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How can we see through the eyes in our feet ...?

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Can you pull apart a cake to see what the ingredients are ...?


And when you do, will it taste the same ...?


Why doe we have to be so complex in trying to create boundaries in order to find

labels so we can dispute definitions to create tension and conflict so the ego

can fall into the trap to distract itself from what made it like it is in the

first place ...


As each box is created and held on to, so the previous is pushed deeper into the

subconscious ... the left logical brain operates in linear time, sequential time

.... 1, 2, 3, taking image after image and rolling on the film ...


The right lateral brain sees through the limitation of sequence ...


To hold onto a linear belief is to impress it into the body physical (that part

below the neck) as another link in the armour to keep it from expressing its

truth ... another barrier between right and left brain ...


BTW ... the body physical is more than the life support system for the head ...

or rather, it wants to be ... it's the part of the brain we don't use ... and

when we deny it, we deny that part of the brain ... and ourselves ...


How can we see through the eyes in our feet if the limit of our field of vision

is our neck ...?


Just some words from


Christopher Wynter






Dharma <fisher1

< >

Sunday, 15 August 1999 8:01

RE: Unconscious is Ego ... Atman is


> Dharma <fisher1


> Hi Max,


> >>The unconscious is ego ...

> >

> >Not to Jungians, who see the unconscious as that which is outside

> >the sphere of consciousness of the ego complex.

> >Perhaps the unconscious is not-ego and not-Atman,

> >although ego is rooted in the unconscious

> >and both ego and the unconscious are rooted in Atman.


> Well said.


> >>spirituality is ego/mind

> >

> >Perhaps mental spirituality does not exhaust spirituality.

> >Maybe there are non-mental or 'supramental' forms of sprituality.


> A good distinction to make.



> >>Reincarnation is the reincarnation of ego ... Atman always is

> >

> >Yes, but doesn't Atman 'come with' the ego in the emdodiment

> >of the individualized Jivatman?

> >

> >>K is the emergence of Atman through the confines of Ego

> >

> >Or the emergence of energies/emanations of Atman.


> This raises a question(s) for me... I don't have an answer yet... so I'm

> just gonna ramble here... think out loud. :)


> In my experience Atman in me is a stream of energy emerging from the All...

> from Brahman. That is what I am... all the rest is the paraphernalia of

> manifestation. "Stream of energy" is my way of perceiving... someone else

> might say "ray of light."


> I have thought in terms of this metaphor: the All is a great many-faceted

> jewel... the light of the All shines out through every facet... as I (in

> manifestation) return to my root, I go back through one facet of the jewel.


> Kundalini Shakti has not seemed to me to be just "my Atman"... not just

> the light/energy coming from one facet of the jewel.


> I read (but have forgotten who said it) that Shakti is the first emanation

> from the All. That makes sense to me.


> In my experience Kundalini Shakti is an autonomous... what? energy

> complex? power? energy? Anyway, autonomous. When my K. went into high

> gear, Mother Shakti (or Lord Shakti, as I used to call her... she said it

> didn't matter) was my guide, my spiritual guru. I felt completely safe in

> her hands... I knew nothing could go wrong with Shakti in control.


> I think it may be that Shakti is the first emanation from the All... but

> then I must add that that first emanation is intelligent in some sense...

> autonomous.


> >>K is the emergence of Atman through the confines of Ego

> >

> >Or the emergence of energies/emanations of Atman.


> The questions going through my mind... is Shakti the same as Atman?... is

> Shakti something different for me than she is for others?... doesn't seem

> likely... etc., etc.... it all seems to come to one problem... maybe I

> can express it this way:


> Is the All a great many-faceted jewel? Or is there only one facet?


> It is metaphor, of course... but outside the All, everything is symbol and

> metaphor... if we speak of these things at all, we must use _some_ words,

> _some_ metaphors. Maybe I need another metaphor...


> I have the feeling that somewhere here I'm comparing apples and oranges...

> kings and sealing-wax... speaking/thinking in mutually incompatible

> terms... but I don't see how.


> This matter is not really important for my daily life, of course... it

> isn't necessary for me to understand this any better. :) But I would like

> to understand it...


> if it's possible. Maybe this is one of the things that I can't grasp fully

> while I'm in incarnation.


> I'll be grateful for any help with this... insights, experiences,

> quotes... thanks in advance. :)


> Love,

> Dharma




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