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++anunda ... The Children who come as our Teachers ... (long personal story)

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Whose problem is it ... are the behavioural problems realy the problems of the

child ... or is the child taking on stuff from the world around ... whose

patterns are we acting out now in our daily lives .... why is our body not a

safe place to be ... why do we look outside for our 'spirituality' .....




I would like to share with you a story from my experience ... its experiences

such as this that a lot of my work is based on ...


Yesterday we (Myself, Fiona and anunda's mother Belinda) took anunda (who is now

20 months old) to our friendly body worker (Carolyn) ... because we had observed

slight twists in his face, that he was limping slightly on his left side, his

jaw was set in a tight line and he was becoming stooped in his posture .... and

he was pale...


Earlier, Carolyn had asked if her new partner Aaron could sit in on the session

and observe ... and we agreed ...


anunda is used to Carolyn ... he likes her .. has been several times before and

allowed her to gently release holding patterns from his body with no fuss ...


but this time is was different ... he screamed and screamed .... he was not

going to let Carolyn near him ...


Aaron looked up and said "This makes me feel as though I'm the cause of this ...

and I shouldn't be here ..."


I asked Aaron whether that was how he felt as a child in his own family ...

whether as a child he felt he was the cause of conflict between his mother and

father ...


Aaron looked at me ... and broke down and cried ... and the moment he did that



anunda stopped crying .... and looked at Aaron ... square in the eye ... and

grinned ...



Then we thought ... good ... now we can work on anunda ... wrong ... anunda

performed again ...


so we decided that seeing Belinda (his mother came for treatment too) we would

start with her ...


Belinda lay down on the table ... anunda stopped crying immediatey ....



So we worked on Belinda while anunda sat on Fiona's lap, absolutely still and

silent ... and closely watched every move we made ... every time one of us

moved, his eyes followed us ... when Fiona explained to him what we were doing,

anunda nodded and said 'yes' ...


The deeper Belinda went into her own body, the more Belinda allowed the memories

of her own childhood abuse to flow out of her body as tears ... the more anunda

relaxed ... and became 'dead weight' in Fiona's lap ...


We found memories of Belinda's Grandmother's war trauma deep in the underside of

her left hip ... anunda set up a half cry, half tone ... Belinda's body started

twitching ... her left shoulder let go ... anunda stopped 'toning' and his back

and shoulders straightened ....


This was repeated for over an hour ... every time there was a release from

Belinda's body ... there was a corresponding 'tone' then change in anunda ...


We worked on Belinda's pubic bone, groin and the reflex points for her womb ...

her jaw unclenched and the plates in her head started to move ... long repressed

memories (some of them ancestral) of sexual trauma ...


anunda 'toned and cried' ... Belinda started sobbing ...


anunda stopped ... his face changed shape ... and his left hip 'popped' .... and

colour flooded his cheeks ... his lips looked as though he was wearing crimson

lipstick ...




At the end of the session, I asked Aaron whether he had decided to become a

'healer' because as a child he judged that he had failed in trying to heal his

parents ...


Aaron looked at me ... tears once again welled up in his eyes as he nodded 'yes'

.... anunda looked at Aaron, grinned, and ran over and hugged Aaron's leg ...



as I look at anunda now, there is no sign of the twists in his face, he is

running around with no sign of a limp, he is grinning freely, and standing up

straight ...


Belinda, on the other hand, says she 'feels like she has been run over by a




Once again I would ask ...


" Whose problem is it? ...

are the behavioural problems really the problems of the child ...

or is the child taking on stuff from the world around ... particularly our

parents? ...

whose patterns are we acting out now in our daily lives? ....

why is our body not a safe place to be? ...

why do we look outside for our 'spirituality' ? .....


which ancestors face are we wearing as a mask? ...

and why do we have to shut down the children ...?"



Just a few random words from the experiences

which are behind what I write to some of the lists


Christopher Wynter

Hobart, Tasmania ....


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Hello Christopher,


I liked your story on how you respect children's and give them a voice

so adult may understand them in themselves. I felt less the adult in you

talking in you to other adult and more Anunda voice in you talking to

me. In this last email of yours. It remembers me of my nephew 20 months

also, and my niece now 4 months old and how it's a great gift to have

them on this world, and simply sit with them.


Here is on the side, reflections from the adult in me looking at this

world. It reflects small exchange on this list and other, but it mostly

reflect myself in my left core.


* * *

Reflection on the origin of the Sun and the Moon principles towards the



Nothing is really identical, even my own finger prints change over

time/space in so much details that it eats away the meaning of

fingerprints that the police may keep to identify one person.


Christopher, (quoted here out of context): "that's why it is called

unconscious ... because most are not conscious of what is down there

running the other 90% of the mind we don't use consciously ... "


Answer from Antoine: "Am I really conscious of that much, 10%? Each

moment going by it seems i am conscious of a lesser and lesser

percentage, so much the world, the body, the time... seems to become

infinite before my eye. Pure amazement comes to replace consciousness. "


What makes us see an identical patterns over chaos, or pure spontaneity

or amazement, so we come to see different/distinct objects or different

space/times in what is a continual flow? What make us grab the so very

small "island" of object/pattern over the infinite unknown sea that we



This friction in a continual flow, that creates a sense of identity that

does not change in the observation of the the flow, where does it come

from? Is it was what in human language what is associated to the

sensation of I, or I am? Does it exist?


Where is the door out of this polarity? Where was the door into this



Does identity in purity, in every details, leads to the same door as the

vanishing of identify in the flow, away from any distinction?


Meditation on object and Meditation on the absence of object, where do

they re-unite?


My heart beats sing the peace of this song, until the last kiss.



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