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Dear All:


I am on a few different lists and am watching how

people collect under certain umbrellas of "truth" the

truth which they to at that moment in time.


It's really incredibly interesting to watch and made me

have a few random thoughts.


Am observing how we draw to us that which we

believe rings to us of *truth.* Like food, one draws

steak, another tofu, another a strawberry. One reflects

on the food, another the preparation, another the act

of eating it. Thich Nhat Hanh has a meditation when you

are in retreat with him, that you should chew 50 times and

reflect on all of the food and all of the process and all of the

life before swallowing each bite. I can assure you that after

50 chews there is no food left in your mouth.


But, the interesting nature of the question is, how we draw our

*truth* to us and then believe our "knowledge, experience,

awareness, depth, shallowness, intuition, lower mind, higher mind,

body, not-body, seeing the Vision(s), seeing the Energy(ies), not-

seeing, experience of all and not-all, of one, of not one, of the Cosmic

Sea or not Sea." So that wherever in my path

I am at that moment, that is the *truth* which I have drawn to

put my blessing on, or my canonization, catholicizing, or wholistically

knowing the fractal of the hologram to be True. And, if all those around

me which I've then drawn to me by the nature of the current level

of energy agree with me, then I get to put a big "Aha" stamp on it

of collective agreement of my selected set or "aha" because the

experiences then drawn agree energetically at that current level

whatever that might be, having by my energetic level drawn the correspondence

weak or strong, loving of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual to me.


So, for example, a mandala drawn from Tibet which brought Buddhism

to it quite a few hundred years after Buddhism began, has nevertheless,

compared to the West, an ancient history. And, with respect to

the building of beautiful sacred mandalas, and their being wiped away, too

so that the directions, and deities and colors so on are an evocation

and a sacred rite, and a person having a dream draws from the

collective unconscious and has birthed a completely new mandala,

which is valid? Which invests or divests, creates (catabolic) destroys

(anabolic) energy? Perhaps then it is the nature of whether one is

introverted or extroverted, does one share with all or with a few or with

random abandon or with discretion? Or, the perspective with which one sees

the perspective or sharing at all.


In Physics there has been some tracking of theories and proof lately,

such that someone comes up with a theory of a certain type of star

and then voila that phenomenon appears to validate the theory. Did

the theory arise out of desire and create the physical phenomenon?


There is another theory now that E=mc3 (cubed) instead of E=mc2

(squared) being propounded by a Swedish physicist. Most of us

don't have the mathematical skills to cope with the pages of neces-

sary proof to validate or invalidate. Does it matter? Will the reality

change to fit the equation or will an entirely new method of explora-

tive inquiry result? Inquiry is always behind proponents of theory.

Much easier to articulate knowledge and theory than to venture into

the unknown and path a new method of inquiry.


Here the silence calls, the path uncharted through a black velvet night,

thank you all for sharing your thoughts, perhaps I will see you later, I

started to say, perhaps not, but I have met too many dozens of people

known online, so that intuition and energy works are real, so in saying

ciao, which in Italian is to be of service, I send also highest love and

light from the Divine. Ciao. The Rainbo fades from view.


Rainbow Reflecting

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> <snip>

>But, the interesting nature of the question is, how we draw our

>*truth* to us and then believe our "knowledge, experience,

>awareness, depth, shallowness, intuition, lower mind, higher mind,

>body, not-body, seeing the Vision(s), seeing the Energy(ies), not-

>seeing, experience of all and not-all, of one, of not one, of the Cosmic

>Sea or not Sea." So that wherever in my path

>I am at that moment, that is the *truth* which I have drawn to

>put my blessing on, or my canonization, catholicizing, or wholistically

>knowing the fractal of the hologram to be True. And, if all those around

>me which I've then drawn to me by the nature of the current level

>of energy agree with me, then I get to put a big "Aha" stamp on it

>of collective agreement of my selected set or "aha" because the

>experiences then drawn agree energetically at that current level

>whatever that might be, having by my energetic level drawn the


>weak or strong, loving of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual to me.


Dan: The passing parade of "truths"

a wind through the millenia --

each truth claiming a knower

each knower claiming a truth

as truth and fiction blur

and the wind moves on...

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RainboLily wrote:

> Here the silence calls, the path uncharted through a black velvet night,

> thank you all for sharing your thoughts, perhaps I will see you later, I

> started to say, perhaps not, but I have met too many dozens of people

> known online, so that intuition and energy works are real, so in saying

> ciao, which in Italian is to be of service, I send also highest love and

> light from the Divine. Ciao. The Rainbo fades from view.


"At first, I sang and recited poems,

keeping the neighbors awake.

Now more intense, quieter.

When the fire flames up, smoke vanishes." Rumi


Blessings to you Annette!




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