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The Foot Steps

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It's a poem that kept me running in high school, from Paul Valerie.

Please do oblige this very bad translation I make of it. Antoine


"The Foot Steps



Your footsteps, children of my silence,

Saintly, slowly place,

Towards the bed of my watchfulness

Proceed mute and icy.


Pure person, divine shadow,

Such softness, in your held up foot steps!

God!... all the gift that I foresee

Come to me on these naked feet!


If, from your advanced lips,

You prepare to appease,

For the inhabitant of my thoughts,

The food of a kiss,


Do not rush this tender act,

Sweetness of being and not being,

For I lived of waiting for you,

And my heart was only your foot steps."

>From Paul Valerie




For those who know french it goes this way:


Les Pas


Tes pas, enfant de mon silence,

Saintement, lentement placés,

Vers le lit de ma vigilance,

Procèdent muets et glacés.


Personne pure, ombre divine,

Qu'ils sont doux, tes pas retenus!

Dieux!... Tous les dons que je devine

Viennent à moi sur ces pieds nus!


Si, de tes lèvres avancées,

Tu prépares pour l'apaiser,

A l'habitant de mes penseés

La nourriture d'un baiser,


Ne hâte pas cet acte tendre,

Douceur d'être et de n'être pas,

Car j'ai vécu de vous attendre,

Et mon coeur n'était que vos pas.

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In a message dated 8/15/1999 12:13:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

carrea writes:


<< Do not rush this tender act,

Sweetness of being and not being,

For I lived of waiting for you,

And my heart was only your foot steps."


From Paul Valerie


*** >>

Thanks Antoine for translating this and sharing it. That is beautiful work.

You are no ordinary cable boy. :--). Here is something from my poems on the



Verse from " Vision of the Naked Goddess"


Such beauty I have never seen

in oceans, mountains, or the sky

or the cosmic bird that likes to fly

across the billion galaxies.




Such beauty I have

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