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Triple Time - Trikaladrsti - or the cross with three horizontal band

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I want to share a three part quotes from Shri Aurobindo, since interest was

manifested for his name.


It's from the last chapter of his book the Synthesis of Yoga: Toward the

Supramental Time Vision.


"If our present mind untransformed by the supramental influence tries to enter

into the timeless, it must either disappear and be lost in the trance of

Samadhi or else, remaining awake, it feels itself diffused in an Infinite where

there is perhaps a sense of supra-physical space, a vastness, a boundless

extension, but no time self, time movement or time order. And if the mechanical

being is still aware of things in time, it is unable to deal with them in its

own manner, unable to establish a truth relation between the timeless and

things in time and unable to act and will out of its indefinite infinite."




"The supramental consciousness will therefore have the knowledge of the three

times, trikaladrsti, -held of old to be a supreme sign of the seer and the

Rishi, - not as abnormal power, but as its normal way of time knowledge.


Here is the first part of these post: The first Condition of Our Consciousness


"The first condition of our consciousness, that is which we now move, is this

mind of ignorance that has arisen out of the inconscience and nescience of

material nature, - ignorant but capable of seeking for knowledge and finding it

at least in a series of mental representations which may be made clues to the

true truth and, more and more refined and illuminated and rendered transparent

by the influence, the infiltration and the descent of the light from above,

prepare the intelligence for opening to the capacity of true knowdlege. All

truth it to this mind a thing it originally had not and has had to acquire or

has still to acquire, a thing external to it and to be gathered by experience

or by following certain ascertain methods and rules of inquiry, calculation,

application of discovered law, interpretation of signs and indices. Its very

knowledge implies an antecedent nescience; it is the instrument of Avidya."

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