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Re: Mira/Further

> Oh Gene you must know so well the inexplicable paradox that one is

> confronted with when 'after the teaching' the 'realization of the teaching'

> actually manifests.

> What can one do but to speak in contradictions?

> If I say that I used to be ignorant and now I am enlightened,

> I am not telling the whole truth ~

> If I say that I always was enlightenment itself,

> I am not telling the whole truth ~

> I say a lot of words, and nothing quite says it.

> When I react to a supposed 'path to enlightenment', as illusionary, I am

> both telling the truth and denying my own path.

> I am think I am going to stop trying for a while.

> (as if it were of any use not talking about it)


> Love always,


> Mira


Greetings Mira...


No need to stop (or to go), as I see it.


I understand what you say here. Yes, contradictions ("speaking against"),

but they are not against speaking. To be 'against speaking' would imply

involvement in world-dream values, and plunge one again into the 'reductio

ad absurdium' of 'right/wrong dichotomy'.


It may indeed be impossible to express originally; after all, what do we

have but these various symbols and signs? But that being said, I see this

expression as similar to the daily shedding of dead skin-cells; some may

find interest or inspiration in this effluvia, and even revere it and call

it sacred. Others may see it as an argument which calls for correction, as

though it actually matters.


Still, this expression of ours is important, even though what is expressed

is 'just dust in the wind', because it is the expression of living Being.

It is a symptom of life, even though it is 'just words'. It is also an

avenue to and from the heart of one Being to the heart of another; it is

one way of feeling our hearts beating together. And that is comforting.




Without realization, no teacher;

Without teacher, no teachings;

Without teacher or teaching,

There is realization...


Realization without teachers

Is the original way;

Teaching obscures the original way,

Unless teaching shows the original way.


Teaching showing the original way

Reveals what is known;

Thus what is known is not taught,

What is taught is what has been known.


What has been known

Expressed in words

Obscures the original way;

Thus all teachings are invalid


Unless such teachings reveal

The invalidity of those teachings;

Thus the true teacher teaches

What is invalid,


Pointing out

That what is

Is known

By no way of knowing...



==Gene Poole==

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