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>>Dan: Glo - where did you ever get the idea that I'm criticizing a "mind"??

>> Now, that would really be a silly thing for me to be doing...

>> From my perspective - I want to "open everything up" into

>> whatever it opens into....

>> (I think we're both striking each other as funny right now -

>> maybe the best thing to do is just laugh :-) )


>G: Ok, let's laugh... who cares if I am considered a frivolous idiot? The


>I try to get people to lighten up..the more I seem to get taken too

>seriously. Ahh, but you see thru my ruses and emotional tantrums to the real

>me who really is silly.


D: I said "it would be silly of me" not "you are a frivolous idiot" - those

don't equate, Glo. I have had no thoughts about you like that, truly.

I simply was hoping to explain that my intent is to "open things up"

not "criticize a mind" - you had apparently

taken my dialogue with Ivan in a way I didn't take it. Wanting

to clarify, that's all...


I do value being able to laugh about things - hopefully we can have

fun with our dialogue as well as being serious at times.

>>Glo: When I want to actually stop thoughts, the last way for me to do

>>>this is to think and analyze how my mind works.


>>Dan: While I truly appreciate silent awareness, the last thing I'm

>> intending is to stop thoughts... Wouldn't this simply

>> create a duality between thought and the "thought stopper"

>> (whoever that might be)


>G: Only to a smart guy like you would this create a duality, for me this

is no

>problem. :)


D: The reason I said what I did about this is due to my experience and

experiences of other people I've known - leading me to conclude that

trying to stop thoughts from occurring doesn't work in the long run and can

lead to frustration.


My approach is to accept and work with the thought, then let

it go and "move on". For myself, when thoughts arise I let them

do their thing, then watch them slip away... silence remains when

they leave and has been there the whole time...


G: To me criticizing, over-analyzing, and thinking too much are

>roughly equivalent "disorders."


D: To me, the disorder is when there is investment in reaching a "goal" or

an investment in an intellectual "process." If there isn't this investment,

there's no "disorder" - critical thinking (as opposed to

criticizing) can be quite useful, analysis (as opposed to over- analyzing)

can be a way of exploring and enjoying - thinking

(as opposed to thinking too much or being driven by intellect) and

feeling (as opposed to being consumed by or driven by feelings) are

natural functions of the human body-mind system. Hopefully, thinking,

feeling, and intuition can all "go together" and "work together".


G: When my mind is going in circles like a

>stuck record, yes I do want these thoughts to stop. More thinking about how

>or why my mind does this is not helpful at that time.


D: Agreed - such an attempt to be "one up" on one's own "mind" would not

be likely to be fruitful.


G: "Somehow" I redirect

>my attention to tune into a more peaceful channel. I agree that "thinking

>stop thoughts" does not work either, while losing myself in flowers or

>clouds does help.


D: Losing oneself this way can provide a peaceful interlude - I enjoy

feeling immersed and absorbed in an experience as well.


G: Again, you persist in expecting me to articulate this in

>some extrememly precise manner.. why can't you accept my vague references,

>Dan? I am almost to the point of giving up writing here, when my every word

>is analysed to this extent.


D: I accept your references exactly as you give them. I then respond

however I respond. Hopefully, you accept my references the

same way. I don't expect any particular kind of articulation

from you - truth is, I've very much enjoyed just about everything

you've posted. Your "presence" here on this list has

been great for me - just as you are - honest...


G: Its not just you... Bruce, Gene, and Jan have

>chimed in at length.., all basically telling me I am wrong.


D: I won't try to speak for them. But for me - you've been insightful,

charming, witty, and fun.


G: I'm sorry,

>guys..I just don't have time to go over and re-explain everything I say to

>this extent. I do enjoy reading what you all write..perhaps its better I

>don't comment at all if I can't do it well.


D: Please don't feel you have to re-explain anything on my account.

I suppose you'll comment or not as you wish - yet hopefully

you'll realize that I've sincerely enjoyed and benefitted from

your feedback when you've responded to my writing - and that

I've enjoyed other things you've posted that I just took in.

I consider you a beneficial presence.


Love, Dan

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In a message dated 09/30/1999 12:05:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

berkowd writes:



G: Its not just you... Bruce, Gene, and Jan have

>chimed in at length.., all basically telling me I am wrong.


D: I won't try to speak for them. But for me - you've been insightful,

charming, witty, and fun.


G: I'm sorry,

>guys..I just don't have time to go over and re-explain everything I say to

>this extent. I do enjoy reading what you all write..perhaps its better I

>don't comment at all if I can't do it well.


D: Please don't feel you have to re-explain anything on my account.

I suppose you'll comment or not as you wish - yet hopefully

you'll realize that I've sincerely enjoyed and benefitted from

your feedback when you've responded to my writing - and that

I've enjoyed other things you've posted that I just took in.

I consider you a beneficial presence.


Love, Dan




We all love your witty comments. You contribute a great deal. These guys

remind me of the guys I grew up around, bunch of ph.d.'d physicists, and

psychiatrists and surgeons and so on, they showed love by forcing me to think

more deeply. That was their gift to me and they really meant it that way.

At the age of 5, I got a silver dollar for spelling "syzygy" correctly. In

real life, I know very few people who have a clue as to what that means.


So, take it the way it is given, it is their gift of energy to you ... it is

how they show love :-)



~ Rainbo ~

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