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DHEA and Food Supplements

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Any comments about DHEA and other food supplements being advertised to

retard the aging process. So far, I have aware of one natural method

(fasting and restriction of calories), to extend life. This has been used by

yogis who subsist on fruits and raw vegetables and pranayama and

periodically fast. Please let us know your views on this and any scientific

data that is available to support the view. Thanks.



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Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) wrote:


> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


> Any comments about DHEA and other food supplements being advertised to

> retard the aging process. So far, I have aware of one natural method

> (fasting and restriction of calories), to extend life. This has been used by

> yogis who subsist on fruits and raw vegetables and pranayama and

> periodically fast. Please let us know your views on this and any scientific

> data that is available to support the view. Thanks.


> Harsha


I have one ingredient responsible for the aging process, it's not food

as such and all humanity is affected by this disease. In psychiatry it

it is called neurosis. I am talking here only of its mild subtle form,

that is very contagious and is transmitted in an invisible way in our

day to day comportment in society. It's a cultural "gene" that is

transmitted in an almost invisible way, so much it is common. One person

is infected by it 100 of times a day. And he/se does the same to others.


Here a various form it is transmitted in;


Harsha: "In the video that I saw, Dalai Lama was watching cable. Some

type of a fashion show I believe, with models. When the interviewer

asked him whether he thought it was enjoyable he said no. I wondered why

he had it on in the first place, though, if he did not enjoy it. "


The Dalai Lama, on tv is not the man, he is the Dalai lama. Is actions

still reflects his projections of the possible listeners. His action

still contain the seed of neurosis, for those who thinks it is the man

talking on tv. Talking on tv is a neurosis situation.


I liked his remark about reincarnation when asked about it. After a

moment of silence, he said the "Dalai Lama will reincarnate, of course".

But one could clearly feel that it was the Dalai Lama talking and not

the man.




Each time someone tells you do not do this for x ethical reason, and

they go doing it. They transmit shame.




Telling to a child "go play outside" when what you are asking is leave

me alone, or i need time alone. Why not simply explain that you need

time alone...


oh yes!!!, the child will not understand, the mind says. The pattern

here again, that you transmit to the child.




It's coming to believe that scientific research is needed to find the

right food to eat, when you know at the very moment that you bring your

lips on something if it's good or not. The neurosis pattern within each

one, stop us to listening to our lips as deeply as they are able to, all

the way to our "genetic pattern".


This bring out pattern like:

I eat this because science says today it is good, yet while you feel

that it is not that deeply good for you.

Or a deeper sense of shame is created from eating something that an

ethical system to one, says it is not good.


Many people in my family lived to a 100 or so, in great lucidity, my

grand father on the side of my mother had his driver license up to 92.

And it was a choice of his, after my grand mother died, that lead him to

death and body decay in a 6 month period. What i remember of those

person, is their lack of shame in whatever they where doing, and their

innocent joy in life. The food they hate had nothing to do with it, much

less than the pleasure they took in eating what they had and enjoying

their family of 14 children's.


Some will say that living hold is genetic, from looking at my direct

living family of blood, that is over 100 living persons today, directly

from my grand parents. The genetics, play an important role in the

external body appearance up to the age of around 30. As the years pass

after that you become who you made yourself to be, the coat of shame you

carry starts to show on you. So i have a cousin of 50, and he looks 20

in all his faculties (another one who initiated me to meditation a 6

year old, was fun :), but i have others who look 45 at 30, they like

their life having reasons to do this and that. The genetics or science

have nothing to do with it after a while. It's an excuse to carry our

deep coat of shame or a cultural identity.





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>I liked his remark about reincarnation when asked about it. After a

>moment of silence, he said the "Dalai Lama will reincarnate, of course".

>But one could clearly feel that it was the Dalai Lama talking and not

>the man.




Such a gift of sight, cable man! :-)




>Each time someone tells you do not do this for x ethical reason, and

>they go doing it. They transmit shame.



Are you saying in a way that someone who has a

'virus' of for example...saying one thing, but doing another is in fact

*transmitting* that virus whenever

(s)he does not 'walk his talk'?


Shame, in this sense, then would be describing

the feeling that is attached to one's recognition

that they have "split" away from Truth?


Like Adam and Eve in the Garden.....




>This bring out pattern like:

>I eat this because science says today it is good, yet while you feel

>that it is not that deeply good for you.

>Or a deeper sense of shame is created from eating something that an

>ethical system to one, says it is not good.



In the Johrei tradition, it is recognized that

it is not the 'food' in itself that is either

good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, but the

attitude one brings to the table. Not only the

attitude about the food being tasty, or not....

healthy or not,


but the attitude in live in general.


In Johrei, one is encouraged to focus

the heart and the light of appreciation on

whatever is set before you, and that the

spirit of gratitude will bless (and remove

any impurities) of anything you eat.


This approach sits well with me. :-)



>Many people in my family lived to a 100 or so, in great lucidity, my

>grand father on the side of my mother had his driver license up to 92.

>And it was a choice of his, after my grand mother died, that lead him to

>death and body decay in a 6 month period. What i remember of those

>person, is their lack of shame in whatever they where doing, and their

>innocent joy in life. The food they hate had nothing to do with it, much

>less than the pleasure they took in eating what they had and enjoying

>their family of 14 children's.


>Some will say that living hold is genetic, from looking at my direct

>living family of blood, that is over 100 living persons today, directly

>from my grand parents. The genetics, play an important role in the

>external body appearance up to the age of around 30. As the years pass

>after that you become who you made yourself to be, the coat of shame you

>carry starts to show on you.



Yes. I sense that.

I look myself at pictures of myself at 35. Although

I was considered a 'desirable woman', I could see in

my face a sense of weariness and a beginning of 'hardness'

in my eyes.


Though my figure is not what it once was, in my face

now, I seem much younger, in heart and in mind.



Thanks for your sharing,



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Antoine wrote:

> It's coming to believe that scientific research is needed to find the

> right food to eat, when you know at the very moment that you bring your

> lips on something if it's good or not. The neurosis pattern within each

> one, stop us to listening to our lips as deeply as they are able to, all

> the way to our "genetic pattern".


Obesity grows mostly because our health authorities lack political will to


the sale of degraded foods & the corrupt ones that convince you to eat them.

Even sans promotion these foods are hard to resist because the food industry

has tapped into your genetic programming. During evolution our ancestors


because their bodies developed reactions to certain tastes, smells, &


that taught them to seek & savor the flesh of plants & animals that provided the

best nutrition. Those reactions are our legacy of foods that we deem delicious.


But over the century, with complete disregard for human health, food


have extracted all these potent stimuli from their unprocessed and expensive


contexts, and put them into dirt-cheap pap that is essentially devoid of

nutrients. They

know how taste & smell & texture spike the human appetite. Then they use the


bending advertising to suck you in. The evidence walks our streets everyday. 60


fat Americans are waddling testimony to the power of chemistry & advertising, to


them into fat & sugar processing plants to line food manufacturer's pockets.


- Dr Michael Colgan - 1998


Your body registers these deficiencies & turns up your appetite to make you eat


to supply the missing nutrients,. Because nutrients are scarce in our food you

have to

eat far too many calories to provide them. If even one nutrient remains

deficient your

body will continue asking for it via your appetite. A single nutrient deficiency

is enough

to make you fat as a hog.


The simplest answer to this problem is to take supplements.

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> >Each time someone tells you do not do this for x ethical reason, and

> >they go doing it. They transmit shame.


> Are you saying in a way that someone who has a

> 'virus' of for example...saying one thing, but doing another is in fact

> *transmitting* that virus whenever

> (s)he does not 'walk his talk'?


> Shame, in this sense, then would be describing

> the feeling that is attached to one's recognition

> that they have "split" away from Truth?


Yes you are right Melody, shame is more the recognition that one has

split from Truth. More on a moral level, or conscious one. But it can

come to manifest as a physical symptom as it crystallize very deep.


As for the transmission of the virus, I don't believe it's automatic

that the other will catch it. Some have the faculty to "clear" more than

others in one day. k is part of that process, from my observation. Allot

of people here understand the expression it's "k time", when it seems

that the process of "immunization", or "burning" is in full gear. And

others just have this gift of whipping the virus away as it is emitted.


Children's have this faculty of being able to burn so fast those

"virus", but on the other side they can be also imprinted so very deeply

for life by a to sharp exposition to a "virus" and time is not taken to

let the imprints open before they crystallize as a pattern of the

character of the child.


I like sharing stories with you, so here is another one.


At 15 year old i went for two months in Florida with a 19 year old

patient of my mother. He was diagnostic (Chronic Neurosis). I had often

been exposed to the patient of my parents, playing with them, not seeing

them as sick, in my virgin eyes. But it did not affect me. The money was

good for that job, i was paid to make him to eat, go on the beach, give

him back a taste for life, something like that. His rich parents needed

a break from him. So i spent 2 months with him.


When i came back my girlfriend left me after a few days, my angel eyes

where not as deep as before. I could not see the difference, touch the

"virus" i was infested with, in my pattern of manifestation. It was just

my big first vaccine of that virus. Coming out of the Garden... The

world has been totally different for a few years after that, but it was

subtle in development.


I guess we all have our limits where the virus may come back to us. The

chinese in their torture chambers, and the CIA (love that red room

torture chamber of them, where absolutely no sound echoes and that is

painted in a way that you cannot distinguish the walls from the ceiling

all in red, and no way to know the time, when a voice from no where

works on you for weeks) and others, they will work up most of men if

they want to. They exist arts in rebuilding, brainwashing, a hierarchy

of "virus" pattern of acting in a human being. The publicity art is a

soft version of it.


Laughing, this brings out the old stories of Merlin vs Morgan (i think

was her name) over Arthur.

> Like Adam and Eve in the Garden.....


> <snip>

> >This bring out pattern like:

> >I eat this because science says today it is good, yet while you feel

> >that it is not that deeply good for you.

> >Or a deeper sense of shame is created from eating something that an

> >ethical system to one, says it is not good.


> In the Johrei tradition, it is recognized that

> it is not the 'food' in itself that is either

> good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, but the

> attitude one brings to the table. Not only the

> attitude about the food being tasty, or not....

> healthy or not,


> but the attitude in live in general.


> In Johrei, one is encouraged to focus

> the heart and the light of appreciation on

> whatever is set before you, and that the

> spirit of gratitude will bless (and remove

> any impurities) of anything you eat.


> This approach sits well with me. :-)


It makes me think, of the medical system in the US saying that wine in

moderation is good for health. When its easy to see, in general, that

for some drinking is a reason to celebrate and for others one to forget.



> Thanks for your sharing,


Thank you for listening,



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