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God Pointing to It Self/Nonduality as a concept

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No one denies the limitations of words. Still, words are used to indicate

Reality. Through poetry or prose, It is God pointing to It Self. Where else

to point? Once Guru Nanak was tired and laid down under a tree next to a

temple and went to sleep. The priest awoke him. "Do not sleep pointing your

feet towards the temple. You are insulting God!" said the priest in anger.

Guru Nanak spoke sweetly and asked the priest to move his legs pointing in a

direction where God is not. "Tell me where Divine is not, and I will point

my feet there." said the master. The priest was stunned by the depth of Guru

Nanak's words and became quiet. So if God is the Reality and the Reality is

never absent and everywhere, then, from what is it that we need to detach

ourselves? The whole notion of detachment is predicated on the assumption

that there is something to be detached from. This might appear to undermine

the notion of Non-Duality and Oneness. Whatever can be undermined is not

Self-Existent and Real. Therefore, while Oneness and Non-Duality are useful

concepts, there is no point in holding on to them as substantial. To one who

Knows the Self, the question of detachment is moot. If dualism is sought to

be rejected as a philosophy, it only proves and reinforces dualism. In order

to reject something, there must be the rejecter, the process of rejecting,

and that which is rejected. So Truly Great Sages emphasize a Deep Acceptance

of Divine Love and Awareness. This Acceptance leads to Stillness and

Silence. When All concepts, (including that of detachment, non-duality,

rejecting duality, etc.) vanish, Reality is experienced as It is in Absolute

Nakedness. It is only the inner core of One's Own Being. It Is What You

Already Are. This is the ancient message of the Sages. We renew this Message

by knowing the Reality of the Self that We Are. Self-awareness and Satsanga

facilitate Self-Recognition and Realization.



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