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In a message dated 08/16/1999 8:52:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jacpa writes:


<< Hi Dharma and Rainbo,


Just thought I would let you know that I am rereading

Esoteric Astrology after many years. Very interesting

stuff. In fact that was why I was asking you Dharma

about the Hindu chart because I am on a list with someone

who is very knowledgeable about the rays and so forth and he

works with the Hindu chart. It gives a different rising

sign and it is the rising sign which is important in the soul



Marcia >>


Interesting, seems perhaps we might bring the discussion online afterall. My

understanding is that Rising is important up until the Third Initiation when

the Personality comes under command of the Soul, this includes activation of

other chakras and birthing energy, it also quietens the personality

fluctuations hugely as the personality is now more a tool, but activates

desire on the Path. At this point Shakti and Shiva have met at the 7th

Chakra, various energy shifts occur and the energy paths should then be

redirected. This should really be done under the guidance of a Master who

knows when his Initiate knows that s/he knows.


Here now "the adept can enter the world of form, can contact it, work in it

and remain unaffected by it because there is nothing in him to respond to it.

He sees through the illusion to the reality behind and, knowing where he

stands himself, there is naught in the appear and demand of these lunar lords

(astral 2nd level) to attract him." "The Rays" The Tibetan through A. A.

Bailey. This of course takes some work after the third initiation is reached.


To really take it all the way up for a bit, it is nice to keep the focus

high. There are then the Paths. These are choices available to Masters at

the Sixth Initiation. Cosmic Astral is not Earth Astral, entirely different



"On the Earth, the Masters have overcome glamour and illusion, and for Them

no astral plane exists. Now ahead of Them, and owing to Their freedom from

these "bewilderments," will come the opportunity to enter ino the Heart of

God, the centre of pure love, and from that centre to tread the way of love.

All these seven Paths lead either to the cosmic astral plane or to the cosmic

mental plane, according to the decision made at the sixth initiation. Upon

the cosmic astral plane there is no glamour, but instead a great vortex of

energy--the energy of pure love--under the domination of the Law of

Attraction. It might be stated that:


Path 1. The Path of Earth Service leads to the cosmic astral plane.

Path 2. The Path of Magnetic Work leads to the cosmic astal plane.

Path 3. The Path for Training for Planetary Logoi leads to the higher

levels of the cosmic mental plane.

Path 4. The Path to Sirius leads to the cosmic mental plane.

Path 5. The Ray Path leads to the cosmic mental plane.

Path 6. The Path the Logos Himself is on leads to the cosmic buddhic


Path 7. The Path of Absolute Sonship leads to the cosmic mental plane.


Three paths, therefore, lead to the realm of loving attractive energy; one

Path leads to its higher correspondence, the cosmic level of pure reason;

three lead to the realm of divine Mind. Four of the Paths relate the

advancing Master to the Heart of the Great Life Who functions through this

solar system, and three to His Mind nature. All of them lead the initiate

eventually to the Central Spiritual Sun. All who work in Shamballa find

Their way to this supreme centre by the three most arduous ways, whilst the

remainder reach the same goal via the way of love."

>From Heirarchical Level:

Ray Energy

I Parashakti (Supreme Energy)

II Kriyashakti (Materialising Energy)

III Jnanashakti (Force of mind)

IV Mantrikashakti (The WORD was made flesh, speech)

V Ichchhashakti (Will to Manifest)

VI Kundalinishakti (Energy of Form)

VII None


Rays, like planets govern various chakras, and I have seen different

correspondences. Some are clear and undeviating, for example the Sun at the

Heart, but others change in different systems.


Love and Light,


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