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Secret Shame ... Antoine ...

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now we start to bridge the gap in Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy

between intellect and realisation ... words and their meanings ... spiritual

teachings and their understanding in how it affects the individual in body ...


What I am looking for I already am .. all I have to do is real - ise (or make

real) that ... then I can continue to chop wood and carry water, but consciously

now ....




Antoine <carrea

< >

Thursday, 12 August 1999 11:43

Re: Secret Shame ...


> Antoine <carrea


> Hello Christopher,


> Bowing to you in respect.


> > It is the limiting decision (passed down the genetic line) that sees us not


> > to accept the truth of ourselves and has us out searching for what we


> > are ...


> Taking a framework, that of Shri Aurobindo in using words. In his works

> he sees or talks about the genetic line as the physical ego or mind. The

> "substance" that holds electrons, protons and all that stuff toguether.

> A form of subconscious mind not accessible directly by the normal

> anthropological mind developed by our culture and words.


> > There is a big difference between intellectual spirituality and the


> > when it is made real in the body ...


> In that sense, intellectual spirituality would be called simply "mind"

> by him, and the concept of spirituality you seem to refer to, the

> creation of the "super mind", to take his words. Like he writes:


> " The original nature of the supermind is self conscience and all

> conscience of the Infinite, of the universal Spirit and Self in things,

> organising on the foundation and according to the character of self

> knowledge its own wisdom and effective omnipotence for the unfolding and

> the regulated action of the universe and of all things in the universe".

> Chapter XX The intuitive mind, Part IV of "The synthesis of yoga"


> > when it is real in the body, everything that is said and done is in honour


> > respect of the self ... and it is done without the mind having to think

> > (consciously or unconsciously) about it ...


> Yes... According to his words when we attain our "supra mental" nature.

> In other words when the mind by the gradual work of the "intuitive mind"

> open to the "super mind".


> > K releases (amongst other things) the limiting decisions ... and a lot of

> > people, when faced with them, can wallow in those decisions without


> > that they are past decisions comin up for release ...


> I would see in this perspective K as the the process that works the

> mind, all the way deep to to the physical ego or mind to open also. So

> that all that is left, in this process of transformation, is a unique

> interface between the "genetic line" and the supermind. The interface of

> the mind, or cultural mind transmitted over generations comes to be

> completely inexistent. The physical ego may start to act in spontaneity,

> more and more, to the super mind. The rainbow of the intuitive mind

> between those two polarities is growing wider, in this evolutionary

> process.


> > This is about taking Harsha's Satsangh and making it real in the physical


> > so that you don't have to 'learn' anything ... or 'do' anything ...

> >

> > Until the realisation of the nature of the True Self is real in the physical

> > body, there will always be reaction to the words written from the physical


> > of another ...


> Like in fractals:

> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/konrad/bild4.jpg

> (for those who don't know about them)


> On may look at the body as one looks at a fratal image, you may zoom in

> as much as you want, you will always find new patterns developing before

> your eyes in the generated image. It's the magic of fractals.


> It remains that it's the same "eye" all that time that is "looking" at

> the "evolution" or "zooming in" of the pattern. As would say shri

> aurobindo to his students before starting integral yoga, it's important

> have "turned over" the eye before sinking in the deepness of the

> physical ego to open it.


> Jung did not though so,


> All a matter of perspective, i guess.


> Antoine


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