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Tony/balance of karma!

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Tony - to explain for myself why I responded as I did - your statement,

perhaps well-intentioned, unfortunately, carried much the same logic as

Charlie Manson when he said, "Hitler really leveled the karma of the Jews."

There is something to look at here, not simply a matter of who has it

right or wrong. The thing to look at is how ideas about karma can be

misused. Please note that karma has been used for centuries to justify

maintaining a class system (which is still quite intact although illegal)

that clearly involves prejudice and exclusion from resources. Ideas about

karma need to be looked into carefully and with awareness. Particularly if

one sees that there are no separate entities, karma ends up being a web

with no one in the web -- therefore

a cause and effect analysis of a reality that is beyond cause and effect.

Because the reality that includes the appearance of cause and effect is

itself causeless, karma is a construction that has limitations.


Love, Dan

>I cannot believe how many people got me wrong, and I am the

>undereducated one!!!!????? My expression must be bad.

> "All is as it should be', means the balance of karma!!!!!!

>It doesn't mean that we shouldn't have compassion or interfere to

>prevent evil as in Timor, Kosova etc. Even if it is all a play of the

>gunas, and illusory, we still have to deal with. If we are not

>realised. Ultimately we have to rise above the opposites and see all as

>one and good. Just an appearance on the Self!! A dream if you will. 'I

>am', is still Saguna for instance.


>Love and Sai Ram, Tony.





>Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri!


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>>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is

Radiance of Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth

needs no psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no

religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always

their support. A true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of

Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all to a.


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