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Ivan/ Does It "Matter"?

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>>Dan: What appears to arise as matter, motion, time and space is

contentless. It is we who *describe* things as matter, motion, etc.

Pure potentiality and manifestation form a seemless nondual action

that occurs instantaneously. Quite paradoxical to language and thought

-- potential and manifestation imply time and becoming, yet reverse

into timeless nonbeing in a moment.

>>ivan: Isn't it a contradiction to state that matriality is just a


and go on hitting a material keyboard with material fingers?


Dan: I didn't say it was "just a description" I said it is "we who


There's a world of difference there. Description is our invention of a

world, our being as a world.

The keyboard and our material fingers are aspects of the invention which

is our manifestation.


I: I could agree

if you said that things, matter, doesn't need further interpretation by

thought, because they are what they are as meaning in form of being.

I don't understand the drive to deny the human dimension as real.


D: I think these are your own original thoughts - I never said the human

dimension has no reality.


I: One climbs up the hill, meets emptiness, and looks at the scenario.

And the scenario shows the existence of humanity. There is action as

a non-fragmented movement, yes. But to exist as pure potentiality, without

this what is manifested is a projected state...if i understood you correctly.


D: The projection is an imaginative creation. Who is the projector?

The non-fragmented movement isn't projection, as it's unsplit,

no division of subject and object, no place for thinking about



I: Do you doubt materiality? Then you can't type - as in lucid dreams - and

may fly.


D: You are going in your own direction with these thoughts. Apparently,

it is important to you to have something you can define as "material


and contrast with, I guess, "immaterial existence." I really can't claim

to know exactly how you are making this distinction or what it means to

you. Perhaps you would like to elucidate further on this topic. For me, I

haven't said I doubt materiality, I said it is we who construct materiality

as *description*.


I: Matter may exist without description.


D: Not if you observe the descriptive function of sensory perception.


I: Motion may exist without

description. If i didn't recognise matter as a human being must....i would

die very soon....hit by a car.


D: And where would you be then??

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I: Matter may exist without description.


D: Not if you observe the descriptive function of sensory perception.


I: So there is matter as sensory perception. An with this is it

not implicit that the senses themself are not sensory perception?

But all we may perceive is sensory perception according to

this model, including the sense organs and all that pertaints to

them. If you push this further, you will see that all is perception

including the mind where all perception is gathered, again according

to the model described. And when all and everything is seen to

be perception, one may ask - where is the perceiver?. Nowhere,

because it would imediatly turn into perception the moment you

could find it!! So all is perception, or all is perceived, without another...

and this is the excense of non-duality. From this stand all there is...is,

without a perceiver. There is nothing that could "describe" or "interpret"

matter. All things are what they are. And emptiness is a word that

try to describe the "space" left with the absense of that wich was

suposed to perceive.


I: Motion may exist without

description. If i didn't recognise matter as a human being must....i would

die very soon....hit by a car.


D: And where would you be then??


I: My body would turn into inanimate matter. And the nature of the

"new" manifestation as world is not available to my knowledge.



Dan: What appears to arise as matter, motion, time and space is

contentless. It is we who *describe* things as matter, motion, etc.

Pure potentiality and manifestation form a seemless nondual action

that occurs instantaneously. Quite paradoxical to language and thought

-- potential and manifestation imply time and becoming, yet reverse

into timeless nonbeing in a moment.

>>ivan: Isn't it a contradiction to state that matriality is just a


and go on hitting a material keyboard with material fingers?


Dan: I didn't say it was "just a description" I said it is "we who


There's a world of difference there. Description is our invention of a

world, our being as a world.

The keyboard and our material fingers are aspects of the invention which

is our manifestation.


ivan: I understood correctly. The human world is a description, including

all its materiality and else....Some call it the human mind, or the human field,

or the human dimension. Matter is solid....unless one is able to change

worlds.....but that new world will also be real and all inclusive.


I: I could agree

if you said that things, matter, doesn't need further interpretation by

thought, because they are what they are as meaning in form of being.

I don't understand the drive to deny the human dimension as real.


D: I think these are your own original thoughts - I never said the human

dimension has no reality.


ivan: You said: " It is we who *describe* things as matter, motion, etc."

Please elaborate it further then....



I: One climbs up the hill, meets emptiness, and looks at the scenario.

And the scenario shows the existence of humanity. There is action as

a non-fragmented movement, yes. But to exist as pure potentiality, without

this what is manifested is a projected state...if i understood you correctly.


D: The projection is an imaginative creation. Who is the projector?

The non-fragmented movement isn't projection, as it's unsplit,

no division of subject and object, no place for thinking about



ivan: Yes.


I: Do you doubt materiality? Then you can't type - as in lucid dreams - and

may fly.


D: You are going in your own direction with these thoughts. Apparently,

it is important to you to have something you can define as "material


and contrast with, I guess, "immaterial existence." I really can't claim

to know exactly how you are making this distinction or what it means to

you. Perhaps you would like to elucidate further on this topic. For me, I

haven't said I doubt materiality, I said it is we who construct materiality

as *description*.


Ivan: Can you deal with matter under a "diferent" description? This is

what i understood from your words...Matter has very few caracteristics,

apart from solidity and it's cosequences. If there is not an observer,

not a separate awareness from content, no entity.....still materiality

goes on, in this particular world of mine. Who is "describing" it?

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Ivan: Can you deal with matter under a "diferent" description? This is

what i understood from your words...Matter has very few caracteristics,

apart from solidity and it's cosequences. If there is not an observer,

not a separate awareness from content, no entity.....still materiality

goes on, in this particular world of mine. Who is "describing" it?


Dan: The apparent solidity of matter doesn't have a separate being apart from

mind-body-sensory perception. The separate world of inert matter

that goes on and on ... this appears to me to be *your* *description*.

The reason there is no separate awareness is because nothing

is separable from awareness.

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Ivan: Can you deal with matter under a "diferent" description? This is

what i understood from your words...Matter has very few caracteristics,

apart from solidity and it's cosequences. If there is not an observer,

not a separate awareness from content, no entity.....still materiality

goes on, in this particular world of mine. Who is "describing" it?


Dan:The apparent solidity of matter doesn't have a separate

being apart from mind-body-sensory perception.


ivan: The "aparent solidity..." mind, body, sensory perception,

are the human field. Can i take your words as meaning that?

If "aparent" doesn't bring with it the subtle implicit notion of a

"thing" being interpreted....separate of the interpretation. Am i

able to comunicate properly with my words? I mean....the fact.


D:The separate world of inert matter that goes on and on ... this

appears to me to be *your* *description*.


ivan: There is not a separate world of inert matter as a description.

There is not a separate thing "outside of this" apt to be described.

That would imply a separate "something" taken as "real nature" of things

apart from this...There is not that wich could describe. The human

dimension "is", without description or describer or described.

Am i saying BS?


D:The reason there is no separate awareness is because nothing

is separable from awareness.


ivan: Yes. Things are as they are "as awareness"....do we see this?

Solidity is awareness. Ilusion is awareness. Thought is awareness.

All ready, finished, moving, non-fixed, ever-changing, by themselfs...

Nothing is impossible... That inner entity as an ongoing inner observer

is ilusion. It is part of the human world also. What? The possibility of

taking that entity as real. It is real, then, .....as ilusion.

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Dan:... The reason there is no separate awareness

is because nothing is separable from awareness.


ivan: Realy? But there is a mind separate from it's

content??!! A separate fixed ongoing mind...

You see...our brain can not accept the fact that

there is nothing fixed...ongoing. So when it is

pointed out that the inner being is a fallacy....it

says OK, and projects an oustside entity. First

a difused big awareness.....then that´s beaten

to death. Then a "mind"....anything. It needs something

to get hold.....desperatly........LOL LOL

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At 03:45 PM 9/27/99 , Ivan wrote:

>Dan:... The reason there is no separate awareness

>is because nothing is separable from awareness.


>ivan: Realy? But there is a mind separate from it's

>content??!! A separate fixed ongoing mind...





It doesn't seem like Dan is saying there is a mind ... are you saying he

does? Or do YOU say there is such a thing??

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