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Rumi typo

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Colette T wrote:

> Now one from Rumi ~


> Ony he whose garment is rent by the violence of love

> Is wholly pure from covetousness & sin.

> Hail to Thee, O Love, sweet madness!

> Thou who healest all our infirmities!

> Love exalts our earthly bodies to heaven

> And makes the hills to dance with joy!


> The Beloved is all in all, the lover only veils Him

> The Beloved is all that lives, the lover a dead thing.

> When the lover feels no longer Love's quickening

> He becomes like a bird who has lost it's wings. Alas!

> How can I retain my senses about me,

> When the Beloved shows not the light of His countenance?


> Love desires that this secret should be revealed

> For if a mirror reflects not, of what use is it?

> Knowest thou why the mirror reflects not?

> Because the rust has not been scoured from its face.

> If it were purified from all rust & defilement,

> It would reflect the shining of the sun of God.


> ~RUMI~


> Much Love,


> Colette

> ~*~


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