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Fruitless talk

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What a delicious peace to be set to "No Mail" on all these lists. Of 100

posts or topics, approximately one is fruitful for discussion. The rest is

a bunch of mindless (and "mindful") jabber (called "prattle" by some),

which although may be considered "fun" by some (haven't you ever heard of

getting together with friends? Seeing movies? Dating?), is utterly

valueless, and has no effect but to fill the mind and ego with meaningless

clutter that has an obscuring and obfuscating effect, strengthening ignorance.


What a waste of time, and what peace there is now that there is no mail

coming in, especially from the ugly, egotistical egos.


Have "fun,"





Visit The Core of the WWW at: http://core.vdirect.net

Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics...

Tim's Shareware Site: http://tshareware.webjump.com

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Should I welcome you back? What kinds of posts do you like, do you find of

value? Do you think everyone must agree?






At 12:26 AM 9/29/99 , Tim Gerchmez wrote:

>Tim Gerchmez <core



>What a delicious peace to be set to "No Mail" on all these lists. Of 100

>posts or topics, approximately one is fruitful for discussion. The rest is

>a bunch of mindless (and "mindful") jabber (called "prattle" by some),

>which although may be considered "fun" by some (haven't you ever heard of

>getting together with friends? Seeing movies? Dating?), is utterly

>valueless, and has no effect but to fill the mind and ego with meaningless

>clutter that has an obscuring and obfuscating effect, strengthening ignorance.


>What a waste of time, and what peace there is now that there is no mail

>coming in, especially from the ugly, egotistical egos.


>Have "fun,"





>Visit The Core of the WWW at: http://core.vdirect.net

>Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics...

>Tim's Shareware Site: http://tshareware.webjump.com


>>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

>paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

>Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

>"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

>Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

>Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical

>Truth is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the

>goal. It is Finality of Being without any support. It is Total

>Independence and Ever Present. The Truth of the Self needs no

>psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion,

>no explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their

>support. A true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge

>which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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On 9/28/99 at 9:26 PM Tim Gerchmez wrote:


>What a delicious peace to be set to "No Mail" on all these



No Internet connection could provide even more peace and would

save money too; thanks for the reminder.


Of 100

>posts or topics, approximately one is fruitful for



Isn't that a matter of interpretation? What is fruitful for

one could be poison for another. Chocolate is a delicacy for

humans but can kill dogs.


The rest is

>a bunch of mindless (and "mindful") jabber (called "prattle"

by some),

>which although may be considered "fun" by some (haven't you

ever heard of

>getting together with friends? Seeing movies? Dating?), is


>valueless, and has no effect but to fill the mind and ego

with meaningless

>clutter that has an obscuring and obfuscating effect,

strengthening ignorance.


These days, non-committing relations are en vogue; among

others, it means a preference for cyber-relations, living as

data in the computer and as fantasy in the mind. Consider it a

kind of guarantee against disappointment that could easily be

caused by confrontation with "the real thing".


>What a waste of time, and what peace there is now that there

is no mail

>coming in, especially from the ugly, egotistical egos.


In that case, deep dreamless sleep will bring even more peace.


>Have "fun,"




That doesn't sound like one having fun at all :) Why expect

anything from a mailing list? It is just a means to share

views and experiences. Anyone looking for "more" will probably

get disappointed. But thanks for the reminder that here, 4

years without Internet provides the savings for a nice used

car :)- I'll keep it in mind.



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