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Dharma/Magic formula

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Re: Dharma/Magic formula


Quoting mixed posting:

>"Fix the spirit in the den of the energy

>And you will suddenly see

>The white snow fly away in full summer,

>The sun shine in the water at midnight.

>Advancing harmoniously,

>You travel the skies

>And will sink in to absorb

>The virtues of the receptive principle."

>Here is Wilhelm's translation (at one remove) of lines

containing the same text:

>Master Lu-tsu said, Yu Ch'ing has left behind him a magic

spell for the far journey:

> Four words crystallize the spirit in the space of energy.

> In the sixth month white snow is suddenly seen to fly.

> At the third watch the sun's disk sends out blinding rays.

> In the water blows the wind of the Gentle.

> Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive.

> And the still deeper secret of the secret:

> The land that is nowhere, that is the true home...


I wonder if anyone on the list has and can read the text in the original

Chinese. :)







Hi Dharma and All...


The 'magical formula' for the 'journey'... yes.


Not Chinese, this is my understanding:


The author is expressing

What is occuring to him

As a perception

Of what is occuring within him;


That what is occuring within him

Is occuring all around him;


How then to express

That within and without are the same

Yet by some agency

Meant to appear being different?


His expression

Is the humble gentle

Nonintrusinve way

Of acknowledging that agency;


It is an example

Of how one may hold,

Deliberately abiding

Observing not reacting;


Holding is the confession

Of humbleness;

Abiding is the practice

Learned from that agency.


Holding and abiding

Acknowledging power,

Yet remaining sober

Allowing it to happen,


Breathing steady

Aware of the heart working

Tension let go

Attention made general;


Less a pointing

To miracles

Than a sober surrender admitting

Of how it always is:


Knowing this,

He moves with the air

The water and stars;

Life harmony.


Finally gathered,

Resistance never;

His expression now

Is that of that;



And digested,

Whose eyes now

Are seen through?


How has this happened?

Now there is no pain;

Having feared the devouring,

Now the devourer;


Having feared leaving,

Now is that very land;

Having feared loss,

Now with the source;


Having feared confusion,

Now his voice,

Not his own,

Speaks him;


Having abided in this

For a significant time

Time loses significance;

One day is every day.


So many suns

In one sky,

Sharing one light,

I enjoy the high



==Gene Poole==

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