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(Chrystopher) body frequencies

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> Hello Antoine ...


> Thank you for sharing your insights ...

> and the way you took it furthur ...


Thank you for sharing yours.

> Can I take the journey into the unconscious even furthur ...

> perhaps as an illustration ...

> and also so you can see some of what I say ...


I do see what you say, not in details of course. Why should i not see

what you say? It is self evident to me. But i admire the details in

which you go into it.

> As part of my research, I have performed fourier analysis of the frequencies

> of aura colours (as measured on a

> sensitive magnetic field calibrator and spectrum analyser) to find the


> of an organ or body group that has the trauma trapped ...


> and then I applied a subaudio or ELF magnetic field to the area (externally)


> which had the effect of releasing information about trauma that was stored in

> the area

> (in all its gory detail)


I only have my experience with wing chu kung fu, here to share, whom

have developed since the work of bodidharma on bones and nerves, ways to

bring the consciousness awareness to that of bone cells. My Grand Master

Nam Anh, would most probably be glad to participate in your spectral

analysis. But i cannot predict his actions, he is "free" as few walking

things i have seen on this planet.


A deep dialog goes on between the left brain and the right brain or the

body, when your mind tells to your body to keep a position, and a

gradual increasing pain from maintaining tells to your mind no way, "who

do you think you are, to force me to maintain this position?". That is

the median path of wing chu kung fu, until both left/rigth merge

somewhere in action.


There is also Tai Chi, what a sweet song...


But definitely, imho, there is something to gain from using frequency

analysis of our body energy field so we can look at a part of who we

are. It will most probably replace surgery that we need to do today on

various part of the body. People will be able to eat more candy :))

Laughing. Others to live longer or a more healthy life. Duno, will


> I was then able to verify the removal of "something" the magnetic field of the

> treated area ...


> I've had some enlightening experiences working this way on cancer tumors ...

> ELF the tumor, tumor goes into remission ...

> but you should have heard the memories that came out of the tumours ...

> (BTW ... I'm not about to talk too much about that on list ... it was a gift

> that was shared with me by one of my group ... I see it as someone who came to

> me to validate my hypothesis ) ...


> A similar thing happens for accident victims ...


> I have also applied it in a concentrated manner to my own body ...


> you'll find all the background in the recorded works of the tribal healers who

> used to bury people in the earth up to the neck to heal their bodies ...


Nothing like a good mud bath, or sleeping in a cavern with a nice steady

electromatic field, can do wonders.

> Now to take this one step furthur ...


> Spleen.o.plasmy ... ((my mother always wanted me to be a surgeon ...))


> or the release of unconscious resentment held in the unconscious body organ

> called the spleen ...(part of the 90% of the mind we are not conscious of)


I would refer you to the work done in quantum mind research, mostly

Penrose, Walker, and others, you may find them on the Quantum list, here

is there archives:



Walker theory brings the level of data processing, in the brain, we are

conscious of, and that as a determining effect on our actions to one

hundred of a percent off all brain activity. 1000 times ;ess then the

10% you mention Chrystopher. I personally push it even deeper, to me, my

conception of the world expands as it goes, or that of the body, so as i

go the percentage I will be conscious of will always be less and less.

It does not, in no way, mean that my body is less aware, as it goes.


"A further important point to notice in favor of this theory of

consciousness is that it accounts for the fact that most of the data

handling processes carried on in the brain are not consciously

perceived. Only about a hundredth of a percent of all the brain's

activity is so experienced. "

>From Walter, quoted with his permission at:



If you don't know him yet, please do send him an email. You may find his

email adress in the archives of quantum list. I am sure you have allot

to exchange on this level of research with each other as well as


> There are very real memories, and archetypes held in the unconscious of all of

> the functional groups of body organs ...

> and they all have memories ...


Yes, in kung fu, what i found fascinating, is that the color or flavor

of the "archetype" did not interest them. Before taking the position you

where vibrating this way, then there where this pain of your mind trying

to hold your body in a position it did not want to, then you where

vibrating more naturally. The "archetype" was gone in thin air. But it

is a long process. From the year 700 to 1500 after, they say it took 30

years to arrive to the effect that it took (18 years) from 1500 to the

19th century. A lot of the techniques where lost in the 20th century,

but is still alive in very few schools, but in no way to the level of

100 years ago, it is said...

> and they are unconscious (how conscious are you of the functioning of your

> spleen ...

> or your liver ...

> or your gall bladder...


I have been conscious of each one (almost ;))) of my heart beats, in

sleep or awake for a period of 3 years or so. Between 20 and 23. A very

good teacher, to my personnal eyes, i found on my path, told me to stop

this focus on the heart beats. And the reason was simple, i found out. I

was practicing a technique, the "philocalie", a russian kind of prayer,

made for people living in a no stress environment. So one part of my

body being so conscious, (my physical heart), while the rest was not in

an balanced way, could provoke an heart attack easily from a simple

surprise beep of a car. This teacher tough me about sri Aurobindo, and

his integral yoga, without having to use words, and i am grateful to him

for that.


Today a body or anything simply surpass any defintion we can make of it.

I may forget the meanning of the word breathing for days.


So Christopher, you may go on deeper, your cells..., your atoms..., each

photons... that you are, and the quantum space... in between. How those

the mind may come to be conscious of all that at the same time, and all

of it maintain a balanced, so sophisticated state, without creating a

potential nuclear bomb that each one of us is?


I am glad that a hearth surgeon exist, or a lung surgeon so i may eat

more junk food or smoke cigarettes like i see so many do in excess.

Knowing it is not as much an instant life and death situation as was,

lest say, catching a pneumonia not even a few years ago. Yet every

second i die and i live again, it's an illussion to believe that i will

only die once, in the futur. It appends every moment.


A dependency may be created in healing to fast parts of the people

before the environment they are in. One may need to come and see you

more often as a doctor as they are "exposed" to the "poluted"

environnement. Like the clients of psychiatrist, express a need that

was not as much as there, in a tribal environment.


Yet the environment is us...


The median path, as below as above and vice versa

> but they effect everything we say and do ...

> any good book will show the meridians of various organs and the muscle groups

> they pass through ...


> The work I do is work both ends against the centre ...

> and both sides of the archetype is shown up from the unconscious for what it


> ...


> Eastern Philosophy talks about Mind .. to the exclusion of body ... and the


> to move beyond body ...


> Western Philosophy for the most part takes this as Mind = Head ..

> so I am not my body ...


> well ... conscious logical thinking, controlling mind is Left Brain ...


> when does Right Brain get a look in ... if you do not have a body ...


What appends when there is only the body, and no left brain left? No

more 10%, or 1/100 of a percent, left in the way of the body expressing

itself in spontaneity? I see here no contradiction with what? East?,

west?, what is in books?, the left brain?

> Is it that Spirituality thus becomes a thought manifestation (or Ego)


> Enough for now ...


> I might write more at a later time ... except to say ..


> If you ignore everything below the neck ...

> then what is below the neck (ie the unconscious)

> will jump up and get you ...


I have a saying, since it happened so often to me :), if i ignore

anything it will just slap me back on the face. The more it goes the

stronger the slap, and the faster it comes back to me. A nice razor


> Some call that Kundalini


> a few random jottings from


> Christopher Wynter


Nothing much from



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