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Indigo Children ... Dharma

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Hi Chris,

>> I've been thinking about my own early childhood and wondering what was

>> suppressed. My parents were loving, patient people, and yet I know of a

>> few things they discouraged because they thought I would be happier without

>> unusual abilities. Also, there was a little man who came to visit us

>> occasionally... at night, to check up on me... and when I told them he'd

>> been there, they always insisted he was a dream, and I always said he was

>> real.


>You had to shut down in order to survive in a manner that your parents


>of ... and also as you were psychic you saw the fear coming from your

>parents as

>you caused them to remember their childhood ... so out of compassion you

>repressed your abilities ...


I don't think I shut down. There was a big church on the corner behind us,

and I started going to church services there when I was 2 1/2 or 3... when

my mother found out, she put a dress on me on Sunday mornings... doesn't

seem very repressive. :) It wasn't psychic stuff that I know they

discouraged... it was very early reading, math, stuff like that. But I do

think most of us stop noticing a lot of the psychic stuff consciously

because the people around us don't seem to see and hear those things.

>and now you are looking to remember ... but you

>still cannot accept yourself because subconsciously you are still looking for

>your mother's approval and acceptance ...


I understand why you say that, but that's not me. :) Over the years I was

able to help my parents with what I knew and experienced... not pushing

too much on them at one time, but a little here, a little there. My father

had been an agnostic... when he died, he left the table beside his chair

empty except for one little book: _On the Immortality of the Soul_,

Socrates on death and immortality... from the _Crito_. I was able to take

care of my Mom for the last four years of her life, and we had a wonderful

time together. She didn't hear Daddy, but once in a while I told her what

he said. She knew about my memories of other lives...


Actually, Chris, it's my children who don't understand and accept... now

that I have active Kundalini, I'm even more of a weirdo than before. :))))








>> One thing comes to mind that I've never looked at in this way before. My

>> father stammered... in later years, only occasionally... but I think it

>> was more pronounced when I was very small, like 2-3 years old. Mom said

>> that when he got hung up on a word and couldn't say it, I would go over to

>> him and say the word for him... then he could say it.


>Father was shut down for some reason ... made wrong as a child ... you tuned

>into what he was trying to say 'telepathically' ...



>>Mom told the story

>> because she remembered how touching it was when I put an arm around him and

>> said the word... I don't think she ever wondered how I knew what word it

>> was. She also said that a few times when she couldn't think of a word for

>> something, I said it... once it was the name of the test for syphilis, and

>> I said "Wasserman." Another time it was the word for the stairways that

>> move by themselves, and I said "escalators." (There were none in our

>> town.) She thought I must have an unusual memory... that I must have

>> heard those words before, though she couldn't remember when. But now I

>> wonder if it was psychic. That was before TV, though we did have a radio.


>I think I've answered that .... in this and the other post ...



>> :)


>> In the US now, so many mothers work and take their children to day care...

>> it's hard to see how very many children could be raised this way. Do you

>> think that teachers in school could make a big difference? That seems kind

>> of late to start it


>I spoke for a couple of hours last year to a group of puberty age children ...

>(one of my plain man ... no 'bull shit' talks which the teachers couldn't


>come at) ... but the reports that I have been getting back from the school (I

>have an insider there) is that the teachers and counsellors can't figure out

>what has been the reason for the drop in incidents within this group ...

>and why

>their grades have gone up ... statistically at variance with all other past

>groups and the rest of the school ...


>I have a couple of teachers in one of my groups who are applying the


>of my work in their class rooms and some of the stories of the results

>they are

>achieving bring tears to my eyes ...


>In my opinion, all that is needed is for the children to be heard ... really

>heard ...


>with respect


>Christopher Wynter

>Hobart Tasmania



> "The Plain Man's Spiritual Notebook"

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