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Intense Sexual Desire

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> Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> this phenomena?




Do you really have to ask?


Love always,




Geovani: LOL...LOL...LOL...Yes, but don't you see...the guy

....is......is......on......on.......the verge!!! LOL

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Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

this phenomena?


Please write back soon,

Darren :-)

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In a message dated 09/30/1999 4:08:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

qapla writes:


<< Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

this phenomena?


Please write back soon,

Darren :-)


Dear Darren,


There are many paths for this. One path is for you to go within and withup,

connect to your Soul, ask God~dess for intuition or guidance and just be in

the moment and let it unfold, consumed by the moment :-) ...



~ RainboLily ~

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In a message dated 9/30/99 8:30:23 PM Central Daylight Time,

inandor writes:


<< You see....it's crasy to avoid sex and think about it. >>


If rising kundalini is the causing distracting manifestations - mere physical

sex will not help at all. One could 'do it' 24/7 - and still have the

'problem' that Darren is asking help for -



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Do you really have to ask?


YES I do.

If you have any helpful advise PLEASE share it.







Mirror wrote:

> "Mirror" <mirror


> > Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> > Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> > I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> > What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> > this phenomena?


> Geez.

> Do you really have to ask?


> Love always,


> Mira


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not "in" the now. You

Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is. Home is where the Heart

Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or

call it what you will. The Radical Truth is Radiance of Awareness. It is both

the path, process, and the goal. It is Finality of Being without any support. It

is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth of the Self needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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Dear Ivan,

I find your

#1 mocery of my plight

#2 and lack of practical advise

to be very hurtful.


IF you have any practical insight into this matter,

please share it with me.









Ivan wrote:



> > Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> > Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> > I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> > What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> > this phenomena?



> Geez.

> Do you really have to ask?


> Love always,


> Mira


> Geovani: LOL...LOL...LOL...Yes, but don't you see...the

> guy...is......is......on......on.......the verge!!! LOL

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Darren my sweet pal ~ how are ya?


Dearest I am wondering how it has manifested? Maybe answer on my other

list or here at your risk :-) This a touchy matter ~ There seems to be

some mental focus here lately ~


I value how you are feeling ~ to me this vulnerability to opening up in

trust is very spiritual & heart opening ~


May you be blest now ~


Maybe your other half is wishing sexual balancing? ya know .. like your

INNER feminine?


Maybe she asks for you to do some inner psyche work listening to her

flow as you?


I dunno .. just chucking some stiff up here !


Love to You brave one,




Darren & Sharmila Grossman wrote:

> Dear Ivan,

> I find your

> #1 mocery of my plight

> #2 and lack of practical advise

> to be very hurtful.

> .

> IF you have any practical insight into this matter,

> please share it with me.

> .

> Thanx,

> Darren

> .

> .

> .



> Ivan wrote:




>> > Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

>> > Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

>> > I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

>> > What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

>> > this phenomena?



>> Geez.

>> Do you really have to ask?


>> Love always,


>> Mira


>> Geovani: LOL...LOL...LOL...Yes, but don't you see...the

>> guy...is......is......on......on.......the verge!!! LOL


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Hi Darren,

>Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

>I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

>What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

>this phenomena?


Kundalini arises from the lowest chakra and comes next through the second

chakra... both of them are related to sex. K. is the vital energy,

libido, sexual energy. There's nothing wrong with feeling sexual with K...

it's normal. :)


Sublimation means expressing the energy through higher centers. For a

person without active K., we could say to put their energy into their

work... or into writing and speaking... or into some creative or artistic

pursuits. But since you're working with active K., you're working with the

physical body now... it means embarking on a regular program of

K.meditation/work to raise the K. to higher centers. Even then, you may

not stop noticing the sexual feelings. But if you're concentrating on

higher centers, you won't notice it as much. :)) A matter of where you put

your attention. :)


There's nothing wrong with feeling K. as sexual. The trick is to keep

working, raise it into higher centers, and get it to persist at ever higher

levels until the higher energy level becomes normal for you. Look for

specific instructions, i.e., how to learn to have orgasm without

ejaculation, and how to direct the energy upward instead of outward.


Many people also discover the inner spouse... your feminine side, which

has been unconscious. Your spiritual guru, your inner guide, may appear as

your feminine side. If you feel like you are experiencing sexual union

during K. meditation/work, you are... the sexual union of your own male and

female within you.


Here's a couple of quotes I found, which may help to assure you that

there's nothing wrong with your sexuality being involved in your spiritual



Previously posted on Harshasatsangh:

>Hence Chaudhuri's words: "The ultimate goal of yoga discipline is true

>transcendental self-realization and peaceful self-sufficiency." -snip-

>Finally, Chaudhuri says: "The psychology of integral yoga derives its

>unique characteristics from the practice of integral yoga in the original

>Aurobindonian sense of the term. A restructuring of the priorities of

>value consciousness is at the heart of this practice. Total

>psychointegration implies not only realization of the mystical or

>transcendental dimension of the Self. It also requires actualization of

>psychic potentials of the individual as a creative unit of the

>evolutionary process. A newly developing technique of integral

>self-realization is the delicate balancing of reason, sexual libido, and

>transpersonal Being-energy (logos, eros, and ontos; brahma, visnu and siva



Posted on K-list:

>From Gopi Krishna at:



>~ re SEX & KUNDALINI (page 2) ~


> "The whole of our body is filled with a very fine biochemical essence


>I call the biological prana. Prana has two aspects, the universal and the

>individual. In the individual aspect it is composed of the subtlest

>elements. I

>should say some radiation from the various elements on a subatomic level. This

>prana is concentrated in the sex-energy. Normally the sex energy is used for

>procreative purposes, but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes



> We are all familiar with the word sublimation, or refinement and

>purification. Most people believe that artistic talent, and genius to a large

>extent, depend on the sublimation of the sex-energy. Even psychologists like

>Freud and Jung ascribe it to libido. Now libido is sex-energy, life-energy in

>other words. So, according to the view of those who believe in

>Kundalini-according to the views of ancient masters-the human reproductive


>functions in two ways, both as the evolutionary and the reproductive


>As the evolutionary mechanism, it sends a fine stream of a very potent

>nerve-energy into the brain and another stream into the sexual region, the


>of reproduction. By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the

>reproductive system and its functioning more as an evolutionary than as a

>reproductive mechanism.




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On 9/30/99 at 10:23 AM Darren & Sharmila Grossman wrote:

>Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

>Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

>I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

>What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

>this phenomena?


>Please write back soon,

>Darren :-)



It is more a matter of interpretation. Sexuality usually means

a block, like identifying with it :) In order to decrease

libido, go on a calorie reduction (CR) diet. Your body will be

grateful as that means longevity, higher fitness and when

sexual desires arise, you will be sure it is just an

indication of a knot or so. Libido and K. are not the same;

the CR diet is highly beneficial to K., simplifying physical

purification, easing the energy to go "upwards" instead of




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Darren & Sharmila Grossman <qapla



Do you really have to ask?


YES I do.

If you have any helpful advise PLEASE share it.





Geovani: Hey, Darren. I wouldn't try any drastic modifications

with sex, unless you know exactly what you are doing. The first

and more important thing, and this is my opinion, is to not create

aditional problems, specialy with sex. If there is the possibility

of choice between more and less, without cousing trouble within,

i would go for the less, but i would forget strong pressures upon

myself regarding this energy. It is very explosive, and should be

treated with joy.....and naturality....

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> >Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> >I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> >What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> >this phenomena?


Hello Darren,


I have difficulty talking from an_other perspective, but anyway :). I

simply wanted to bring a different perspective than the one brought by

Dharma, so you may compare for yourself.


I personally compare fire, sexual desire, life, love, kundalini as the

different sounds of an harmonic on the possible ways of being. And i

reply here for there is no experience of an "higher" vibration mode or a

lower one, in which it is better to be, according to my own experience.

"Better is the enemy of good" would say Voltaire. Yet, still, when on

the roof of a building my body does remember the laws of gravity. My

body remembers all those generations, incarnations, etc..., that say

that gravity is so. Why does it remember those things, why does someone

or something wants to remember those laws, is a nice question to

investigate within. But not essential, in my experience, again. I am

going away from the point i wanted to make, to maybe help you in your

personal reflection. Who knows? You ask for techniques, i can only offer

questions back.


There is a constant one can observe in sexual desire, life or fire. They

"burn" in a direction, they burn or transform an object. The more one

gives wood to a fire the more it burns. I call this in my own language,

exploring the left path of spirituality. One seeks more wood to burn,

until there is no more left to quartel from.


When on this path, and the fire gets to hot for comfort, some will use

the word "ground", saying you have to ground yourself. What is grounding

for a "fire"? It can be to put wood that it not dry, it will slow down

the combustion, poor in water, or not put wood at all, until there is

only the earth and the dirt to burn. And the fire is not hot enough,

like in the sun, to burn this earth. Until the next wave, where more

solid earth will have to be found to ground the fire. This until one

tries to eat up the Universe or quartel itself into what kundalini seems

to "lead" to.


There is also the right path of spirituality, where the fire tries to

forget it is fire, that there is wood, that there is earth, in silence

until what is always there simply Is as it is. The Universe is already

burning in totality.


In the end, each manifestation is a path in totality and unique in it's

expression. And from my experience again, my expression i try to

communicate may only lead you away from the beautiful and unique

expression that you are. Communication is a form of "fire", also, until

one realize that the one listening and the one talking are the same.





Through the coming, going, and the balance of life

The essential nature which illumines existence is the adorable one

May all perceive through subtle intellect

the brilliance of enlightenment.

A translation of the Gayatri Mantra

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Dear Ivan,

I find your

#1 mocery of my plight

#2 and lack of practical advise

to be very hurtful.


IF you have any practical insight into this matter,

please share it with me.






Geovani: I realy think that one should not deal with

this too seriously, Darren. Avoiding to make a problem

about sex dispenditure is awlready a big thing. You

see....it's crasy to avoid sex and think about it. As i said

in the other post....if the choice is without pressure...

easy going....i would go for a little less then more....

but if the situation, the period of life, stress, are demanding

more sex....try some more for a whille....just don't create

aditional problems at it. IMHO.

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Hi Antoine,

>I have difficulty talking from an_other perspective, but anyway :). I

>simply wanted to bring a different perspective than the one brought by

>Dharma, so you may compare for yourself.



>There is a constant one can observe in sexual desire, life or fire. They

>"burn" in a direction, they burn or transform an object. The more one

>gives wood to a fire the more it burns.


Yes, the more time one spends in K. meditation/work, the more K. there is.

>I call this in my own language,

>exploring the left path of spirituality.


Why do you call that the left-hand path? Is all of Vajrayana the left-hand


>One seeks more wood to burn,

>until there is no more left to quartel from.


What wood? In my experience, K. arises spontaneously and it is

autonomous... I simply let it go where it will, and keep clearing any

obstructions or blocks in its path.

>When on this path, and the fire gets to hot for comfort,


If you are being literal, some people say they have a problem with physical

heat, but I do not. I have sometimes had the problem of having more energy

than I was accustomed to, and then I get used to it... and in the meantime

let the excess go out of crown chakra and return to its source.

>There is also the right path of spirituality, where the fire tries to

>forget it is fire,


The K. tries to forget it is K? Or the sadhaka tries not to notice the K.?

Why is that spiritual?





P.S. I'm really trying not to post! :)))) Gotta get to work...

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Darren & Sharmila Grossman [qapla]

Thursday, September 30, 1999 7:10 PM

Re: Intense Sexual Desire



Dear Ivan,

I find your

#1 mocery of my plight

#2 and lack of practical advise

to be very hurtful.


IF you have any practical insight into this matter,

please share it with me.





Dear Darren,

You are respected and loved. People only express it differently. The link

at the end has some of my internet writings and a link to a paper on

Kundalini Shakti and Tantra. It might be helpful to you or give some



Jan's advice on diet is quite good and consistent with the advice of yogis.

Fruitarianism can be quite healthy especially in tropical climates but it is

not for everyone. Aleks (please speak up!) combines a fruitarian diet with

various protein drinks and enjoys the good life. Most people working full

time or if they engage in demanding physical exercise will not find the low

calorie diet to be suitable. In general Darren, when spiritual discipline is

forced, the results are temporary in nature. This does not mean that you

should not practice discipline. You will do what you will do because it is

your nature to do it. In all the doing, keep in your mind and heart that

what you are looking for is the knowledge and understanding of Self. Self is

Being. It does not contradict doing. So follow your heart's desire and

practice meditation, prayer, restraint of various senses, etc. Dan,

Colette, and Rainbolilly have made excellent points. Let me thank Antoine,

Dharma, Janpa, Xena, Gene, Nora, Zenbob, Gloria, Mira, Ivan, Greg, Tony,

Tim, Jerry, Nasir, TCeffer, TG, Patrick, and Bruce for contributing their

insights. I want to especially thank Bruce for taking care of the person who

wished to . Unsubscribing is pretty easy on onelist. But if

someone is having trouble, one of our brilliant moderators can certainly do

it. I have been overwhelmed with mail and things to do recently. A private

e-mail to me should be to this address and should have private in the

subject line. Otherwise, it can easily get lost in the shuffle.


Love you all



Here is the link Darrne





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Hello Dharma,

> >One seeks more wood to burn,

> >until there is no more left to quartel (quarter: eccarteler) from.


> What wood? In my experience, K. arises spontaneously and it is

> autonomous... I simply let it go where it will, and keep clearing any

> obstructions or blocks in its path.


What if there where no obstructions? Obstructions or blocks seems like

wood to a me i would define as fire in relation to the the wood. Like in

a fractal, fire may find obstructions to burn for infinity. A way of


> >When on this path, and the fire gets to hot for comfort,


> If you are being literal, some people say they have a problem with physical

> heat, but I do not. I have sometimes had the problem of having more energy

> than I was accustomed to, and then I get used to it... and in the meantime

> let the excess go out of crown chakra and return to its source.


If there is excess on some occasions there must be less on others. If i

put water in a sealed recipient and boil it, of course pressure will

build in and vapor want to come out of it. But those, in this process,

energy return to its source or is it not simply the object that manifest

it transformed into form? Does energy move? change? etc...

> >There is also the right path of spirituality, where the fire tries to

> >forget it is fire,


> The K. tries to forget it is K? Or the sadhaka tries not to notice the K.?

> Why is that spiritual?


Why not? Why should something not be spiritual? Are you looking for more

wood, in finding something more spiritual than others, so your fire may

have the illusion of burning of a clearer flame?

> Love,

> Dharma


> P.S. I'm really trying not to post! :)))) Gotta get to work...


Are you applying the right or left path approach in resolving this

desire to post? If desire there is left.



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Thanx Dharma,

darren :-)





Dharma wrote:

> Dharma <fisher1


> Hi Darren,


> >Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> >I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> >What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> >this phenomena?


> Kundalini arises from the lowest chakra and comes next through the second

> chakra... both of them are related to sex. K. is the vital energy,

> libido, sexual energy. There's nothing wrong with feeling sexual with K...

> it's normal. :)


> Sublimation means expressing the energy through higher centers. For a

> person without active K., we could say to put their energy into their

> work... or into writing and speaking... or into some creative or artistic

> pursuits. But since you're working with active K., you're working with the

> physical body now... it means embarking on a regular program of

> K.meditation/work to raise the K. to higher centers. Even then, you may

> not stop noticing the sexual feelings. But if you're concentrating on

> higher centers, you won't notice it as much. :)) A matter of where you put

> your attention. :)


> There's nothing wrong with feeling K. as sexual. The trick is to keep

> working, raise it into higher centers, and get it to persist at ever higher

> levels until the higher energy level becomes normal for you. Look for

> specific instructions, i.e., how to learn to have orgasm without

> ejaculation, and how to direct the energy upward instead of outward.


> Many people also discover the inner spouse... your feminine side, which

> has been unconscious. Your spiritual guru, your inner guide, may appear as

> your feminine side. If you feel like you are experiencing sexual union

> during K. meditation/work, you are... the sexual union of your own male and

> female within you.


> Here's a couple of quotes I found, which may help to assure you that

> there's nothing wrong with your sexuality being involved in your spiritual

> development.


> Previously posted on Harshasatsangh:

> >Hence Chaudhuri's words: "The ultimate goal of yoga discipline is true

> >transcendental self-realization and peaceful self-sufficiency." -snip-


> >Finally, Chaudhuri says: "The psychology of integral yoga derives its

> >unique characteristics from the practice of integral yoga in the original

> >Aurobindonian sense of the term. A restructuring of the priorities of

> >value consciousness is at the heart of this practice. Total

> >psychointegration implies not only realization of the mystical or

> >transcendental dimension of the Self. It also requires actualization of

> >psychic potentials of the individual as a creative unit of the

> >evolutionary process. A newly developing technique of integral

> >self-realization is the delicate balancing of reason, sexual libido, and

> >transpersonal Being-energy (logos, eros, and ontos; brahma, visnu and siva

> >sakti)."


> Posted on K-list:

> >From Gopi Krishna at:

> >http://www.renature.com/KRF/articles_reviews/interviews/gopi_krishna1a.html

> >

> >~ re SEX & KUNDALINI (page 2) ~

> >

> > "The whole of our body is filled with a very fine biochemical essence

> >which

> >I call the biological prana. Prana has two aspects, the universal and the

> >individual. In the individual aspect it is composed of the subtlest

> >elements. I

> >should say some radiation from the various elements on a subatomic level.


> >prana is concentrated in the sex-energy. Normally the sex energy is used for

> >procreative purposes, but nature has designed it for evolutionary purposes

> >also.

> >

> > We are all familiar with the word sublimation, or refinement and

> >purification. Most people believe that artistic talent, and genius to a large

> >extent, depend on the sublimation of the sex-energy. Even psychologists like

> >Freud and Jung ascribe it to libido. Now libido is sex-energy, life-energy in

> >other words. So, according to the view of those who believe in

> >Kundalini-according to the views of ancient masters-the human reproductive

> >system

> >functions in two ways, both as the evolutionary and the reproductive

> >mechanism.

> >As the evolutionary mechanism, it sends a fine stream of a very potent

> >nerve-energy into the brain and another stream into the sexual region, the

> >cause

> >of reproduction. By the arousal of Kundalini we mean the reversal of the

> >reproductive system and its functioning more as an evolutionary than as a

> >reproductive mechanism.


> Love,

> Dharma


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not "in" the now. You

Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is. Home is where the Heart

Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or

call it what you will. The Radical Truth is Radiance of Awareness. It is both

the path, process, and the goal. It is Finality of Being without any support. It

is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth of the Self needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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