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The Swami Contest!

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----Original Message-----

Greg Goode [goode]

Friday, September 17, 1999 12:42 PM

NondualitySalon ; NondualitySalon

Re: [NondualitySalon] Bruce/RE: Tim/Petros/Re: Mikaire



Harsha and Judi,


Let's go into the guru production business. We know what sells. We know

who's buying. We know how to package. We know the contacts. We probably

know people in various media businesses. Swami Timananda can be first one

out of the box!




Harsha: Good Idea Greg. And you are wise and funny! Glad to see you got

your thinking hat on today! :-) We should market our Swami and give Him

various titles, at least one a month (despite His strong protestations, or

gentle acceptance or whatever - which would be publicized in our infomercial

to show His humility).


The great Swami (Selected from the Swami contest to be held) would have to

often insist that He is really no body at all and knows absolutely nothing.

Paradoxically though, at other times, He would have to openly declare that

He is the Primordial Being and should be worshipped.


If scandals with Him and His female disciples become public, the usual

logic that Swami is beyond societal norms and simply beyond and even more

beyond (far out and far gone) would be appropriate, as it has worked well

for other gurus. We just need to set the rules now for the Swami contest (of

course, the whole thing will be fixed - who are we kidding here :-). Once

the Swami is selected, the publicity machine could go in full swing. The

other gurus will be left in the dust.


Can we get Richard Gere or someone famous to become a disciple. That

would help! Mary Tyler Moore came to my yoga class a few times couple of

decades ago, but we never really got to know each other and so have not kept

in touch. Any other bright ideas will be welcome. :-).

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Harsha and Judi,


Let's go into the guru production business. We know what sells. We know

who's buying. We know how to package. We know the contacts. We probably know

people in various media businesses. Swami Timananda can be first one out of the





Harsha: Good Idea Greg. And you are wise and funny! Glad to see you got your

thinking hat on today! :-) We should market our Swami and give Him various

titles, at least one a month (despite His strong protestations, or gentle

acceptance or whatever - which would be publicized in our infomercial to show

His humility).


The great Swami (Selected from the Swami contest to be held) would have to

often insist that He is really no body at all and knows absolutely nothing.

Paradoxically though, at other times, He would have to openly declare that He is

the Primordial Being and should be worshipped.


If scandals with Him and His female disciples become public, the usual logic

that Swami is beyond societal norms and simply beyond and even more beyond (far

out and far gone) would be appropriate, as it has worked well for other gurus.

We just need to set the rules now for the Swami contest (of course, the whole

thing will be fixed - who are we kidding here :-). Once the Swami is selected,

the publicity machine could go in full swing. The other gurus will be left in

the dust.


Can we get Richard Gere or someone famous to become a disciple. That would

help! Mary Tyler Moore came to my yoga class a few times couple of decades ago,

but we never really got to know each other and so have not kept in touch. Any

other bright ideas will be welcome. :-).


ivan: Yes, and we must keep a list going on, where we must discuss

the qualities of diferent Swamis and Teachers, their habits, and way

of life. But at the same time we must not forget to through in the habitual

"don´t follow anybody stuff " , cos that´s suposed to be said....they all

say it.

And let´s not forget the books list, cos you are all gods, but if you read


you´ll become even more holly. After all it takes lots of time to get out of

time!! LOL LOL LOL

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> Harsha: Good Idea Greg. And you are wise and funny! Glad to see you got

>your thinking hat on today! :-) We should market our Swami and give Him

>various titles, at least one a month (despite His strong protestations, or

>gentle acceptance or whatever - which would be publicized in our


>to show His humility).


> The great Swami (Selected from the Swami contest to be held) would have


>often insist that He is really no body at all and knows absolutely nothing.

>Paradoxically though, at other times, He would have to openly declare that

>He is the Primordial Being and should be worshipped.


> If scandals with Him and His female disciples become public, the usual

>logic that Swami is beyond societal norms and simply beyond and even more

>beyond (far out and far gone) would be appropriate, as it has worked well

>for other gurus. We just need to set the rules now for the Swami contest


>course, the whole thing will be fixed - who are we kidding here :-). Once

>the Swami is selected, the publicity machine could go in full swing. The

>other gurus will be left in the dust.


> Can we get Richard Gere or someone famous to become a disciple. That

>would help! Mary Tyler Moore came to my yoga class a few times couple of

>decades ago, but we never really got to know each other and so have not


>in touch. Any other bright ideas will be welcome. :-).




Hey, if you want moviestars, it helps to recognize them as reincarnated

lamas. Put someone in charge of the research for this, so we get authentic

names from the past. (Unlike Madame Blavatsky who appears to have made them

up, people expect the real thing nowadays.) In order to do my share for the

cause, I volunteer for the disciple scandal, regardless of who is chosen for

Swami. If that ain't devotion, what is??



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At 10:16 AM 9/20/99 , ivan wrote:

>ivan: Yes, and we must keep a list going on, where we must discuss

>>the qualities of diferent Swamis and Teachers, their habits, and way

>>of life. But at the same time we must not forget to through in the habitual

>>"don´t follow anybody stuff " , cos that´s suposed to be said....they all

>>say it.

>>And let´s not forget the books list, cos you are all gods, but if you

>>read them,

>>you´ll become even more holly. After all it takes lots of time to get out

>>of time!! LOL LOL LOL



Yes, we can't forget the insistence upon telling people to be

independent. We don't want our Swamis to be too easily accused of

cultishness. Yet their hints to "follow me and my way" must be stronger,

though indirect. We can tell the aspirants not to read books, yet tell

them of the ageless wisdom to be found in the world's scriptures.

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At 10:21 AM 9/20/99 , Gloria Lee wrote:


Hey, if you want moviestars, it helps to recognize them as reincarnated

>lamas. Put someone in charge of the research for this, so we get authentic

>names from the past. (Unlike Madame Blavatsky who appears to have made them

>up, people expect the real thing nowadays.) In order to do my share for the

>cause, I volunteer for the disciple scandal, regardless of who is chosen for

>Swami. If that ain't devotion, what is??



Is Petros on this list? If so, I'd nominate him to find celebrities and

movie stars to use as reincarnations and devotees. I'll volunteer to write

the PR flyers and the web page.

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Greg Goode <goode

< >;

< >

Monday, September 20, 1999 10:39 AM

Re: The Swami Contest!


>At 10:21 AM 9/20/99 , Gloria Lee wrote:


>Hey, if you want moviestars, it helps to recognize them as reincarnated

>>lamas. Put someone in charge of the research for this, so we get authentic

>>names from the past. (Unlike Madame Blavatsky who appears to have made


>>up, people expect the real thing nowadays.) In order to do my share for


>>cause, I volunteer for the disciple scandal, regardless of who is chosen


>>Swami. If that ain't devotion, what is??



>Is Petros on this list? If so, I'd nominate him to find celebrities and

>movie stars to use as reincarnations and devotees. I'll volunteer to write

>the PR flyers and the web page.


Let's just skip reality all together and go for a fabricated web page, its

kinda a tabloid religion anyway. Our swami can be a reclusive hermit who is

never seen in person. We who are his followers may or may not have actually

been allowed into his presence, but we can all make up very moving accounts

of the effects and write up his "messages" for the web page.



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In a message dated 9/20/99 6:05:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

hluthar writes:


<< Harsha and Judi,


Let's go into the guru production business. We know what sells. We know

who's buying. We know how to package. We know the contacts. We probably

know people in various media businesses. Swami Timananda can be first one

out of the box!




Harsha: Good Idea Greg. And you are wise and funny! Glad to see you got

your thinking hat on today! :-) We should market our Swami and give Him

various titles, at least one a month (despite His strong protestations, or

gentle acceptance or whatever - which would be publicized in our infomercial

to show His humility).


The great Swami (Selected from the Swami contest to be held) would have to

often insist that He is really no body at all and knows absolutely nothing.

Paradoxically though, at other times, He would have to openly declare that

He is the Primordial Being and should be worshipped.


If scandals with Him and His female disciples become public, the usual

logic that Swami is beyond societal norms and simply beyond and even more

beyond (far out and far gone) would be appropriate, as it has worked well

for other gurus. We just need to set the rules now for the Swami contest (of

course, the whole thing will be fixed - who are we kidding here :-). Once

the Swami is selected, the publicity machine could go in full swing. The

other gurus will be left in the dust.


Can we get Richard Gere or someone famous to become a disciple. That

would help! Mary Tyler Moore came to my yoga class a few times couple of

decades ago, but we never really got to know each other and so have not kept

in touch. Any other bright ideas will be welcome. :-).





Dear Greg:


Not only is this a great idea, but we can also produce and direct the Movie

of the Life of the Swami, and then, as a much later follow-up, the Movie that

Reveals the Secret Creation of the Swami...sure to create yet another wave of

controversy and intense public interest in all things related to His



I am willing to throw my Fez into the ring, my credentials as a "deep

thinkerwit" and "half wit" being, I believe, unquestioned.

However, we might need to come up with some real good explanation for my

olive complexion as opposed to more traditional Eastern tones. Ah, perhaps I

was simply struck by the Divine Illumination as I sat regarding the shoes of

one of the great Yogi Sages or someone. If they were boots, all the better,

since I am a "Bootist" anyway.


I think that I agree with Greg that controversies and "shocking affairs" must

be staged and arranged as timed events whenever public attention seems to

drift away from the Guru. It is also very possible to create linkages with

these many nubile young ladies with opposing groups and factions, in order to

plant the seed (no pun intended...oh sure it was!) that they "seduced" the

Great One ("GO" one letter short of God...the "Great One") has a nice power

to it. Mahatanji...the "Great One!" He's the Real Thing. Things GO better

with GO. GO for it! Ah, the possibilities are truly endless.


Since I have worked on successful Congressional campaigns drafting media ads

and ideas, I think that I can contribute a great deal to this team. Consider

me an inside insider.


It is also important to have a sensational "public introduction"

of the Great One. He must have spent 30+ years in obscurity...wandering

deserts or malls...seeking the answer. Now he has found it. Instead of the

Tao, he only talks about "IT."

He's the "It Guy." I think healing sick people is a bit passe in this day of

wonder drugs, religious crusades, etc., but raising the dead still gets some

attention. So, we arrange to have a clinically dead person there at the

Public Unveiling and the Great One

merely breathes on the body and it begins to slowly show Brain wave, then EKG

activity. With the right doctors and equipment, this is easily arranged, but

you might need a good yogi to play the part of the "dead one" just so that no

outward bodily motion can be discerned. If possible, he should have some

Siddhi abilities and piercing his hand or arm with a needle should be

possible and clearly shown to the audience, with no bleeding. If we can get

the same doctors to sign a death certificate a day earlier, even better.


The Great One should also be able to recognize the "true identities" of

complete strangers, from past life memory. He will embrace them tearfully,

"Oh my dear Sister Vajnadani!" he might exclaim.


We could also easily make a robe or Sari that could have a very high voltage

electrostatic generator built into it (very miniature is now possible) with a

discharge path available to the Swami, via one sleeve and a hidden switch in

the opposite sleeve. Then, he could discharge foot long visible sparks with

his outstretched arm and finger to things such as metal statues, objects, and

even people as a powerful version of Shaktipat! I think he would best have a

reasonable length finger nail on that index finger to minimize the "zap"

effect to himself. He could also hold his palm over someone's head and

cause their hair to stand on end. Very good visual proof of his enlightened



Later, some crazed fanatics should attempt to kill him. He could be rushed

to a private hospital...and slowly recover from what doctors describe as

"certainly fatal wounds" He forgives the would be assassins and they are

overcome with remorse and become devout followers.


We must also think of some endearing, human habit or pass time for the Great

One...such as collecting thimbles, etc., so that devotees will have something

to Search For and send to the Guru for blessings. Thimbles are cute, but

have so little real value...maybe hummels would be better, or better yet,

rare coins. Since he only enjoys collecting them, no one could accuse him of

materiality...he is simply performing the devout service of removing these

distractions from the ignorant, materialistic, greedy and unenlightened.


Also, a series of books, of his teachings. "The Great One Speaks"

followed by dozens of books with the GO speaking about every other religion

or sect on Earth. It will appeal to someone, eventually. He must reveal

some "secret" core belief or mystery about each religion and sect.






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In a message dated 9/20/99 7:14:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

glee writes:


<< Hey, if you want moviestars, it helps to recognize them as reincarnated

lamas. Put someone in charge of the research for this, so we get authentic

names from the past. (Unlike Madame Blavatsky who appears to have made them

up, people expect the real thing nowadays.) In order to do my share for the

cause, I volunteer for the disciple scandal, regardless of who is chosen for

Swami. If that ain't devotion, what is??


Dear Gloria:


Glad I am not the only devoted volunteer for this project! I applaud your

self sacrifice and dedication. :)


I totally agree with the need for prior dedicated research. Past life proofs

are so much easier to discover when they have been thoroughly worked out in



The Guru, who has never been to place "X" can insist that there is a holy

relic buried there...(of course this has been researched in advance, and

hopefully we have some follower locate the relic there some years before

Swami if publicly recognized. The power of this method is the sheer audacity

of it. People will believe the fabulous rather than the mundane because the

mundane will be too audacious, well planned and industrious!







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In a message dated 9/20/99 8:03:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

glee writes:


<< Let's just skip reality all together and go for a fabricated web page, its

kinda a tabloid religion anyway. Our swami can be a reclusive hermit who is

never seen in person. We who are his followers may or may not have actually

been allowed into his presence, but we can all make up very moving accounts

of the effects and write up his "messages" for the web page.



Dear Gloria:


This is effective as a sort of "Burma Shave" commercial venture, with many

signs leading to the Guru, but it is useful only as a build up, just one

phase in the entire planned assault on society.

Done well, it could alter an entire generation's consciousness actually and

truly. If the Guru is not authentic, who can say what is authentic or not if

it gets results? Maybe Jesus at the last moment protested, "Hey, I am just

an actor that the Essenes hired to play the part of the Messiah...I am not

really the Messiah!" No disrespect intended...it is merely an example.






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At 04:42 PM 9/20/99 , ZEN2WRK wrote:


Wow, Zenbob, you've got it all mapped out! Did you mention a lineage? We

can come up with something ancient, obscure and mysterious, impossible to

verify or disprove. The East is beyond vast, and certainly has what we'd



Then there's the costume. Long hair is a must. White is pretty good - in

the West it symbolizes purity, and also attracts lots of attention. We can

get white sneakers and a bomber jacket for Winter and white rollerblades

for Summer ("Hey, SwamijiMahaJiGuruJi is just a regular gal,"), along with

the requisite white robes, sandals, kirtan, etc.


Failing white, it must be ochre or royal purple.


Then the launching party. SwamijiMahaJiGuruJi can be discovered in very

humble circumstances and be catapulted to fame. I've seen machinations

like this happen before, with most onlookers and devotees unaware of the

invisible hand behind the scenes.


If it's Tim or Gloria, we'll probably need dialogue coaching, because a

mainstream American accent is not very impressive or authoritative. I can

coach on an Indian or Japanese accent.


If we do a website, it must be done with very good and subdued taste, and

be sensational without appearing to TRY to be sensational. We don't want

accusations of egotism to fly about too soon.


What else?



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Greg Goode wrote:

> If we do a website, it must be done with very good and subdued taste, and

> be sensational without appearing to TRY to be sensational. We don't want

> accusations of egotism to fly about too soon.


> What else?


Well, if this hasn't already been mentioned, for sure, we'll need a live video


following every non-move of our SwamijiMahaJiGuruJi. In the vein of "The

Truman Show," I can see the suspense building over weeks, months, or even

years with viewers anticipating the Spiritual Mellow Dramas unfolding



And why not a little egotism flying around, adds some spice to the stew.

Just as Sufi masters will act arrogant as a teaching tool, our


can do likewise as a teaching technique.


There wouldn't be any shortage of sponsors and all the monies could go to

ending hunger, education in birth control, family planning, sustainable






> --Greg


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance

of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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Life has no need to separate itself into authentic and non authentic

teachers. It is only the mind that seeks proof of authenticity. When we can

just accept life as it is, a totality, then all and everything is a

legitimate teacher, teaching and responding precisely to what needs to be

understood, taking advantage of the available capacity to understand at a

given moment.

There is only life teaching life. There is only life understanding life. My

teacher is an authentic teacher, only when my mind has qualified him as

such. Thank heavens Life doesn't care about my qualifications, because it

teaches through every available resource.


With love,







from: ZEN2WRK


> In a message dated 9/20/99 8:03:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> glee writes:


> << Let's just skip reality all together and go for a fabricated web page,


> kinda a tabloid religion anyway. Our swami can be a reclusive hermit who


> never seen in person. We who are his followers may or may not have


> been allowed into his presence, but we can all make up very moving


> of the effects and write up his "messages" for the web page.

> >>


> Dear Gloria:


> This is effective as a sort of "Burma Shave" commercial venture, with many

> signs leading to the Guru, but it is useful only as a build up, just one

> phase in the entire planned assault on society.

> Done well, it could alter an entire generation's consciousness actually


> truly. If the Guru is not authentic, who can say what is authentic or not


> it gets results? Maybe Jesus at the last moment protested, "Hey, I am


> an actor that the Essenes hired to play the part of the Messiah...I am not

> really the Messiah!" No disrespect intended...it is merely an example.


> Blessings

> Love,


> Zenbob


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is

Radiance of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth

needs no psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no

religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always

their support. A true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of

Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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In a message dated 9/20/99 4:17:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

RavenMcCloud writes:


<< There wouldn't be any shortage of sponsors and all the monies could go to

ending hunger, education in birth control, family planning, sustainable



:) :) :) :)



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In a message dated 9/20/99 3:13:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, goode



<< If it's Tim or Gloria, we'll probably need dialogue coaching, because a

mainstream American accent is not very impressive or authoritative. I can

coach on an Indian or Japanese accent.


If we do a website, it must be done with very good and subdued taste, and

be sensational without appearing to TRY to be sensational. We don't want

accusations of egotism to fly about too soon.


Dear Greg:


Very observant, as always Greg! Yes, the accent would be a problem, except

that Swami Gloria has chosen silence and restful repose as her modus

operandi. As her venerated and chosen mouth piece, I am blessed with a

profusion of both many languages, Japanese, Russian, French, German and a

smattering of Hindi and Urdu, but best of all, capable of adopting accents,

brogues and strange verbal affectations at the drop of a turban.


Since most of my words will be in printed form, subject to rigorous

translation and grammatical checking, I think we need not have too many fears

on this area. Since we have now adopted the "Swami Ultime Thule by Assertion

Tradition" (Swami Gloria merely asserts that I am the Regent and Voice of the

Swami, and I have so asserted the Role of Protector of the Faith to Miraji,

and other Esteemed Positions to follow) it therefore follows that Swami

Gloria's lineage must be one of Assertion by her Root Gurus. As you say,

obscure, but historically verifiable is best. Someone in the Himalayas must

have said something about "inheriting Glory or to seek Glory in its human

form" and that would be more than close enough to be used as the Words of

Assertion to imbue Swami Gloria with the Lineal Blessing.


More important, in my humble (as is required) opinion, is the future

discovery of Swami Gloria's Sacred Relics buried somewhere in the Mysterious

East...hopefully in the Himalayas somewhere. If we could arrange for a trip

where Swami Gloria gets to point the way with her sacred walking stick and is

then overcome with emotion upon seeing her relics...(and we could borrow from

the Tibetan tradition and have two or three choices of relic items to choose

from...3 shin bones, 3 arm bones, 3 jaw bones and three personal items,

flute, or incense bowl or mala beads) and then select the authentic ones from

the batch. She should increase the drama by being careful and painstaking,

even touching and handling one incense bowl as if it might be the one, but

then setting it aside and mumbling "Belonged to Sri Gunjakoot..." or somesuch

tearful memory, then finally, triumphantly for the video cameras to see, she

chooses the last of her items...causing great emotional outpouring and

humbling by any of the native Priests that are there as expert witnesses.


By documenting everything, we create the history as we go, and have available

a rich archive of movie and special program footage at all times. Devotees

love to buy photos and special programs of their Beloved Spiritual Leader,

and Swami Gloria will make a great thing of desiring to limit

"commercialization" of her image, or "idolatry" but in order to please her

followers, will make these items available in LIMITED NUMBERS directly

through this organization only. We could make a big deal of registering each

item, registering each buyer and keeping a data base, where they would need

to explain any duplicate purchases, before they could be approved. This

would create a frenzy of desire on the part of collectors, raise the value of

such items immediately and of course, create the demand that Swami has so

clearly expressed an aversion for. We succeed if we fail.


Swami should also begin her lessons or talks on the Problems of Sex in the

Western World...chiding people for always talking and thinking about Sex!

She should reveal herself, (tastefully) and ask who would dare to imagine her

as an object of sexual imagination? She could then give very serious

instruction on Tantra and how Kundalini can eventually liberate one from such

unhealthy obsessions. "By doing sexual postures, one need never be obsessed

with Sex again!" or some such. Always aim the goal at the point of

transcending mere Sex, and achieving spiritual union...but in the end, most

Western people will be in a flurry of interest and titillation over the "Sex



Gosh, Greg, this is so easy...I feel delighted by the entire aspect of

creating an ongoing Swami Generating Society. :)


I think we will need a publicist or information officer, So, I am naming you

the Divine Bridge to Knowledge, and Envoy to the Media. We will coordinate

all efforts with Harsha, Swami Gloria and Miraji, et al., in order to prepare

the Way.


Perhaps you could rough out a preliminary announcement/press release for

future release regarding the discovery of Swami Gloria? We need to bury some

relics in advance, so let's not be concerned too much about details, just yet.


Sai Ram! Sat Nam! In Excelsis Gloria!





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it therefore follows that Swami

>Gloria's lineage must be one of Assertion by her Root Gurus. As you say,

>obscure, but historically verifiable is best. Someone in the Himalayas


>have said something about "inheriting Glory or to seek Glory in its human

>form" and that would be more than close enough to be used as the Words of

>Assertion to imbue Swami Gloria with the Lineal Blessing.


Sri Zenbabaji,



Ahem, My Beloved Disciple seeks a Lineal Blessing when I was named by none

other than Sri Harshaji??

Perhaps you do refer to some previous incarnation merely with regard to the

discovery of relics, however the present lineage is quite well known and

established already as it is. It may be discovered by anyone who reads these

very archives. It is the true greatness of the secret teachings of Harshaji

which has yet to be revealed to the world. That is also why it is assumed

that the major disciples have been drawn here - to serve yet once again -

and all positions are being chosen from among this group. Fortunately, I

have kept files from the early days which include the secret, initiatory

teachings. Tastefully small books may be made from this material for



Please do not consider my occasional comments on the overall plan to be in

any way critical, my dear one. Be assured that I watch over you. I leave

the commercial aspects in your hands, and it would be well to prepare as you

suggest beforehand.



Om Shabbi Poori Me,


(Mira's brilliance shines here. So many will identify with the poverty of

ignorance, which we come to dispel, yet as well to recognize that the

spiritual poverty and simplicity of truth requires no superfulous



Peaceful Rest to you and your foot,


Swami Gloria


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I dont know who all participated in this message, so I wont bother to quote

any names, but I can see that I am getting overworked here and I want to

know when I will get a raise.

I hereby propose some mayor investments in Switzerland for Swami Gloria, for

I feel responsible to certify the continuity of this operation, and since I

am Protector of the Faith, I am the only one that can be trusted with these

kind of operations. But of course we will have to discuss my commissions



Protector of the Faith





> In a message dated 9/20/99 3:13:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, goode

> writes:


> << If it's Tim or Gloria, we'll probably need dialogue coaching, because a

> mainstream American accent is not very impressive or authoritative. I


> coach on an Indian or Japanese accent.


> If we do a website, it must be done with very good and subdued taste, and

> be sensational without appearing to TRY to be sensational. We don't want

> accusations of egotism to fly about too soon.

> >>

> Dear Greg:


> Very observant, as always Greg! Yes, the accent would be a problem,


> that Swami Gloria has chosen silence and restful repose as her modus

> operandi. As her venerated and chosen mouth piece, I am blessed with a

> profusion of both many languages, Japanese, Russian, French, German and a

> smattering of Hindi and Urdu, but best of all, capable of adopting


> brogues and strange verbal affectations at the drop of a turban.


> Since most of my words will be in printed form, subject to rigorous

> translation and grammatical checking, I think we need not have too many


> on this area. Since we have now adopted the "Swami Ultime Thule by


> Tradition" (Swami Gloria merely asserts that I am the Regent and Voice of


> Swami, and I have so asserted the Role of Protector of the Faith to


> and other Esteemed Positions to follow) it therefore follows that Swami

> Gloria's lineage must be one of Assertion by her Root Gurus. As you say,

> obscure, but historically verifiable is best. Someone in the Himalayas


> have said something about "inheriting Glory or to seek Glory in its human

> form" and that would be more than close enough to be used as the Words of

> Assertion to imbue Swami Gloria with the Lineal Blessing.


> More important, in my humble (as is required) opinion, is the future

> discovery of Swami Gloria's Sacred Relics buried somewhere in the


> East...hopefully in the Himalayas somewhere. If we could arrange for a


> where Swami Gloria gets to point the way with her sacred walking stick and


> then overcome with emotion upon seeing her relics...(and we could borrow


> the Tibetan tradition and have two or three choices of relic items to


> from...3 shin bones, 3 arm bones, 3 jaw bones and three personal items,

> flute, or incense bowl or mala beads) and then select the authentic ones


> the batch. She should increase the drama by being careful and


> even touching and handling one incense bowl as if it might be the one, but

> then setting it aside and mumbling "Belonged to Sri Gunjakoot..." or


> tearful memory, then finally, triumphantly for the video cameras to see,


> chooses the last of her items...causing great emotional outpouring and

> humbling by any of the native Priests that are there as expert witnesses.


> By documenting everything, we create the history as we go, and have


> a rich archive of movie and special program footage at all times.


> love to buy photos and special programs of their Beloved Spiritual Leader,

> and Swami Gloria will make a great thing of desiring to limit

> "commercialization" of her image, or "idolatry" but in order to please her

> followers, will make these items available in LIMITED NUMBERS directly

> through this organization only. We could make a big deal of registering


> item, registering each buyer and keeping a data base, where they would


> to explain any duplicate purchases, before they could be approved. This

> would create a frenzy of desire on the part of collectors, raise the value


> such items immediately and of course, create the demand that Swami has so

> clearly expressed an aversion for. We succeed if we fail.


> Swami should also begin her lessons or talks on the Problems of Sex in the

> Western World...chiding people for always talking and thinking about Sex!

> She should reveal herself, (tastefully) and ask who would dare to imagine


> as an object of sexual imagination? She could then give very serious

> instruction on Tantra and how Kundalini can eventually liberate one from


> unhealthy obsessions. "By doing sexual postures, one need never be


> with Sex again!" or some such. Always aim the goal at the point of

> transcending mere Sex, and achieving spiritual union...but in the end,


> Western people will be in a flurry of interest and titillation over the


> parts."


> Gosh, Greg, this is so easy...I feel delighted by the entire aspect of

> creating an ongoing Swami Generating Society. :)


> I think we will need a publicist or information officer, So, I am naming


> the Divine Bridge to Knowledge, and Envoy to the Media. We will


> all efforts with Harsha, Swami Gloria and Miraji, et al., in order to


> the Way.


> Perhaps you could rough out a preliminary announcement/press release for

> future release regarding the discovery of Swami Gloria? We need to bury


> relics in advance, so let's not be concerned too much about details, just



> Sai Ram! Sat Nam! In Excelsis Gloria!

> Blessings

> Love,


> Zenbabaji


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the goal. It is

Finality of Being without any support. It is Total Independence and Ever

Present. The Truth of the Self needs no psychological or spiritual crutches.

It needs no philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no

teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all

to a.

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Well Swami Zenbabaji,


Thank you and pranaams for including me in your select group. We can

rev up the publicity machine any moment, just give the call. We're

thinking of a multi-demographic analysis here - writeups in the major papers as

"news" articles. Ads in various cities' alternative press and the

metaphysical/yoga/health publications. Intentionally un-slick flyers.

A book signing tour. Interview with Larry King and Oprah (we will

have ironed out the accent issue by that time, we'll have our own

makeup artists use temporary tatoo-like substances and then say to the TV

folks "What??!! Makeup??!! Gurudev Swamijijiji Zenbabajijiji? He

would never think of it - his entire life is an outpouring of Truth!!"

"Please, no, film him as he is, in his humble Natural state."


You get the idea!



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In a message dated 9/25/99 2:25:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

mirror writes:


<< I hereby propose some mayor investments in Switzerland for Swami Gloria,


I feel responsible to certify the continuity of this operation, and since I

am Protector of the Faith, I am the only one that can be trusted with these

kind of operations. But of course we will have to discuss my commissions



Dearest Beloved Miraji:


Your proposal is being considered by Swami Gloria, even though her commitment

to resting would normally preclude any major Political activity, such as

running for Mayor of any of the Cantons in Switzerland, or even investing in

an already existing Mayor or Burgermeister. However, if you are suggesting

placing financial holdings into numbered accounts in Switzerland, then I

believe that this is a wise decision. Your commissions will, as shall all of

ours, be calculated from net profits (prophets?) resulting from publishing,

tours, and gift sales worldwide, and shall not exceed 2% of this total, nor

shall the amount annually exceed $2.2 million dollars U.S. This may seem

modest, but the reserve funds will be used for major medical programs,

education, and for maintaining travel expenses for all of the Divine Staff.


I am sure you will find this most befitting one of your humility, ability and

devotion. Also, any donations made to you by devotees is yours to keep or

use at your own discretion.


Sai Ram!




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In a message dated 9/26/99 7:48:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, goode



<< Ads in various cities' alternative press and the

metaphysical/yoga/health publications. Intentionally un-slick flyers.

A book signing tour. Interview with Larry King and Oprah (we will

have ironed out the accent issue by that time, we'll have our own

makeup artists use temporary tatoo-like substances and then say to the TV

folks "What??!! Makeup??!! Gurudev Swamijijiji Zenbabajijiji? He

would never think of it - his entire life is an outpouring of Truth!!"

"Please, no, film him as he is, in his humble Natural state."


You get the idea! >>


Dear Gregaji:


Inspirations all. I am in accord with this effluvia. Swami Gloria fully

supports drafting preliminary plans...to be called stage 1.

>From now on all info releases are to be written as if documenting serious

authentic Guru revelations. Who knows who may be watching us?


We should begin collecting publicity photos of all involved.

Mine is attached. More available...feel free to alter as you deem best in

order to remove any taint of "slickness."



Sai Ram!



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