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A story of Ramana Maharshi

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[Last night I came across this story of Ramana Maharshi in a footnote -

which I'll insert into the text - in _Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism_ by

Lama Anagarika Govinda, pp. 163-4.]


The inclusion of the body in the process of spiritual development,

which the Buddha placed into the centre of his meditative practice, is not

only characterized by the already mentioned spiritualization of the

breathing process (by making it a conscious function), but even more so by

the fact that the duality of body and soul does not exist for him, and that

therefore among bodily, mental, psychic, and spiritual functions there is

only a difference in degree but not in essence. When the mind has become

luminous, the body too must partake in this luminous nature.1



1 An interesting description of this phenomenon is contained in the

diaries of Baron Dr. von Veltheim-Ostrau, who observed it in the presence

of a modern saint, the late Ramana Maharshi of Tiruvannamalai. I have

translated the following passage from the second volume of his 'Asian

Diaries', entitled Der Atem Indiens (Claassen Verlag, Hamburg 1955):

'While my eyes were immersed in the golden depths of the Maharshi's

eyes, something happened which I dare describe only with the greatest

reticence and humility, in the shortest and simplest words, according to

truth. The dark complexion of his body transformed itself slowly into

white. This white body became more and more luminous, as if lit up from

within, and began to radiate. This experience was so astonishing that,

while trying to grasp it consciously and with clear thought, I immediately

thought of suggestion, hypnosis, etc. I therefore made certain "controls",

like looking at my watch, taking out my diary and reading in it, for which

purpose I had first to put on my spectacles, etc. Then I looked at the

Maharshi, who had not diverted his glance from me; and with the same eyes,

which a moment ago were able to read some notes in my diary, I saw him

sitting on the tiger-skin as a luminous form.

'It is not easy to explain this state, because it was so simple, so

natural, so unproblematic. How I would wish to remember it with full

clarity in the hour of my death!' (p. 264 f.)

---end footnote---


This is the reason for the radiation which emanates from all saints and

Enlightened Ones, the aura which surrounds them and which has been

described and depicted in all religions. This radiation (Pali: tejasa;

Skt.: tejas), which is visible only to the spiritual eye, is the direct

effect of tapas, that flame of religious devotion and self-surrender, in

which the light of knowledge and the warmth of the heart are united.

Therefore it is said of the Buddha:


'Diva tapati adicco, rattim abhati candima,

Sannaddho khattiyo tapati, jhayi tapati brahmano,

Attha sabbamahorattim Buddho tapati tejasa.'



'The sun shines by day, the moon shines by night,

The warrior shines in his armour,

The Brahmin by his meditation.

But the Buddha shines radiant both day and night.'


These are not merely poetical metaphors, but expressions connected with an

ancient tradition, whose roots lie deeper than any known form of religion.

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Dharma wrote:

> 'The sun shines by day, the moon shines by night,

> The warrior shines in his armour,

> The Brahmin by his meditation.

> But the Buddha shines radiant both day and night.'


> These are not merely poetical metaphors, but expressions connected with an

> ancient tradition, whose roots lie deeper than any known form of religion.


I am enjoying reading back the "The Secret of the Golden Flower". It is

never the same as i read it, wonder if someone went into the past to

change it's content :)


On light or the shining it says: "<<Light burst out in the empty

chamber.>> This light is not luminous but, they explain, it is a proof

of efficiency in the beginning, before we have seen the light.If you see

it in form of a light and that you fix your attention on it, you will

fall in the consciousness of concepts who is not the Light of the

Essence." From Chapter X, the light of the Essence and the light of the



And i just love these words from the preceding chapter: The secret of



"Fix the spirit in the den of the energy

And you will suddenly see

The white snow fly away in full summer,

The sun shine in the water at midnight.

Advancing harmoniously,

You travel the skies

And will sink in to absorb

The virtues of the receptive principle."


I made small page to explain those symbols in few words, in my

experience of them, until someone goes to change the past again, and may

have to come to have a different meaning.





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