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Indigo Children

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We have two little boys in our group in Tasmania, David and anunda ... without

going into the

medical/scientific analysis on them, it would seem that what Drunvalo says is

entirely feasible as

we have observed what he is talking about within them ... and more.

>From the work that I have done with the group and my knowledge of mtDNA and

Nuclear DNA, I feel that

he is, within the use of words and language, pretty close ... but hasn't gone

far enough ...


What we notice with these boys is the reactions of others who come into contact

with them ... many

are terribly afraid ... and others remark on their presence ... but association

with them is

sufficient to trigger changes in people .... I will go into greater detail on

this if the list

wishes ...


These children (two little boys) were born to unmarried mothers who have been in

my group for some

time now. The consciousness of the work that I have been describing to you has

been applied to the

first almost two years of their life. During their pregnancies the mothers

attended group sessions

and since the children were born, they have also been present in group sessions

with their mothers.


The circumstances around their upbringing so far are a little different to the

normal family

situation in that the household is a small community ... in fact it's almost

like tribal situation.


However I do believe that it is possible to apply these same principles in

normal households where a

child, or children are being raised by Mother with or without father's



In fact there are other members of the group who have observed the processes

that I have used with

these two little boys and applied them to their own children with very marked

changes in the

children's behavioural and learning patterns. Some of the principles of have

been applied by a

couple of group members who are school teachers in the classroom situation with

similar results.


We started with the concept that these children came as our teachers. We

observed what the children

did and applied the mirror back to ourselves "what are these children trying to

show us, what are

these children trying to mirror to us about our behaviour, thoughts, feelings

and emotions".


We were very conscious not to apply the words "can't", or "shouldn't" to these

children in either

thought or word. One thing has come out of this is that these children (in our

perception) are

growing up without limitations applied to them by any adults. We have also

noticed that neither

David nor anunda (the children's names) seem to have anything to prove either to

themselves or to

us. The explanation that I have for this is that they do not have to find a

behaviour or a set of

rules, which they need to obey or comply with.


They play happily amongst themselves and spend quite a lot of time just sitting,

in absolute

stillness, watching what's going on around them. They have been encouraged to

interact with other

children and fit in quite comfortably with boys and girls quite a few years

older than themselves.


Both little boys were walking by five months. They are both talking. They are

both counting on

their fingers. Various people who have seen them cannot believe that they are

only 20 months and 22

months old.


When, in their explorations of life, they get into a situation where we feel

their actions are

unacceptable, somebody takes the time to explain what or how the action is

unacceptable. The

important process in this is that the child is given absolute total attention.

We find that the

child will look us directly in the eye and always gives some indication that he

has understood what

he is being told.


I must qualify the preceding paragraph by adding that the first question we ask

is "what is the

child trying to tell us, or show us, that we are not getting". Sometimes it has

been sufficient to

ask the child "what are you try to show us" and the child will find some other

way to get the

message through.


It has become very much a case of "hearing the children". Many times we have

found their behaviour

challenging in that their behaviour challenges our concepts of what a child

should or should not be

able to do. Many times, as adults, we find the mirror so very, very strong as

we are reminded of

the way we were brought up as children, and how various things were said or done

to us which had the

effect of "shutting down" the spontaneity of our expression.


We are also finding as the children develop more verbal expression that they are

very "psychic" and

are able to express a knowing of things that they could never have seen or were

never told about.

This raises the question "how much did we know as children that we were forced

to forget because out

parents and teachers could not cope with their own feelings of inadequacy".


Another thing we have found is that the children quite often act out our

unconscious thoughts. For

example, not so long ago, there was a difficulty in getting the children to go

bed on group nights,

and their behaviour would tend to be a little disruptive. I watched the

energies of the room and

ask the group "who wanted to avoid the topic of the night's discussion and

wanted to children to

play as a distraction". One or two of people admitted to those thoughts and

immediately both boys

took their mothers by the hand and led them off to bed. There have been other

times when it has

been very obvious that the children were acting out projections that their

parents (or others) had

been putting out (in silent thought) that this is how the children will behave.


Both little boys were vaccinated. The conscious choice was taken primarily on

the basis of the

possible after effects of contracting specific diseases. We were however

conscious of our own

memories of being vaccinated. When the two boys were taken to the doctor, the

focus was on

explaining to them exactly what was happening (much to the doctor's

astonishment) and yes, there

were a few tears, but no lasting effects. The doctor later commented to us that

a lot of the trauma

was, in his experience, the parents' remembering of their own injections and

passing that onto the



The subject of crying.


Contrary to popular opinion and belief, both boys have been allowed to cry as

much as they wanted

to. Yes, there have been reactions from people in the room to the tears and

noise they were making.

For some, it was the remembering that they were not allowed to cry as children.

For others, it was

the manner in which they were stopped from crying.


There have been a number of times when I have held both boys and allowed them to

give voice to their

feelings. When they have fallen over or hurt themselves, I have noticed that

they will cry for a

few minutes and then the crying will turn into "toning".


It is my observation that many times what we, as adults, perceived of as

"crying" by the child is

actually some innate knowing where the child is applying the power of "tone"

towards healing its own



At other times, we have observed that the children cry when their mothers are

experiencing a whole

lot of grief which they are not giving expression to... It's almost as though

the boys were crying

their mother's tears.


Enough from me at this moment... There are more stories that I could tell you

of our experiences

with David and anunda ... Perhaps some other time, if people are interested.


With Respect


Christopher Wynter

Hobart, Tasmania



The Plain Man's Notebook is being compiled from this series of posts



my own discussion list can be found at


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Hi Chris,

>What we notice with these boys is the reactions of others who come into


>with them ... many

>are terribly afraid ... and others remark on their presence ... but


>with them is

>sufficient to trigger changes in people .... I will go into greater detail on

>this if the list

>wishes ...


I'm very interested in this... is there more on your website?


I have seen some of these unusual things in an autistic child... the

mother assumed the child was psychic and treated her that way... and she

did seem to be. :)

>However I do believe that it is possible to apply these same principles in

>normal households -snip-

> Some of the principles of have

>been applied by a

>couple of group members who are school teachers in the classroom situation


>similar results.


Do you think that all children, or most, could be like this if they were

treated in the right way... or do you think these children are really

different, maybe mutations?


I've been thinking about my own early childhood and wondering what was

suppressed. My parents were loving, patient people, and yet I know of a

few things they discouraged because they thought I would be happier without

unusual abilities. Also, there was a little man who came to visit us

occasionally... at night, to check up on me... and when I told them he'd

been there, they always insisted he was a dream, and I always said he was


>We are also finding as the children develop more verbal expression that

>they are

>very "psychic" and

>are able to express a knowing of things that they could never have seen or


>never told about.

>This raises the question "how much did we know as children that we were forced

>to forget because out

>parents and teachers could not cope with their own feelings of inadequacy".


>Another thing we have found is that the children quite often act out our

>unconscious thoughts.


One thing comes to mind that I've never looked at in this way before. My

father stammered... in later years, only occasionally... but I think it

was more pronounced when I was very small, like 2-3 years old. Mom said

that when he got hung up on a word and couldn't say it, I would go over to

him and say the word for him... then he could say it. Mom told the story

because she remembered how touching it was when I put an arm around him and

said the word... I don't think she ever wondered how I knew what word it

was. She also said that a few times when she couldn't think of a word for

something, I said it... once it was the name of the test for syphilis, and

I said "Wasserman." Another time it was the word for the stairways that

move by themselves, and I said "escalators." (There were none in our

town.) She thought I must have an unusual memory... that I must have

heard those words before, though she couldn't remember when. But now I

wonder if it was psychic. That was before TV, though we did have a radio.



In the US now, so many mothers work and take their children to day care...

it's hard to see how very many children could be raised this way. Do you

think that teachers in school could make a big difference? That seems kind

of late to start it.




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