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Codons (? David)

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Have checked the research departments online of several universities, their

published work, and current areas of studies, within Immunology, Genetics,

Genetic Engineerinng, Biochemistry, Biophysics at Duke, Harvard, Stanford,

UCLA as well as some others and so far there is nothing to support the claim

that additional codons have been turned on providing a Super-Immunity as



Am actually not very surprised as it strikes me as such big news that people

would develop this that we would have heard about it even in the national

news. I am not saying it can't be done, but so far there is no evidence of

this research having been done.


Thanks for the info re the guanine, etc., Chris, I know.


With respect to the question for David. Different antioxidants clear

different parts of our bodies from the disease caused by free radicals. We

all have free radicals at all times, but too many overwhelm the system and

cause disease. A few free radicals include (this is an example not meant to

be a comprehensive list):


Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, cleans the blood

Grape seed extract, a proanthocyandin bioflavonoid, scavenges more

effectively than even vitamin E, clearing free radicals from the fatty tissues

Pycnogenol, active bioflavonoid, cleaning blood vessels and skin damage

Selenium, skin, liver, digestive tract, prostate

Vitamin A, bone cells, skin, hair, teeth and gums




For more comprehensive information see, Drs. Richard Passwater (nominated for

Nobel Prize), Linus Pauling (winner of two Nobels) and Linda Rector Page,

N.D., Ph.D. "Healthy Healing" and groundbreaker into new arenas of study.




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