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Melody wrote:


Hello Melody,

> If I am hearing your objection clearly, it sounds

> as though you do not seem to hold the view that what

> Christopher offers is "trivial", but rather that his

> posts may mis-use people's heartfelt offerings in a

> rather self-promoting way? Or that his crossposting

> could lead to others simply not having the original

> context with which to place his words?


Yes Christopher's post have great meaning to me. If they where trivial,

i would not react the way i did. It's been a habit since my early

childhood to look at the words of those who had powers and look at how

they affected the ones who did not find the clarity of thought to change

their conditions under the effects of those words. Would i see a leader

with a group of followers, i would work the leader in front of his

followers, until the followers come to see they can have fun on their

own. Simply sharing.


Must i change or not that pattern of manifestation, is a question i try

to look with all my clarity in me, when it comes to manifest. Why should

i change it? Over my life it did not bring more "karma" that i can

handle. It did not stop me from being amaze this morning at the flowers

still growing outside, the sun shinning, the birds signing.

> I ask this because many of the concerns you listed

> were easily concerns that could have been directed

> at any number of us at any given time. Many have

> been the times I have deleted the same email over and

> over again. Many days it seems that the same person's

> name appears over and over again. And many the response,

> whether direct or indirect, to others posts here and

> on other lists could be easily construed as

> 'self-serving'. It seems to just be part and parcel

> of what one accepts when one joins mulitple communities.


Yes this consideration could have raised for many other, many times. But

it did not raise for me for others. At least the one it did for, did

come to know about it one way or the other. I don't necessarily raise

the issue because i think the other is in the wrong, it's also a way of

discovery for some things that come to bug me, and i go see what it is.

I expose myself to it, so i can see better from where it comes from.

> ~~

> I have listened to much of what Christopher offers.

> Much of what he offers I have found to be true in

> my own body-mind work. (That he continues to suggest

> that his discoveries are in any way new, or unique

> to his work, amuses some of us though.)


> I lurked on his email list for a couple of weeks and

> found that his rather paternal style of running an email list was not my

> cup of tea. I found it much like he was

> bestowing onto his listeners cherished bits of life-enhancing food... food

> I was not hungry for...so I did

> not stay long. (Who of you that knows me would be surprised

> to hear this? LOL!)


> But for some it may be just the very style that speaks

> to them. It certainly seemed so.


> As long as he is careful not to identify himself

> as 'bestower of truth', it seems rather harmless to

> me. And if he does, then that's for him to work

> thru...no? Just like the rest of us?


> ******Which instantly raises the question in me:


> "Why would it be okay for Harsha to identify

> *others* as "bestowers of truth", and but not

> okay for Christopher to identify *himself* as a

> "bestower of truth"? Ha!! Finally I'm getting

> somewhere in all this! Yes. Finally I see my

> issue...my issue with Harsha in particular. One

> that's been knawing on me for months, and has

> 'blocked me' from hearing Harsha's heart. ****


> Harsha, dear man, this may all seem like meaningless

> mumbo jumbo to you, but I'm glad I finally see why

> I have been refusing to hear you for so long.


> I may have just misused your forum once again. If

> so, I apologize once again.... but I am greatful

> that I can see what's kept me from seeing your Light.


Thank you for being my moon and my sun in expressing your thoughts,

Melody. You help me understand things that i do not see within me with

my only two eyes. Four eyes are sometimes better than two.



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>Yes Christopher's post have great meaning to me. If they where trivial,

>i would not react the way i did. It's been a habit since my early

>childhood to look at the words of those who had powers and look at how

>they affected the ones who did not find the clarity of thought to change

>their conditions under the effects of those words. Would i see a leader

>with a group of followers, i would work the leader in front of his

>followers, until the followers come to see they can have fun on their

>own. Simply sharing.


>Must i change or not that pattern of manifestation, is a question i try

>to look with all my clarity in me, when it comes to manifest. Why should

>i change it? Over my life it did not bring more "karma" that i can

>handle. It did not stop me from being amaze this morning at the flowers

>still growing outside, the sun shinning, the birds signing.




>Yes this consideration could have raised for many other, many times. But

>it did not raise for me for others. At least the one it did for, did

>come to know about it one way or the other. I don't necessarily raise

>the issue because i think the other is in the wrong, it's also a way of

>discovery for some things that come to bug me, and i go see what it is.

>I expose myself to it, so i can see better from where it comes from.



You tell me about yourself, and in so doing I

am assisted in seeing myself.


I understand now, better than ever before what

you mean by "thank you for being my sun and my



You make me cry. thanks to your reflection, and

your radiance, I can better see what's standing

in front of my face.


Thank you,


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> You tell me about yourself, and in so doing I

> am assisted in seeing myself.


> I understand now, better than ever before what

> you mean by "thank you for being my sun and my

> moon".


> You make me cry. thanks to your reflection, and

> your radiance, I can better see what's standing

> in front of my face.


You make nice pearls slide from my eyes Melody. It's a magic we share

and i cherish it.

Thank you for being you, so i can be me.



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