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I loved this story of yours! Thanks for sharing it.

I think though, I may have missed what you are

saying in your last paragraph...


"Do you believe the color of your words to sustain in the right way, 500 to

1000 readers a day? Or be good for me each time, in copy over different

emails group, 3 to four even five times each email of you?"


Are you asking Christopher, among others perhaps,

not to post the same message to several email groups?


If so, does it bother you only when Christopher does

it....or when others of us do it rather routinely

as well?


Thanks again for your colors metaphor.



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Hello Melody,


You ask me what does bother me about Christopher Wynter. I like what the

guy is saying, but i don't like the process he his using to express it.

I will use the same that he uses and have observed on the list i share

with him and where he as cross posted, many times a day, a bit less on

NondualitySaon and HarshaSatsang.


First find a local problem to the list. Here it is cross posting by



Second, find a solution to it, in universal format. Which i am not doing

here, leaving the names, the orignal quote from the email i am repplying

to, and all that...


Then write an email, and post it. But put Bcc: instead of cc; so each

list will think the post was addressed to it. Most of all do not ask the

owner of the list, implicitly or not if you may bcc: your emails like



Then send the emails, and reply to others in the same fashion, making

sure of not quoting the email you are responding to.


It's to me, taking an example close to me, like one of the patient

coming to see my parents psychiatrist, and the next morning, the patient

receives in the front page of the papers an article wrote by the

psychiatrist he or she has seen the day before, but exposed in the

universal language of that science. Wonder how the patient feels in it's



I did miss respect towards Melody and all the other list owners that i

have cc: in this email, for not asking before. I do believe that Melody

respects me enough to forgive my action or see no consequence in them,

from what i know of her, and the respect i think she knows i have for



I simply posted this so that no harm would be done, to someone waking up

one morning and finding out he or she was food for thoughts on over so,

how many?, many list.


With no respect,



Melody wrote:


> Melody <melody


> Antoine,


> I loved this story of yours! Thanks for sharing it.

> I think though, I may have missed what you are

> saying in your last paragraph...


> "Do you believe the color of your words to sustain in the right way, 500 to

> 1000 readers a day? Or be good for me each time, in copy over different

> emails group, 3 to four even five times each email of you?"


> Are you asking Christopher, among others perhaps,

> not to post the same message to several email groups?


> If so, does it bother you only when Christopher does

> it....or when others of us do it rather routinely

> as well?


> Thanks again for your colors metaphor.


> Melody


The cross posting you are referring to Melody, as nothing to do with the

one i could observe done by Christopher. Christopher post make a lot of

sense in the list they originate from, but loose more and more meaning

as they appear from nowhere, as bcc, as if they where original to each

list. The intent of cross posting is clear when others do, would it be

only from being able to see from what list it originally comes from in

the header of the email, or quoting the email it was an answer to.



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Hi Antoine,


Thank you very much for taking the time

to explain your concerns so directly.


As I (and perhaps others) am not d

to any of the k-lists it clears up my

confusion over yours and Harsha's rather

strong reactions to Christopher's recent posts.


And yes, I hear your respect for me each time

you have responded to a post of mine. It makes

communicating with you such a pleasure for me.


I have appreciated for several weeks

not only that respect, but the spirit of 'namaste'

that you convey in all your responses to postings

here in this forum. The ability to find some

beauty and wisdom in each post has been, for me,

your 'signature'. One that inspires me.


Which is why your response to Christopher was

so surprising for me.


If I am hearing your objection clearly, it sounds

as though you do not seem to hold the view that what

Christopher offers is "trivial", but rather that his

posts may mis-use people's heartfelt offerings in a

rather self-promoting way? Or that his crossposting

could lead to others simply not having the original

context with which to place his words?


I ask this because many of the concerns you listed

were easily concerns that could have been directed

at any number of us at any given time. Many have

been the times I have deleted the same email over and

over again. Many days it seems that the same person's

name appears over and over again. And many the response,

whether direct or indirect, to others posts here and

on other lists could be easily construed as

'self-serving'. It seems to just be part and parcel

of what one accepts when one joins mulitple communities.



I have listened to much of what Christopher offers.

Much of what he offers I have found to be true in

my own body-mind work. (That he continues to suggest

that his discoveries are in any way new, or unique

to his work, amuses some of us though.)


I lurked on his email list for a couple of weeks and

found that his rather paternal style of running an email list was not my

cup of tea. I found it much like he was

bestowing onto his listeners cherished bits of life-enhancing food... food

I was not hungry for...so I did

not stay long. (Who of you that knows me would be surprised

to hear this? LOL!)


But for some it may be just the very style that speaks

to them. It certainly seemed so.


As long as he is careful not to identify himself

as 'bestower of truth', it seems rather harmless to

me. And if he does, then that's for him to work

thru...no? Just like the rest of us?


******Which instantly raises the question in me:


"Why would it be okay for Harsha to identify

*others* as "bestowers of truth", and but not

okay for Christopher to identify *himself* as a

"bestower of truth"? Ha!! Finally I'm getting

somewhere in all this! Yes. Finally I see my

issue...my issue with Harsha in particular. One

that's been knawing on me for months, and has

'blocked me' from hearing Harsha's heart. ****


Harsha, dear man, this may all seem like meaningless

mumbo jumbo to you, but I'm glad I finally see why

I have been refusing to hear you for so long.


I may have just misused your forum once again. If

so, I apologize once again.... but I am greatful

that I can see what's kept me from seeing your Light.


in gratitude,


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******Which instantly raises the question in me:


"Why would it be okay for Harsha to identify

*others* as "bestowers of truth", and but not

okay for Christopher to identify *himself* as a

"bestower of truth"? Ha!! Finally I'm getting

somewhere in all this! Yes. Finally I see my

issue...my issue with Harsha in particular. One

that's been knawing on me for months, and has

'blocked me' from hearing Harsha's heart. ****


Harsha, dear man, this may all seem like meaningless

mumbo jumbo to you, but I'm glad I finally see why

I have been refusing to hear you for so long.


I may have just misused your forum once again. If

so, I apologize once again.... but I am greatful

that I can see what's kept me from seeing your Light.


in gratitude,




Hi Melody. You are so totally funny and intense. :--)). Sorry, you have had

to hold this in for so long. Glad you got it all off your chest finally. I

don't know why you are apologizing.

You have not misused this forum or anything. Please feel free to say

anything you please, because you are trying to communicate directly and I

think this is important for all of us. We are all in the same boat, I

believe. If it tips, we all get wet :--). Communications can help keep that

balance. I don't know what else to say other than Yes! I am the Great One.

What I say goes! :--). Just kidding Melody. What you say goes!



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>Hi Melody. You are so totally funny and intense. :--)). Sorry, you have had

>to hold this in for so long. Glad you got it all off your chest finally. I

>don't know why you are apologizing.

>You have not misused this forum or anything. Please feel free to say

>anything you please, because you are trying to communicate directly and I

>think this is important for all of us. We are all in the same boat, I

>believe. If it tips, we all get wet :--).



For some dang reason I felt as though I was

supposed to tiptoe thru this fellowship, so

as not to disturb the 'silence' and the 'vibes'

of this place. :-)


What I realize is that all this time I was

letting one opportunity after another go by

for 'getting clear'. So what you say about the

importance of direct communication is well

received by me.


My refusing to address openly with you what I

perceived in the moment, simply set me up

to miss hearing anything you would say in

the moments to follow.

>Communications can help keep that

>balance. I don't know what else to say other than Yes! I am the Great One.

>What I say goes! :--).



LOL! And as long as I perceived you as the Great One

who 'anoints' his knights, what you said *did* go.....

....in one ear... and out the other! :-))


>Just kidding Melody. What you say goes!



I know this sounds silly, but after my

realization I felt like that little kid

in the fairy tale who shouts, "The emperor

has no clothes! The emperor has no clothes!"


And I knew you had only been mirroring to

me my own fears.....fear of power AND fear of

being revered.


But now that I stand here feeling rather

naked, and having declared that you, too

are without out any clothes, Harsha <s>,

perhaps we could just jump out of this boat

we're all in, and go skinny dipping for a

while? There's certainly enought 'moon' light

tonight it seems. <s>


feeling shameless,



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