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Geovani and others/Intense Sexual Desire

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In a message dated 10/1/99 8:21:46 AM Central Daylight Time,

berkowd writes:


<< Giovanni - you've hit on an important point - the way that the attempt to

control sexual energy creates dilemmas for the controller. Sexual energy

is the energy of life. Who is the controller who intends to "exist" apart

from life energy, controlling the energy to reach certain "goals"? >>


Yes! But in the case of unexpected kundalini (or to use another word -

spiritual) energy - no one is trying to 'control' anything. The energy can

suddenly appear without warning. The surprised practitioner is

(metaphorically speaking) - sitting in the dust after being hit by a freight

train - wondering 'what happened?'


The energy can be unexpected, very strong - and therefore - very overwhelming

and threatening to many people. Most people have obstacles at the first and

second chakras. Basic Security and Sexuality. And if an individual has ever

suffered physical and/or sexual abuse - there will be (usually) resistance on

the part of the individual - to 'bringing all that up again' for examination.

Of course - clearing is the effect of the re-examination. But when a person

is being literally overwhelmed by sudden and unexplained sexual feelings -

logic is not in full force:) Anyway - if a person has been abused (and even

if not) - a common response in our culture is to repress sexual feelings. So

to experience a torrent of sexual feelings - without warning and without

context - can be terrifying.


The tradition I study - Tibetan Buddhism - has many ways to work with this

sort of obstacle. An obstacle with the second chakra is so common to so many

people - that a set 'course study' has developed over the last 1000 years of

so in Tibet.


One of the first studies - is tummo - Inner Heat. A way to transform sexual

energy - into spiritual energy and bliss. The tummo visualization aids in

clearing the obstacles. The goal of tummo - is 'effortless' transformation of

the energy - as you suggest. If a person could realize all of these things

spontaneously by themselves - then a spiritual practice would not be

necessary! <g>


For any book readers out there - an excellent book is ""The Bliss of Inner

Fire : Heart Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa" by Lama Thubten Yeshe

(available at amazon.com).



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> Geovani: I realy think that one should not deal with this too

>seriously, Darren. Avoiding to make a problem about sex dispenditure is

>awlready a big thing. You see....it's crasy to avoid sex and think about

>it. As i said in the other post....if the choice is without pressure...

>but if the situation, the period of life, stress, are demanding more

>sex....try some more for a whille....just don't create IMHO.



Rather than "dealing with it seriously," why not simply pause and "take a

serious look at the whole situation" here?


Giovanni - you've hit on an important point - the way that the attempt to

control sexual energy creates dilemmas for the controller. Sexual energy

is the energy of life. Who is the controller

who intends to "exist" apart from life energy, controlling

the energy to reach certain "goals"? Certainly, this controlling

"entity" affirms his or her existence by the very "effort" to

establish control of sexual energy. Related to this is the

associated fear of chaos or loss of energy if there is a sexual

release. If one *is* "the total situation" no energy is lost regardless

of whether or not there is sexual release, then there is no anxiety

about "material existence" or "loss of energy." The intent to

seek "higher states of awareness" is itself perpetuation of the

illusory entity who thinks he or she will affirm something (i.e.

affirm self or non-self) by "reaching" a "higher state" of awareness.

If the "entity" is "seen through" then sexual energy may be directed,

sublimated, released, or enjoyed - all is One energy regardless --

--- Rest in Love

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"Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd


> Geovani: I realy think that one should not deal with this too

>seriously, Darren. Avoiding to make a problem about sex dispenditure is

>awlready a big thing. You see....it's crasy to avoid sex and think about

>it. As i said in the other post....if the choice is without pressure...

>but if the situation, the period of life, stress, are demanding more

>sex....try some more for a whille....just don't create IMHO.



Rather than "dealing with it seriously," why not simply pause and "take a

serious look at the whole situation" here?


Giovanni - you've hit on an important point - the way that the attempt to

control sexual energy creates dilemmas for the controller. Sexual energy

is the energy of life. Who is the controller

who intends to "exist" apart from life energy, controlling

the energy to reach certain "goals"? Certainly, this controlling

"entity" affirms his or her existence by the very "effort" to

establish control of sexual energy. Related to this is the

associated fear of chaos or loss of energy if there is a sexual



Geovani: Yes, it is not a very good approuch this thing of controling

it. Sexual energy is indeed very powerfull, and it ends up interfearing

in the whole thing. I think that an eventual "valuation" of this energy

will come naturaly....and then...without harmfull side-effects.


If one *is* "the total situation" no energy is lost regardless

of whether or not there is sexual release, then there is no anxiety

about "material existence" or "loss of energy." The intent to

seek "higher states of awareness" is itself perpetuation of the

illusory entity who thinks he or she will affirm something (i.e.

affirm self or non-self) by "reaching" a "higher state" of awareness.

If the "entity" is "seen through" then sexual energy may be directed,

sublimated, released, or enjoyed - all is One energy regardless --


Geovani: Yes....dificult to express it better then you did. And we are

not denying here...the possibility of looking, understanding and

eventualy dealing with energy in a more equilibrated manner.

But certainly it is more importatnt to understand the "controler"


--- Rest in Love

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