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Glo~Enlightened by Cows

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i can't find your post but you thought to write a poem to cows,

sharing a story... my father who died in my early 20s, ten years

ago, was a brilliant mathematician, mensa, etc. But he loved

his cows. He put cattle in the fields, built fencing, used to give

them blocks of honey in the summer.


In exquisite simplicity he would go and pet the cows and they

would come for a cuddle, a nuzzle, each evening. He brought

them treats, grew strawberries and potatoes.


We use to sit and enjoy each other's company in complete



It was beautiful.


When he died (he had six children

including me) my sister turned to me and said, "oh my God,

how are you going to survive without him?"


Enlightened by the peaceful placidity of cows,



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In a message dated 09/28/1999 9:41:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

glee writes:


<< A silence I shared with my father was while fishing at early dawn.

The peacefulness of his presence so similar, the memory also brings tears to

my eyes.


Thank you for reminding me,



Sorry to get so personal, i don't know what it is tonight, but, i thought, i

did not convey well, so, the story is, my sister turned to me with tears

streaming down from her huge blue eyes, her lips quivering, and she said, oh

my God, how will you live? And i sat in absolute silence like a rock,

because i knew, if one tear escapes my eye, i will die there, just melt and

disappear. In utter silence, i went outside, where my father kept his cows,

and was afraid that if anyone touched me, i would fly into a million pieces,

and i begged God in silence for a vision of where my father had gone. I

actually did get one, God must have known, that unlike the little girl with

rocks in her shoes who was just dying to be closer to God, that now I was

truly desperate, and so I saw until the colors were beyond my ability to see,

and then i collapsed and cried in relief.


Yes, the shared silence of peacefulness is one of the most exquisite there is.


Thank you for reminding me,



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Your memories are so touching. You (and others on this list) never cease to

amaze me with the richness of your responses to even my most offhand

remarks. A silence I shared with my father was while fishing at early dawn.

The peacefulness of his presence so similar, the memory also brings tears to

my eyes.


Thank you for reminding me,






RainboLily <RainboLily

< >

Tuesday, September 28, 1999 9:00 PM

Glo~Enlightened by Cows






>i can't find your post but you thought to write a poem to cows,

>sharing a story... my father who died in my early 20s, ten years

>ago, was a brilliant mathematician, mensa, etc. But he loved

>his cows. He put cattle in the fields, built fencing, used to give

>them blocks of honey in the summer.


>In exquisite simplicity he would go and pet the cows and they

>would come for a cuddle, a nuzzle, each evening. He brought

>them treats, grew strawberries and potatoes.


>We use to sit and enjoy each other's company in complete



>It was beautiful.


>When he died (he had six children

>including me) my sister turned to me and said, "oh my God,

>how are you going to survive without him?"


>Enlightened by the peaceful placidity of cows,




>>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the goal. It is

Finality of Being without any support. It is Total Independence and Ever

Present. The Truth of the Self needs no psychological or spiritual crutches.

It needs no philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no

teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all

to a.


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