole story, concluding with, ³that young

Brahmachari gave us a quick meal so we could get to the lecture on



When the day¹s activities were over and Brahma Caitanya went to pay

obesience to his Master, he was asked, ³You didn¹t go to the lecture



³No Master. I thought I probably would not understand it, so I returned



When questioned about the 2 Dandi Sanyassi¹s he told the whole story

exactly as it had taken place. The Guru sensed that there was more to the

story. He looked into it with his Yogic powers and he saw that this

young disciple was much deeper in understanding and devotion than the

rest. He planned a special path for him. One that the other disciples

were not ready for, and one that would also serve the purpose of ending

the petty jealousy he felt for him.


The next day Swamiji called Brahma Caitanya to is side. He said, ³You

have reached a point in your development where are to practice a special

technique which I will give you. However, it would be better if the

other disciples, who are not yet ready for this teaching, were unaware

that I have given it to you. In the meeting today, I will pretend to be

upset with you. I will banish you from the ashram. You are to go to the

caves and practice the technique by yourself, away from the petty

jealousies of the others. Come back every Thursday and report your

progress to me.²


The next day, Swamiji appeared to be in a terrible mood. He scolded

everyone. When Brahma Caitanya appeared, the Master looked at him and

said, ³Get out of here. This is an ashram, not a place for children.²


But where should I go?²


³I don¹t care. Go wherever you want, just get out of here. Keeper, throw

this child out. Tell him about the caves three miles from here. He can

stay in one of those if he wants, but get him out of here.² Then he turned

to Brahma Caitanya and said ³If you feel you must be here, you may

return, but only once a week. The rest of the time, be gone.!²


³As you wish,² replied the young Brahma Caitanya, bowing to his Master. He

collected his belongings and seven days worth of food supply and left for

his new dwelling.


Many weeks passed. Every Thursday he returned to report on his progress and

his experiences, and receive further instructions. The next morning he would

gather seven more days of food and go back. As the months passed a new light

dawned within him guiding ever onward on his inward path.


Then one day the Guru sent the senior disciple up to Brahma Caitanya with

the instructions, ³Ask him if there is a vacant place with him for me to



The older disciple went to the caves and told the disciple in a commanding

voice, ³The Master says to prepare room for him.²


³But there is no room left.² was the reply.


The older disciple was much surprised at this answer. ³When the Master tells

you to prepare room for him, that is exactly what you, as a disciple, are to

do. Do you understand?²


³You are older than I and I respect your age, knowledge and devotion to the

Master, but right now you are in the position of a messenger. Please go and

tell the Master that I have said there is no room left. After that, whatever

you want to say to him about me, please do so, but please see that my

message to him is delivered in my own words--there is no room left.²


The old disciple returned to the Master and reported. ³He said there was no

room left, yet the cave to his right was vacant and the one to his left was

vacant !² Guru remained silent, but the other disciples were astounded at

the insulting attitude of the young disciple. He surely must be punished

severely for this.


Thursday came and young Brahma Caitanya came to pay obeisance to his Guru.

All of the other disciples waited to se what punishment he would receive but

the Master remained silent. At last they could no longer take the suspense.

The older disciple said, ³Master, what is the correct punishment for a

disciple who is rude to the Master?²


The Guru looked at all the disciples, knowing full well the mood they shared

towards Brahma Caitanya. He said, ³Your question is not clear to me. Please



The disciple could see no way out, so he said, ³You sent me to ask Brahma

Caitanya to prepare room for you, but he said there was no room. Yet the

caves to his right and left were vacant. When I pointed this out to him, he

just said to tell you there was no room. This insulting attitude toward you

has insulted us all and we would like you to tell us all how to behave

toward this impertinent person.²


The Master turned to the young Brahmacari and said, ³What have you to say

about this?²


³Master, you alone are fit to guide my fellow disciples on how they should

behave toward be. As for what I said that day, it is a private matter

between you and me.²


³Please explain it to them,² urged the Master.


The young Brahmachari¹s face burned with embarrassment. ³Please Master,² he

said, ³it is just between you and me.²


³Then explain it to me, please. If they overhear, it wont matter to us.²


³Guruji,² he began, looking at the floor, deeply embarrassed, ³even I know

the proper place for the Master is not a place of mud. The only place for

the Master is in the heart of the disciple. From the first day I saw you, my

heart has been completely filled by you. There is no room left. If I had

been told to reserve some room that first day, even then it would have been

impossible. There is no vacant place in me whatsoever. It is all filled with

love for you. As for the caves beside me, you already know of their

emptiness. If you had wanted to stay in one of them, you could have done so

without asking me. Who am I to be asked, anyway?² After saying this, he

lapsed into silence with his face downcast and reddened with embarrassment.


It all came as a revelation to the other disciples however. Now it was their

turn to turn their faces downward in shame.


The Master spoke. ³It is true that this is a personal matter, but what has

just happened is a good thing. Think no more about it. What you have said

was by my request. Love, devotion, surrender and faith are the basis of all

inner development. They cannot be taken away from you and shared.²

This young man was later renamed Brahmananda Saraswati when he himself took

the monastic vows of a Dandi Sanyassi. He became a Shankachara in north

India and was the teacher of my teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Dirk (Devoted Disciple and Respected Leader)

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Dear Harsha:


Thanks for posting Dirk's story it is always good to be reminded of the

importance of love, trust and humility. Where would any of us be without

the guidance and love of those who choose to dedicate their lives and selves

to helping out the rest of us as we dance to the music of maya?




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