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Well, well, well,

Look at all you those lovely human minds!

Still any questions as to what it is?

It is capable of creating THIS EMAIL THREAD!


I'm impressed :-)


Love always,









Bruce Morgen <editor

< >

Tuesday, September 28, 1999 7:23 AM

Re: Re: Bruce Did not.


> Bruce Morgen <editor




> On Tue, 28 Sep 1999 00:13:59 -0400 "Gloria Lee" <glee

> writes:

> > "Gloria Lee" <glee

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> > >Bruce Morgen <editor

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 22:38:18 EDT RainboLily writes:

> > >> RainboLily

> > >>

> > >> In a message dated 09/27/1999 10:25:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > >> editor writes:

> > >>

> > >> < > > ivan: Where is the mind apart from

> > >> > > > a mind object....a thought....a concept. Manifestation is

> > >> > > > nowhere...as this.

> > >>

> > >> R: Mind (as here defined) is observing the thought arise and the

> > >> thought

> > >> fall away, it is the awareness of seeing the transient thought.

> > >>

> > >> > > > Dan: Somehow the idea that "manifestation is nowhere"

> > doesn't

> > >> > > > strike

> > >> > > > me as consistent with your idea that materiality is

> > all

> > >> > that

> > >> > > > is.

> > >> > > > But then, consistency isn't all it's cracked up to be

> > >> > > > anyway. :-)

> > >> > > >

> > >> > > Bruce:

> > >> > > The word "mind" is thought's

> > >> > > attempt to depict itself

> > >> > > (*to* itself!) as an ongoing,

> > >> > > persistent entity rather than

> > >> > > the series of transient

> > >> > > events it is.

> > >> > >

> > >> > andrew:

> > >> > I know what you're saying here

> > >> > and it's right but wrong too.

> > >> > Or at least there is something

> > >> > else to be said.

> > >> > The ongoing persistent mind

> > >> > does exist. It has a sort of

> > >> > formal existence which is neither

> > >> > reality nor unreality but

> > >> > somewhere in between.

> > >>

> > >> R. Mind does exist. Not reality or unreality, reality.

> > >>

> > >> It's a concept, a creature

> > >> of thought. In reality,

> > >> there are only thoughts,

> > >> accessing memories,

> > >> labeling, comparing,

> > >> measuring, coming and

> > >> going. Thought accesses

> > >> memory, discovers there

> > >> records of other thoughts,

> > >> and says "mind."

> > >>

> > >> > Mind

> > >> > is true even if not real.

> > >>

> > >> R: True and real.

> > >

> > >Conceptual and convenient.

> > > :-)

> > >>

> > >> So a thought, accessing a

> > >> memory, asserts.

> > >>

> > >> > Continuity is basic to

> > >> > existence.

> > >>

> > >> There is only this very

> > >> instant, the rest is

> > >> stored and/or synthesized

> > >> data. The continuity is

> > >> an appearance, a useful

> > >> one to be sure, but an

> > >> appearance nonetheless.

> > >>

> > >> Right the continuity can be see as an Apollonian arrow or as a

> > >> hologramatic

> > >> process, more Dionysian, although these are weak terms. Hologram

> > >> like a

> > >> crystal sculpture, which can be seen by a person who is standing

> > in

> > >> the front

> > >> or in the back or at a different angle from the back, so that the

> > >> refraction

> > >> of light is different, creating a different spectrum. Like

> > looking

> > >> at God~dess.

> > >

> > >(Bruce:??)

> > ...or the continuity can be

> > >seen as an appearance and

> > >the moment fully lived!

> > >>

> > (Greg, I'm pretty sure said??? )

> > >> > Look at

> > >> > transient thought,

> > >> > there's nothing there.

> > >> > There's only the one

> > >> > who is looking.

> > >> > This one is mind.

> > >> >

> > (????Bruce?)

> > >> Call it what you will, it

> > >> comes and goes, transient.

> > >> >>

> > >>( Rainbo: right??) Change is a constant.

> > >>

> > >(Bruce for sure: )

> > No, it's a variable.

> > >Observe a rock, then a

> > >dragonfly. Both change,

> > >the rates vary. In the

> > >moment, nothing changes

> > >and all abides, without

> > >thought's comparative

> > >activity there's no

> > >measurement of change.

> > >

> >


> >

> > And some of us have rocks in our heads for brains?? Where did the

> > labeling

> > of who said what break down here?? I had to guess. Me, I'm just

> > waiting for

> > the dust to settle on this latest go-round about conscious mind, so

> > we can go on and discuss the really good unconscious stuff. :)

> >

> > Look here------------> (insert picture of a brain with no memory

> > cells)

> >

> > Ok, how functional can this be?


> Who claimed it could be?

> Were any recommendations

> at all proferred?


> > The very ability for you guys to have this stupid ..er, I mean

> > brilliant

> > discussion is wholly dependent on your memory and yet you ( Bruce?)

> > keep

> > wanting to imply we all just appear here moment by moment with no

> > continuity.


> This is only paradoxical

> the comparative "mind."


> > That is like a person with Alzheimer's reality, not anyone with

> > a normal, everyday sense of reality. I know you guys enjoy making

> > these

> > abstruse distinctions, but Bruce, really... without thought's

> > comparative

> > activity.. there is no nothing...


> You think so? See how

> tenacious thought as

> "mind" gets about its

> indispensibility? Don't

> sweat it, it'll be there

> as you need it, let it

> fall away in the absence

> of any service to render.


> > your simplest sensory perception is

> > a learned activity of your brain/mind.


> No, the simplest *labeling*

> of a sensory perception is a

> learned (conditioned)

> activity. Not knocking

> thought, not noting its

> nature.


> > Continuity is essential for memory and

> > learning to occur and so what if people also create a sense of

> > identity with

> > that process... you have done the same, whether you care to admit

> > it or not.


> Of course I have, where have I

> denied it? You've got the

> relationship of continuity and

> memory entirely bassackward,

> though.


> > Its a bit more than just convenient. Geesh...


> It is convenient for the

> survival of an organism and a

> species, but it is a just a

> transient event comprising

> the momentary contents of

> consciousness. I'm not

> denying its utility, I'm

> simply pointing toward its

> nature to the best of its

> remarkable but limited

> communicative ability.


> > If you don't notice and

> > measure change,,you won't last long enough to know what you are

> > missing,

> > either.


> Yes, it's a survival trait

> and a dandy!


> > Not to mention that I have barely the least idea even who I

> > am talking TO by this point... :):)


> ...and I notice it's not

> unenjoyable. Can you even

> imagine the perceptual impact

> of the merest instant of pure

> awareness in the absence of

> labeling, of comparison, of

> measurement, a moment with

> thought fallen silent in the

> absence of any useful thing

> to do, the pure void -- and

> then the resurgence of

> thought in joy and wonderment,

> unable to depict but on fire

> with discovery?

> >

> > Glo

> >

> Much love -- Bruce


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>"Mirror" <mirror


>Well, well, well,

>Look at all you those lovely human minds!

>Still any questions as to what it is?

>It is capable of creating THIS EMAIL THREAD!


>I'm impressed :-)


>Love always,






I'm not..impressed, that is. That was my point. Its another philosophical

dissecting of words, leading more away from reality, implying we need to

deny we even have an ordinary mind, like its in the way. Recently, I did

hear a 12 year old violin prodigy play some Paganini.. and that impressed

me. Now that's a nice use for a mind.



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your serious response shows how hard it is to imply irony on email when



Love always,




> >"Mirror" <mirror

> >

> >Well, well, well,

> >Look at all you those lovely human minds!

> >Still any questions as to what it is?

> >It is capable of creating THIS EMAIL THREAD!

> >WOW!

> >I'm impressed :-)

> >

> >Love always,

> >

> >Mirror

> >

> >


> I'm not..impressed, that is. That was my point. Its another philosophical

> dissecting of words, leading more away from reality, implying we need to

> deny we even have an ordinary mind, like its in the way. Recently, I did

> hear a 12 year old violin prodigy play some Paganini.. and that impressed

> me. Now that's a nice use for a mind.


> Glo


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the goal. It is

Finality of Being without any support. It is Total Independence and Ever

Present. The Truth of the Self needs no psychological or spiritual crutches.

It needs no philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no

teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all

to a.

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> "Gloria Lee" <glee


> >"Mirror" <mirror

> >

> >Well, well, well,

> >Look at all you those lovely human minds!

> >Still any questions as to what it is?

> >It is capable of creating THIS EMAIL THREAD!

> >WOW!

> >I'm impressed :-)

> >

> >Love always,

> >

> >Mirror


> I'm not..impressed, that is. That was my point. Its another philosophical

> dissecting of words, leading more away from reality, implying we need to

> deny we even have an ordinary mind, like its in the way. Recently, I did

> hear a 12 year old violin prodigy play some Paganini.. and that impressed

> me. Now that's a nice use for a mind.


> Glo


I saw a bird fly, the sun rise, looked at a cloud formation in the sky

but was seeing the inside texture of a wound, the sky turned into the

flesh inside the womb of my Mother. So many ways to use a mind, that

leave less and less and more and more of me to be impressed.



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>"Mirror" <mirror


>Well, well, well,

>Look at all you those lovely human minds!

>Still any questions as to what it is?

>It is capable of creating THIS EMAIL THREAD!


>I'm impressed :-)


>Love always,




Quite some years ago I saw a documentary about mentally

disabled persons; one (disabled severely enough to have been

aborted in many countries) was able to play piano in a

professional manner although it hadn't been taught in any way.

If anything, it showed that mind isn't understood at all and

if brain research has given any results, it is that right/left

brain is just another myth for the waste basket :) This

doesn't have to prevent one from using the mind; the majority

of computer users doesn't know how a computer is working but

can use it nevertheless :)



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