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Spiritual Pilgrimage

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My mum visited Medjugorje not long ago and since her visit has

embodied a greater gentleness, peace, and radiant love.

She was deeply touched by the visions of Mary.

I'm delighted to see so many people from all over the world doing pilgrimages to

Medjugorje and opening to the Mother Goddess through Mary.


Upon an ever expansive horizon

Life reveals Her mystery;

To Live is a Gift,

To Feel is a Blessing,

And to take part in Her

BEAUTY is a miracle

Renewed each day.





lodpress wrote:

> lodpress <lodpress


> Colette, this is Anita from the heart list. Gloria


> AES3DDD wrote:


> > Dear Colette:

> > Sounds good to me. The deepest peace and most profound quiet I experienced

> > was in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, a little village I visited on a spiritual

> > pilgrimage. There wasn't much peace or quiet on the outside since they were

> > building new homes, enlarging streets, and busses were coming and going at

> > all hours of the night and day, coming from everywhere in Europe. But


> > all that, the peace I experienced was so deep and profound that it was weeks

> > after I returned home that I turned on any radio or T.V. I guess it was that

> > heavenly peace that transcends human understanding (the mind). Could be the

> > same peace and quiet you were discussing. Love, Anita. One for all and all

> > for one.


> --

> Enter The Silence to know God...and...accept life as the teacher.


> Gloria Joy Greco

> e-mail me at: lodpress

> visit my homepage & internet retreat at: http://users.intercomm.com/larryn/


> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------


> ONElist: your connection to online communities.


> ------

> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance of

Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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At 11:31 PM 9/13/99 , Raven McCloud wrote:

>Raven McCloud <RavenMcCloud




>My mum visited Medjugorje not long ago and since her visit has

>embodied a greater gentleness, peace, and radiant love.

>She was deeply touched by the visions of Mary.

>I'm delighted to see so many people from all over the world doing

>pilgrimages to Medjugorje and opening to the Mother Goddess through Mary.



That is very beautiful!! Thanks for sharing it!!


With love,



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Raven, I have sent y our message over to Anita. Mother Mary or Mother Goddess

energy is certainly strong in our day. That is a great blessing for all. Gloria


Raven McCloud wrote:

> Raven McCloud <RavenMcCloud


> Anita,


> My mum visited Medjugorje not long ago and since her visit has

> embodied a greater gentleness, peace, and radiant love.

> She was deeply touched by the visions of Mary.

> I'm delighted to see so many people from all over the world doing pilgrimages

to Medjugorje and opening to the Mother Goddess through Mary.


> Upon an ever expansive horizon

> Life reveals Her mystery;

> To Live is a Gift,

> To Feel is a Blessing,

> And to take part in Her

> BEAUTY is a miracle

> Renewed each day.


> Love

> Raven


> lodpress wrote:


> > lodpress <lodpress

> >

> > Colette, this is Anita from the heart list. Gloria

> >

> > AES3DDD wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Colette:

> > > Sounds good to me. The deepest peace and most profound quiet I experienced

> > > was in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, a little village I visited on a spiritual

> > > pilgrimage. There wasn't much peace or quiet on the outside since they


> > > building new homes, enlarging streets, and busses were coming and going at

> > > all hours of the night and day, coming from everywhere in Europe. But


> > > all that, the peace I experienced was so deep and profound that it was


> > > after I returned home that I turned on any radio or T.V. I guess it was


> > > heavenly peace that transcends human understanding (the mind). Could be


> > > same peace and quiet you were discussing. Love, Anita. One for all and all

> > > for one.

> >

> > --

> > Enter The Silence to know God...and...accept life as the teacher.

> >

> > Gloria Joy Greco

> > e-mail me at: lodpress

> > visit my homepage & internet retreat at:


> >

> > --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------

> >

> > ONElist: your connection to online communities.

> >

> > ------

> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance

of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.


> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------


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> NO annual fee & rates as low as 9.9 percent FIXED APR. Apply online today!

> <a href=" http://clickme./ad/nextcard5 ">Click Here</a>


> ------

> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance of

Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.



Enter The Silence to know God...and...accept life as the teacher.


Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at: lodpress

visit my homepage & internet retreat at: http://users.intercomm.com/larryn/

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Hi Raven,

>My mum visited Medjugorje not long ago and since her visit has

>embodied a greater gentleness, peace, and radiant love.

>She was deeply touched by the visions of Mary.

>I'm delighted to see so many people from all over the world doing

>pilgrimages to Medjugorje and opening to the Mother Goddess through Mary.


You've reminded me of when I was studying symbol and myth very intensively

and sometimes talking to my husband about what I was learning. One day he

overheard our little Beth in the next room, playing with another little

girl. The friend said something about "Mary, the Mother of God," and Beth

said, "Oh, you mean the Mother Goddess." And they went on playing. :)


When Beth was having nightmares, I told her I thought someone would come in

her dreams to protect her. And the next time she was surrounded by

Indians, a beautiful Lady came flying out of the clouds and saved her!

After that, she always showed up in bad dreams to protect Beth. From her

description of the Lady, it was clearly Athena, goddess of Wisdom. When

Beth grew up, she joined the pagan movement, and they meet now at the local

Unitarian Church. :)

>Upon an ever expansive horizon

>Life reveals Her mystery;

>To Live is a Gift,

>To Feel is a Blessing,

>And to take part in Her

>BEAUTY is a miracle

>Renewed each day.

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