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Deep Sleep and Nirvikalpa Samadhi

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> In deep sleep state there is no memory and there is no "I -

> thought". But it

> is not identical with Samaadhi. Similarly, erasure of memory is

> only removal

> of clutter. True liberation should come when one consciously realizes the

> ultimate 'unreality' of memory ,ego, and all of their by-products, lock ,

> stock and barrel ; "completely and instantly".


> Pranams,

> Vijayakumar


What you say makes sense. Both in deep sleep and in Nirvikalpa Samadhi,

there is no "I" thought, and there is no memory, as the functioning of the

mind (of which memory is the byproduct) remains absorbed. But the two states

are not the same as in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, there is fullness of awareness,

fullness of bliss, independent of mind, memory, etc. The question is raised

that when someone comes out of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, do they not recall the

state through the medium of mind and memory? My perspective is that

Nirvikalpa Samadhi, although it is experiential, at the same time reveals

the ground of all experience as Being only the Self. Therefore,

Self-Recognition, though giving life to mind and memory, is seen completely

independent of it. Self does not require an external medium (such as memory)

to Recognize It Self and to Be It Self. As far as what True Liberation is,

what you say makes sense, although anything that can be said beyond

Nirvikalpa is pure speculation from a mental perspective. All states of

experience and knowledge and all such perspectives disappear in Nirvikalpa.



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