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I write to introduce myself and tell you about my life so far and to

hear myself talk, so feel free to move on if I bore you.


My name is Jim, I’m 33, white, male, living in the midwestern United

States. I’ve been aware of the choices of a spiritual path for around 5

years and have devoted more and more of my attention to it over the

course of the last year. Many of the things I have ‘learned’ recently I

feel have always been a part of my life, I just wasn’t aware of them, or

perhaps I had forgotten, which is closer to the feeling. I can’t say

that I’ve experienced any great revelation recently, but insights have

been abundant. I’ve had an unusual life experience thus far and I love

who I have become. But it has been difficult and confusing.


I have, in the last few years, come to realize how different my

childhood was from most people I have known and how it has burdened me

with certain social disfunctions. While I won’t go into the ugly

details, I lived a great deal of my childhood, until around the age of

twelve or so, in isolation. I wasn’t really aware of the isolation at

the time. I can’t explain it, and I don’t have much memory of the

period. However, at the age of twelve I had a kind of awakening, and it

is there where most of my memories become clearer. Up until that time I

was silent and shuffled easily through the educational system, my

invisibility act well developed by the age of 5 or so.


The great benefit of this early isolation was that although I didn’t

know it, I was my only companion most of the time, and since I had the

openess of a child’s mind, I gained a certain intimacy with the inner

workings of my Self. I learned many things that I take for granted from

childhood that are often spoken of in scriptures from around the world.

The image of the ship on a calm sea parallels the feeling or realization

that occured at 12. I recognized it as the only realistic approach to

life. The disadvantage of isolation was an inability to grasp the image

others had of me and how to interact with them, I was uninterested in

the social signs and signals that dictate the human pecking order. I

couldn’t accept that it was ever necessary to understand such things,

they were transparent and a waste of energy when you could opt to just

‘be’, without the desire driven emotional swings. Then I forgot it all

again...sort of. The ‘I’ I found was still in isolation, but in a new

way....I believed I could seperate myself from the unreceptive and

hostile world...life has gone to great lengths to show me otherwise.

There was a time when I would not have written this or cared what anyone

else would have to say about my experiences.


The next ‘stage’ occured at around 25, I was in the U.S. Marine Corps.

(yes, it’s true, and there are stories...man, are there stories). I was

in uniform during the ‘Gulf War’. I 'realized' where I was and made

rapid arrangements to exit ‘stage’ left (pun intended). I realized that

I was in the business of death and I simply didn’t have it in me....that

I could never be a good Marine because I lacked the sort of aggresion

required. Shortly thereafter I became interested in the topics discussed

in forums such as this. In no small part due to the efforts of an

evangelical christian Marine who volunteered to go to the Gulf. I

stayed in the states, as a “casualty replacement” which meant that if

Sean, my evangelical friend, died over there, they would send me...it

scared me to think that I might be asked to fight, but I wasn’t afraid

for Sean, he had the protection of God. I was a practicing atheist at

the time, but I felt Sean’s protection, I can’t explain it. I told Sean

not to go, that he lacked the imagination to see how it would change

him, he saw it as a matter of honor, I still don’t know who was right.


The latest stage of my development, over the last 8 years has been away

from the highly structured environments I had experienced up to my

discharge from military service.


Now I work in the measurement science business and it is a fascinating

angle from which to view the world. I have everyday exposure to

realities like ‘every measurement has a certain amount of uncertainty’

and using physical ‘constants’ to verify test instruments makes me smile

and wonder. My life is mostly work and practice and both at the same

time whenever possible. I figure I’ve got the rest of my life to get

wherever I’m going and the scenery has been unbelievable so far...


I would like advice from anyone who recognizes my position and has

something to say that might nudge me along, it seems whatever I need

appears when I need it and this outpouring happened rather suddenly, so

perhaps you know something that I could benefit from. Thank you in




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In a message dated 7/31/99 2:00:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Jimshead writes:


<< I would like advice from anyone who recognizes my position and has

something to say that might nudge me along, it seems whatever I need

appears when I need it and this outpouring happened rather suddenly, so

perhaps you know something that I could benefit from. Thank you in

advance. >>


Hi Jim...




I have found that when I am 'in the flow'... things just fall into place --

all my needs are met, no matter the order of difficulty. I love this place

(!) and find the only thing I can give in return is appreciation for all

things. Your smile and wonder of the things in your world are wonderful

gifts to yourself.


Seems to me you are right where you are supposed to be, and whatever your

needs are for nudging you to where you want to be, will just show up. Life

is a great mystery, and if we only follow the clues, which are all around us,

will we see this mystery unraveled in all its beauty.


Glad you are here with us!




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I enjoyed very much your words and thoughts Jim. Please share more. You are in


hands .. your own. Seems you feel guidance moving you already. It would be


for me to ad anything to what youhave already written except to say .. I am


that you had to bear such uncomforting boundaries ..

If you have any more specific questions it would be easier to know what to share

with you.




Jim Scroggins wrote:

> I would like advice from anyone who recognizes my position and has

> something to say that might nudge me along, it seems whatever I need

> appears when I need it and this outpouring happened rather suddenly, so

> perhaps you know something that I could benefit from. Thank you in

> advance.


> Jim


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> I write to introduce myself and tell you about my life so far and to

> hear myself talk,


Hello Jim,


Welcome, i like you already :)



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