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The Golden Flower: Worthy of more

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The Golden Flower formula: Worthy of more



Although I have long said that 'there is no formula', more commentary on

this writing from _The Secret of the Golden Flower_. Thanks to all who have

shared these words.


My words are * bulleted:


"Fix the spirit in the den of the energy


* Be where you really are


"And you will suddenly see


* If you do that ("and") you will be enabled to 'see' (actually perceive)


"The white snow fly away in full summer,


* That all seasons are one season (nondifference as principle)


"The sun shine in the water at midnight.


* The unending day of awareness is known


"Advancing harmoniously,


* To abide is to advance in harmony


"You travel the skies


* Thus this lofty perspective is gained


"And will sink in to absorb


* And by being absorbed, one absorbs


"The virtues of the receptive principle."


* By being eaten, one is able to eat (to one who surrenders, will others



>Here is Wilhelm's translation (at one remove) of lines containing the same



"Master Lu-tsu said, Yu Ch'ing has left behind him a magic

spell for the far journey:


"Four words crystallize the spirit in the space of energy.


* I am I am (I abide now/here)


"In the sixth month white snow is suddenly seen to fly.


* The unlikely is likey (snow in summer = the unexpected advent of awareness)


"At the third watch the sun's disk sends out blinding rays.


* Illumination occurs (displacing assumed darkness/unawareness)


"In the water blows the wind of the Gentle.


* The spirit now moves the one who abides (as gentleness)


"Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive.


* Now consumed in this space, I consume those abiding


"And the still deeper secret of the secret:


* (This points to the first stanza as being 'infinitely deep')


"The land that is nowhere, that is the true home...


* Nowhere is now/here and is home...



==Gene Poole==



[Nowhere: Consider the alternative]

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> Although I have long said that 'there is no formula', more commentary on

> this writing from _The Secret of the Golden Flower_. Thanks to all who have

> shared these words.


Thank you for sharing Gene, there is no magic formula, but for me seeing

the world typing back from your fingers from this "unique" source, is a

nice way to fix deeper "within". Within and without come to be the same,

snow in summer.

> "And will sink in to absorb


> * And by being absorbed, one absorbs


> "The virtues of the receptive principle."


> * By being eaten, one is able to eat (to one who surrenders, will others

> surrender).


> "Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive.


> * Now consumed in this space, I consume those abiding


A few last quotes on this process of absorbing being absorbed or eating,

consuming those abiding. This "gene" as i referred sometimes in other

emails as not as much "contagious" as some social standard of survival

in cultures. Some may think that energy is needed to "propagate" this

absorbing of the receptive principle, or that energy must be felt for it

to occur within the fixed limit of our initial identity. Here is an

allegory among many about this subject.

>From section XII: The cycle


1. It is not the energy that counts the more for the complete cycle: the

sublime secret is in the mastery of the mind (mentale). If you

interrogate yourself on the ultimate meaning of the cycle, it helps to

the development. It perpetuates itself without need to worry about it

and entertains itself without intervention from the will.


2. Look in the sky: it changes from hours to hours for 365 days, yet the

polar star never changes place. It is about the same for the spirit: if

the spirit is the pole, energy represents all the stars that turn around

it. The energy who circulates in all your members and all the body being

essentially a network, do not put all your forces in it. Refine the

conscious spirit, eliminate arbitrary point of views and, after, the

cure will develop by itself.


3. The cure is not a material substance, it's the light of the essence

who is nothing else than the true primordial energy. Yet it is needed to

attain a big concentration before it can be seen. There does not exist

any method to collect it.


5. "Dragon and tiger" today, "water and fire" tomorrow : all comes to

become illusion.


12. The disciples ask often about the "living midnight". It's a very

subtle point (...)


13. Once we know the "living midnight", for sure the real midnight will

show itself also. Don't do they make one or are they two, one not true,

the other living? Seeing the real is an absolute necessity. Once we have

seen the real, all is real, all is alive. If our "seeing" is not true,

what is alive, what is true?


15. Now, people do not know clearly enough the living. Feel (éprouver)

it as you move toward the true : the true will emerge and the living

will be sublime.


Practicing translation,



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