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Indigo Children ... Dharma

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> I'm very interested in this... is there more on your website?


Yes ... and i'm trying to find the time to update what is there ...




> I have seen some of these unusual things in an autistic child... the

> mother assumed the child was psychic and treated her that way... and she

> did seem to be. :)

>From my perception, and from some scientific reports I have seen, autism is

denied 'genius' where genius is the term used to 'cover' what some call

paranormal or psychic ...


I use the term denial and repression because I feel that it is this (natural

state of beingness) that has been made terribly wrong by society and religion in

particular ... causing a selfjudgmental split within the person. It is my

experience that under much schitzophrenia and autism lies a great lack of

acceptance of self ... due to (in terms of this list) the child being born with

a fully active K ... and the inherent abilities of this state ... being a threat

to (particularly) parents and teachers ... and seen as 'evil' by most past

religions ... with this belief also present in the body.


Brain wave tests that I have been witness to verify this ... but the tests were

never published because of suppression "from someone higher up"

> Do you think that all children, or most, could be like this if they were

> treated in the right way... or do you think these children are really

> different, maybe mutations?


I think that most all children are like this ... but there are some mutations

.... in my perception, and from statistics that I have seen, the children like

David and anunda are merely "ordinary children" who have been given a chance to

show their 'ordinariness" ... I have applied the same principles with many other

children with results absolutely dependant on the ability of the parents to

accept the possibilities of what the children are capable of ...


The first two years are especially important ... then the ages of 6 and 7 ...

with another possibility for 'repair' occurring at puberty ... most of the kids

know this and that is why they 'break out' at this age ...


In terms of mutation ... I feel that the mustation is a reversal of this

possibility caused by the use of some drugs by the parents and exposure to

trauma not recognised (or treated) ... and is particulary evident (also

statistically) in the children of war veterans ..


> I've been thinking about my own early childhood and wondering what was

> suppressed. My parents were loving, patient people, and yet I know of a

> few things they discouraged because they thought I would be happier without

> unusual abilities. Also, there was a little man who came to visit us

> occasionally... at night, to check up on me... and when I told them he'd

> been there, they always insisted he was a dream, and I always said he was

> real.


You had to shut down in order to survive in a manner that your parents approved

of ... and also as you were psychic you saw the fear coming from your parents as

you caused them to remember their childhood ... so out of compassion you

repressed your abilities ... and now you are looking to remember ... but you

still cannot accept yourself because subconsciously you are still looking for

your mother's approval and acceptance ... this is why the conflict within

western society in the church ...



> One thing comes to mind that I've never looked at in this way before. My

> father stammered... in later years, only occasionally... but I think it

> was more pronounced when I was very small, like 2-3 years old. Mom said

> that when he got hung up on a word and couldn't say it, I would go over to

> him and say the word for him... then he could say it.


Father was shut down for some reason ... made wrong as a child ... you tuned

into what he was trying to say 'telepathically' ...


>Mom told the story

> because she remembered how touching it was when I put an arm around him and

> said the word... I don't think she ever wondered how I knew what word it

> was. She also said that a few times when she couldn't think of a word for

> something, I said it... once it was the name of the test for syphilis, and

> I said "Wasserman." Another time it was the word for the stairways that

> move by themselves, and I said "escalators." (There were none in our

> town.) She thought I must have an unusual memory... that I must have

> heard those words before, though she couldn't remember when. But now I

> wonder if it was psychic. That was before TV, though we did have a radio.


I think I've answered that .... in this and the other post ...


> :)


> In the US now, so many mothers work and take their children to day care...

> it's hard to see how very many children could be raised this way. Do you

> think that teachers in school could make a big difference? That seems kind

> of late to start it


I spoke for a couple of hours last year to a group of puberty age children ...

(one of my plain man ... no 'bull shit' talks which the teachers couldn't quite

come at) ... but the reports that I have been getting back from the school (I

have an insider there) is that the teachers and counsellors can't figure out

what has been the reason for the drop in incidents within this group ... and why

their grades have gone up ... statistically at variance with all other past

groups and the rest of the school ...


I have a couple of teachers in one of my groups who are applying the principals

of my work in their class rooms and some of the stories of the results they are

achieving bring tears to my eyes ...


In my opinion, all that is needed is for the children to be heard ... really

heard ...


with respect


Christopher Wynter

Hobart Tasmania



"The Plain Man's Spiritual Notebook"




'anunda list' Public Archive:



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